#video-and-text-content-block.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'video_and_text_content_block') %p A content block that provides layout for a video and accompanying text. - %w(left right).each do |video_alignment| %p should display the video on the #{video_alignment}: .style-guide__example-block .video-and-text-content-block .video-and-text-content-block__video-container{ class: "video-and-text-content-block__video-container--#{video_alignment}" } %iframe{ width: 560, height: 315, frameborder: 0, allowfullscreen: true, src: ('https://www.youtube.com/embed/A21I70ggSQw' unless Rails.env.test?)} .video-and-text-content-block__text Geodesic tower knife military-grade katana sensory courier fetishism singularity rifle pistol ablative warehouse media table woman. Industrial grade sub-orbital garage franchise futurity hacker corrupted office city military-grade tank-traps-space. Boat assault savant knife kanji convenience store decay. Savant drugs hacker industrial grade digital bicycle ablative dissident monofilament Legba. - %w(left right center justify).each do |text_alignment| %p should support text align #{text_alignment} when the video is aligned #{video_alignment}: .style-guide__example-block .video-and-text-content-block .video-and-text-content-block__video-container{ class: "video-and-text-content-block__video-container--#{video_alignment}" } %iframe{ width: 560, height: 315, frameborder: 0, allowfullscreen: true, src: ('https://www.youtube.com/embed/A21I70ggSQw' unless Rails.env.test?)} .video-and-text-content-block__text{ style: "text-align: #{text_alignment}" } Geodesic tower knife military-grade katana sensory courier fetishism singularity rifle pistol ablative warehouse media table woman. Industrial grade sub-orbital garage franchise futurity hacker corrupted office city military-grade tank-traps-space. Boat assault savant knife kanji convenience store decay. Savant drugs hacker industrial grade digital bicycle ablative dissident monofilament Legba.