module Jets module SpecHelpers class Request attr_accessor :method, :path, :headers, :params def initialize(method, path, headers={}, params={}) @method, @path, @headers, @params = method, path, headers, params end def event json = {} id_params = path.scan(%r{:([^/]+)}).flatten expanded_path = path.dup path_parameters = {} id_params.each do |id_param| raise "missing param: :#{id_param}" unless params.path_params.include? id_param.to_sym path_param_value = params.path_params[id_param.to_sym] raise "Path param :#{id_param} value cannot be blank" if path_param_value.blank? expanded_path.gsub!(":#{id_param}", path_param_value.to_s) path_parameters.deep_merge!(id_param => path_param_value.to_s) end json['resource'] = path json['path'] = expanded_path json['httpMethod'] = method.to_s.upcase json['pathParameters'] = path_parameters json['headers'] = (headers || {}).stringify_keys if method != :get json['headers']['Content-Type'] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{multipart_boundary}" body = +'' params.body_params.to_a.each do |e| key, value = e body << multipart_item(name: key, value: value) end body << multipart_end json['body'] = Base64.encode64 body json['isBase64Encoded'] = true end params.query_params.to_a.each do |e| key, value = e json['queryStringParameters'] ||= {} json['queryStringParameters'][key.to_s] = value.to_s end json end def multipart_boundary @boundary ||= '-' * 16 + SecureRandom.hex(32) end def multipart_item(name:, value:) if value.is_a? File multipart_file(name: name, filename: File.basename(value.path), data: else multipart_text(name: name, text: value) end end def multipart_text(name:, text:) "--#{multipart_boundary}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{name}\"\r\n"\ "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n#{text}\r\n" end def multipart_file(name:, filename:, data:) "--#{multipart_boundary}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{name}\"; "\ "filename=\"#{filename}\"\r\n\r\n#{data}\r\n" end def multipart_end "--#{multipart_boundary}--" end def find_route! path = self.path path = path[0..-2] if path.end_with? '/' path = path[1..-1] if path.start_with? '/' route = Jets::Router.routes.find { |r| r.path == path && r.method == method.to_s.upcase } raise "Route not found: #{method.to_s.upcase} #{path}" if route.blank? route end def dispatch! route = find_route! controller = Object.const_get(route.controller_name).new(event, {}, route.action_name) response = controller.dispatch! if !response.is_a?(Array) || response.size != 3 raise "Expected response to be an array of size 3. Are you rendering correctly?" end[0].to_i, response[2].read) end end end end