module PushType class TagListField < PushType::FieldType options json_primitive: :array, template: 'select', html_options: { placeholder: 'Tags...' } def choices json_value || [] end def multiple? true end def field_options {} end def html_options super.merge(multiple: multiple?) end on_class do |klass, field_name, field_class| klass.class_eval do # Break unless we are working on an ActiveRecord klass break unless respond_to?(:scope) # Dynamically define standard scope .with_all_`field_name` # Returns ActiveRecord::Relation # scope "with_all_#{ field_name }".to_sym, ->(*args) { raise ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments' unless args.present? tags = args[0].is_a?(Array) ? args[0] : args where(["field_store->'tags' ?& ARRAY[:tags]", { tags: tags }]) } # Dynamically define class method .with_any_`field_name` # Returns Array # define_singleton_method "with_any_#{ field_name }".to_sym do |*args, &block| raise ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments' unless args.present? tags = args[0].is_a?(Array) ? args[0] : args composed_scope = ( block.respond_to?(:call) ? : all ).where(["field_store->'#{ field_name }' ?| ARRAY[:tags]", { tags: tags }]) t ='t') ct ='ct') arr_sql = Arel.sql "ARRAY[#{ { |t| }.join(', ') }]" any_tags_func ='ANY', [arr_sql]) lateral = ct .project(Arel.sql('e').count(true).as('ct')) .from(Arel.sql "jsonb_array_elements_text(t.field_store->'#{ field_name }') e") .where( Arel.sql('e'), any_tags_func) query = t .project(t[]) .from('t')) .join(Arel.sql ", LATERAL (#{ lateral.to_sql }) ct") .order(ct[:ct].desc) find_by_sql query.to_sql end # Dynamically define class method .all_`field_name` # Returns Array # define_singleton_method "all_#{ field_name }".to_sym do |*args, &block| composed_scope = block.respond_to?(:call) ? : all composed_scope.projections = [] query = composed_scope .project(Arel.sql "jsonb_array_elements_text(field_store->'#{ field_name }') t") .distinct .order(Arel.sql 't') connection.select_all(query.to_sql).rows.flatten end end end end end