module GoAcoustic class Client module Reporting # GetSentMailingsForOrg - This interface extracts a listing of mailings sent for an organization for a specified date range. # # @param date_start [String] Starting Date in the format “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss” # @param date_end [String] Required Ending Date in the format “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss” # @param options [Hash] Optional parameters to send # @return [Mash] Mashify body from the API call # @example Get sent mailing for organization for 1/1/2014 to 1/2/2014 # s ={access_token: "abc123", url: ""}) # s.get_sent_mailings_for_org("1/1/2014", "1/2/2014) def get_sent_mailings_for_org(date_start, date_end, options={}) builder = xml = builder.Envelope { builder.Body { builder.GetSentMailingsForOrg { unless options.empty? options.each do |o| builder.tag! o[0], o[1] end end builder.DATE_START date_start builder.DATE_END date_end } } } post(xml) end # RawRecipientDataExport - Allows exporting unique contact-level events and creates a .zip file containing a single flat file with all metrics # # @param query_params [Hash] The list of fields to run the query against MAILING_ID, REPORT_ID, etc. # @param options [Hash] The various options on how to export the data EXPORT_FORMAT, FILE_ENCODING, etc. # @param columns [Array] Optional list of columns to limit the flat file. # @return [Mash] Mashify body from the API call # @example Export raw data events for mailing id # s ={access_token: "abc123", url: ""}) # s.raw_recipient_data_export({MAILING_ID: 1234},{MOVE_TO_FTP: nil}) def raw_recipient_data_export(query_params={}, options={}, columns=[]) builder = xml = builder.Envelope { builder.Body { builder.RawRecipientDataExport { unless query_params.empty? query_params.each do |q| if q[0] == :MAILING_ID || q[0] == :REPORT_ID builder.MAILING { builder.tag! q[0], q[1] } else builder.tag! q[0], q[1] end end end unless options.empty? options.each do |opt| builder.tag! opt[0], opt[1] end end unless columns.empty? builder.COLUMNS { columns.each do |column| builder.COLUMN { builder.NAME column } end } end } } } post(xml) end # GetJobStatus - After initiating a data job, you can monitor the status of the job using this operation. # # @param job_id [Integer] The Job ID of the data job # @return [Mash] Mashify body from the API call # @example Get Job Status for JOB_ID 1234 # s ={access_token: "abc123", url: ""}) # s.get_job_status(1234) def get_job_status(job_id) builder = xml = builder.Envelope { builder.Body { builder.GetJobStatus { builder.JOB_ID job_id } } } post(xml) end end end end