# # Author:: Igor Afonov # Copyright:: Copyright 2011-2016, Igor Afonov # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe Chef::Provider::Service::Macosx do describe ".gather_plist_dirs" do context "when HOME directory is set" do before do allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:home).with("Library", "LaunchAgents").and_yield("/Users/someuser/Library/LaunchAgents") end it "includes users's LaunchAgents folder" do expect(described_class.gather_plist_dirs).to include("/Users/someuser/Library/LaunchAgents") end end context "when HOME directory is not set" do before do allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:home).with("Library", "LaunchAgents").and_return(nil) end it "doesn't include user's LaunchAgents folder" do expect(described_class.gather_plist_dirs).not_to include("~/Library/LaunchAgents") end end end context "when service name is given as" do let(:node) { Chef::Node.new } let(:events) { Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new } let(:run_context) { Chef::RunContext.new(node, {}, events) } let(:provider) { described_class.new(new_resource, run_context) } let(:launchctl_stdout) { StringIO.new } let(:plutil_stdout) { String.new <<-XML } Label io.redis.redis-server XML %w{Daemon Agent}.each do |service_type| ["redis-server", "io.redis.redis-server"].each do |service_name| ["10.9", "10.10", "10.11"].each do |platform_version| let(:plist) { "/Library/LaunchDaemons/io.redis.redis-server.plist" } let(:session) { StringIO.new } if service_type == "Agent" let(:plist) { "/Library/LaunchAgents/io.redis.redis-server.plist" } let(:session) { "-S Aqua " } let(:su_cmd) { "su -l igor -c" } if platform_version == "10.9" let(:su_cmd) { "su igor -c" } end end let(:service_label) { "io.redis.redis-server" } before do allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return([plist], []) allow(Etc).to receive(:getlogin).and_return("igor") allow(node).to receive(:[]).with("platform_version").and_return(platform_version) cmd = "launchctl list #{service_label}" allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale). with(/(#{su_cmd} '#{cmd}'|#{cmd})/). and_return(double("Status", :stdout => launchctl_stdout, :exitstatus => 0)) allow(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return([true], []) allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!). with(/plutil -convert xml1 -o/). and_return(double("Status", :stdout => plutil_stdout)) end context "#{service_name} that is a #{service_type} running Osx #{platform_version}" do let(:new_resource) { Chef::Resource::MacosxService.new(service_name) } let!(:current_resource) { Chef::Resource::MacosxService.new(service_name) } describe "#load_current_resource" do # CHEF-5223 "you can't glob for a file that hasn't been converged # onto the node yet." context "when the plist doesn't exist" do def run_resource_setup_for_action(action) new_resource.action(action) provider.action = action provider.load_current_resource provider.define_resource_requirements provider.process_resource_requirements end before do allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return([]) allow(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return([true], []) allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with(/plutil -convert xml1 -o/). and_raise(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end it "works for action :nothing" do expect { run_resource_setup_for_action(:nothing) }.not_to raise_error end it "works for action :start" do expect { run_resource_setup_for_action(:start) }.not_to raise_error end it "errors if action is :enable" do expect { run_resource_setup_for_action(:enable) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service) end it "errors if action is :disable" do expect { run_resource_setup_for_action(:disable) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service) end end context "when launchctl returns pid in service list" do let(:launchctl_stdout) { StringIO.new <<-SVC_LIST } { "LimitLoadToSessionType" = "System"; "Label" = "io.redis.redis-server"; "TimeOut" = 30; "OnDemand" = false; "LastExitStatus" = 0; "PID" = 62803; "Program" = "do_some.sh"; "ProgramArguments" = ( "path/to/do_something.sh"; "-f"; ); }; SVC_LIST before do provider.load_current_resource end it "sets resource running state to true" do expect(provider.current_resource.running).to be_truthy end it "sets resouce enabled state to true" do expect(provider.current_resource.enabled).to be_truthy end end describe "running unsupported actions" do before do allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(["#{plist}"], []) allow(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return([true], []) end it "should throw an exception when reload action is attempted" do expect { provider.run_action(:reload) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::UnsupportedAction) end end context "when launchctl returns empty service pid" do let(:launchctl_stdout) { StringIO.new <<-SVC_LIST } { "LimitLoadToSessionType" = "System"; "Label" = "io.redis.redis-server"; "TimeOut" = 30; "OnDemand" = false; "LastExitStatus" = 0; "Program" = "do_some.sh"; "ProgramArguments" = ( "path/to/do_something.sh"; "-f"; ); }; SVC_LIST before do provider.load_current_resource end it "sets resource running state to false" do expect(provider.current_resource.running).to be_falsey end it "sets resouce enabled state to true" do expect(provider.current_resource.enabled).to be_truthy end end context "when launchctl doesn't return service entry at all" do let(:launchctl_stdout) { StringIO.new <<-SVC_LIST } Could not find service "io.redis.redis-server" in domain for system SVC_LIST it "sets service running state to false" do provider.load_current_resource expect(provider.current_resource.running).to be_falsey end context "and plist for service is not available" do before do allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return([]) provider.load_current_resource end it "sets resouce enabled state to false" do expect(provider.current_resource.enabled).to be_falsey end end context "and plist for service is available" do before do allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(["#{plist}"], []) provider.load_current_resource end it "sets resouce enabled state to true" do expect(provider.current_resource.enabled).to be_truthy end end describe "and several plists match service name" do it "throws exception" do allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_return(["#{plist}", "/Users/wtf/something.plist"]) provider.load_current_resource provider.define_resource_requirements expect { provider.process_resource_requirements }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service) end end end end describe "#start_service" do before do allow(Chef::Resource::MacosxService).to receive(:new).and_return(current_resource) provider.load_current_resource allow(current_resource).to receive(:running).and_return(false) end it "calls the start command if one is specified and service is not running" do allow(new_resource).to receive(:start_command).and_return("cowsay dirty") expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!).with("cowsay dirty") provider.start_service end it "shows warning message if service is already running" do allow(current_resource).to receive(:running).and_return(true) expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:debug).with("macosx_service[#{service_name}] already running, not starting") provider.start_service end it "starts service via launchctl if service found" do cmd = "launchctl load -w " + session + plist expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale). with(/(#{su_cmd} .#{cmd}.|#{cmd})/). and_return(0) provider.start_service end end describe "#stop_service" do before do allow(Chef::Resource::MacosxService).to receive(:new).and_return(current_resource) provider.load_current_resource allow(current_resource).to receive(:running).and_return(true) end it "calls the stop command if one is specified and service is running" do allow(new_resource).to receive(:stop_command).and_return("kill -9 123") expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!).with("kill -9 123") provider.stop_service end it "shows warning message if service is not running" do allow(current_resource).to receive(:running).and_return(false) expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:debug).with("macosx_service[#{service_name}] not running, not stopping") provider.stop_service end it "stops the service via launchctl if service found" do cmd = "launchctl unload -w " + plist expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale). with(/(#{su_cmd} .#{cmd}.|#{cmd})/). and_return(0) provider.stop_service end end describe "#restart_service" do before do allow(Chef::Resource::Service).to receive(:new).and_return(current_resource) provider.load_current_resource allow(current_resource).to receive(:running).and_return(true) allow(provider).to receive(:sleep) end it "issues a command if given" do allow(new_resource).to receive(:restart_command).and_return("reload that thing") expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!).with("reload that thing") provider.restart_service end it "stops and then starts service" do expect(provider).to receive(:unload_service) expect(provider).to receive(:load_service) provider.restart_service end end end end end end end end