# frozen_string_literal: true module Vedeu # This class ensures that STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR point to the # correct places. It also handles the initial configuration of the # application, the starting of the application, the handling of # uncaught exceptions and finally the exiting of the application # with the correct exit code. # class Launcher # @!attribute [r] exit_code # @return [Fixnum] Return value indicating successful execution # (0) or an error occurred (1). attr_reader :exit_code # :nocov: # @param (see #initialize) def self.execute!(argv = [], stdin = STDIN, stdout = STDOUT, stderr = STDERR, kernel = Kernel) new(argv, stdin, stdout, stderr, kernel).execute! end # :nocov: # Returns a new instance of Vedeu::Launcher. # # @param argv [Array] # @param stdin [IO] # @param stdout [IO] # @param stderr [IO] # @param kernel [Kernel] # @return [Vedeu::Launcher] def initialize(argv = [], stdin = STDIN, stdout = STDOUT, stderr = STDERR, kernel = Kernel) @argv = argv @stdin = stdin @stdout = stdout @stderr = stderr @kernel = kernel @exit_code = 1 end # Alters the STD[IN|OUT|ERR] to those requested by the client # application, then starts the application. If an uncaught # exception occurs during the application runtime, we exit # ungracefully with any error message(s). # # If profiling is enabled, execute the application within the # profiling context. At the moment, this simple uses 'ruby-prof' # to profile the running application. # # @return [void] def execute! $stdin = @stdin $stdout = @stdout $stderr = @stderr optionally_profile { Vedeu::Runtime::Application.start } @exit_code = 0 terminate! rescue StandardError => uncaught_exception message = uncaught_exception.message + "\n" trace = uncaught_exception.backtrace.join("\n") output = if Vedeu.config.debug? message + Vedeu.esc.screen_colour_reset + trace else message end Vedeu.log_stderr(message: output) end protected # @!attribute [r] argv # @return [Array<String>] The command line arguments provided. attr_reader :argv private # @param block [Proc] # @return [void] def optionally_profile(&block) if Vedeu.config.profile? Vedeu.profile { yield } else yield end end # :nocov: # Terminates the application after resetting $stdin, $stdout and # $stderr. # # @return [void] def terminate! Vedeu.log(message: "Exiting gracefully.\n") $stdin = STDIN $stdout = STDOUT $stderr = STDERR # Commenting out this line means Vedeu can be run as a module within an # application. Specifically, this allows me to run some very basic # integration tests. # # @kernel.exit(exit_code) end # :nocov: end # Launcher end # Vedeu