id: name: GitOps.PullRequestIssueManagement description: GitOps.PullRequestIssueManagement primitive owner: resource: repository disabled: false where: configuration: resourceManagementConfiguration: scheduledSearches: - description: frequencies: - hourly: hour: 6 filters: - isIssue - isOpen - hasLabel: label: 'Needs: Author Feedback' - hasLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' - noActivitySince: days: 3 actions: - closeIssue - description: frequencies: - hourly: hour: 6 filters: - isIssue - isOpen - hasLabel: label: 'Needs: Author Feedback' - noActivitySince: days: 4 - isNotLabeledWith: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' actions: - addLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' - addReply: reply: This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has been marked as requiring author feedback but has not had any activity for **4 days**. It will be closed if no further activity occurs **within 3 days of this comment**. - description: frequencies: - hourly: hour: 6 filters: - isIssue - isOpen - hasLabel: label: 'Resolution: Duplicate' - noActivitySince: days: 1 actions: - addReply: reply: This issue has been marked as duplicate and has not had any activity for **1 day**. It will be closed for housekeeping purposes. - closeIssue eventResponderTasks: - if: - payloadType: Issue_Comment - isAction: action: Created - isActivitySender: issueAuthor: True - hasLabel: label: 'Needs: Author Feedback' - isOpen then: - addLabel: label: 'Needs: Attention :wave:' - removeLabel: label: 'Needs: Author Feedback' description: - if: - payloadType: Issues - not: isAction: action: Closed - hasLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' then: - removeLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' description: - if: - payloadType: Issue_Comment - hasLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' then: - removeLabel: label: 'Status: No Recent Activity' description: - if: - payloadType: Pull_Request then: - inPrLabel: label: WIP description: onFailure: onSuccess: