{ "title":"CSS touch-action property", "description":"touch-action is a CSS property that controls filtering of gesture events, providing developers with a declarative mechanism to selectively disable touch scrolling (in one or both axes), pinch-zooming or double-tap-zooming.", "spec":"http://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents/#the-touch-action-css-property", "status":"rec", "links":[ { "url":"http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/properties/touch-action", "title":"WebPlatform Docs" }, { "url":"http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh767313.aspx", "title":"MSDN Docs" }, { "url":"http://updates.html5rocks.com/2013/12/300ms-tap-delay-gone-away", "title":"300ms tap delay, gone away" }, { "url":"http://blogs.telerik.com/appbuilder/posts/13-11-21/what-exactly-is.....-the-300ms-click-delay", "title":"What Exactly Is..... The 300ms Click Delay" }, { "url":"http://thx.github.io/mobile/300ms-click-delay/", "title":"What Exactly Is..... The 300ms Click Delay(Chinese)" } ], "bugs":[ ], "categories":[ "CSS" ], "stats":{ "ie":{ "5.5":"n", "6":"n", "7":"n", "8":"n", "9":"n", "10":"y x #2", "11":"y" }, "edge":{ "12":"y", "13":"y" }, "firefox":{ "2":"n", "3":"n", "3.5":"n", "3.6":"n", "4":"n", "5":"n", "6":"n", "7":"n", "8":"n", "9":"n", "10":"n", "11":"n", "12":"n", "13":"n", "14":"n", "15":"n", "16":"n", "17":"n", "18":"n", "19":"n", "20":"n", "21":"n", "22":"n", "23":"n", "24":"n", "25":"n", "26":"n", "27":"n", "28":"n", "29":"n d #1", "30":"n d #1", "31":"n d #1", "32":"n d #1", "33":"n d #1", "34":"n d #1", "35":"n d #1", "36":"n d #1", "37":"n d #1", "38":"n d #1", "39":"n d #1", "40":"n d #1", "41":"n d #1", "42":"n d #1", "43":"n d #1", "44":"n d #1" }, "chrome":{ "4":"n", "5":"n", "6":"n", "7":"n", "8":"n", "9":"n", "10":"n", "11":"n", "12":"n", "13":"n", "14":"n", "15":"n", "16":"n", "17":"n", "18":"n", "19":"n", "20":"n", "21":"n", "22":"n", "23":"n", "24":"n", "25":"n", "26":"n", "27":"n", "28":"n", "29":"n", "30":"n", "31":"n", "32":"n", "33":"n", "34":"n", "35":"n", "36":"y", "37":"y", "38":"y", "39":"y", "40":"y", "41":"y", "42":"y", "43":"y", "44":"y", "45":"y", "46":"y", "47":"y", "48":"y" }, "safari":{ "3.1":"n", "3.2":"n", "4":"n", "5":"n", "5.1":"n", "6":"n", "6.1":"n", "7":"n", "7.1":"n", "8":"n", "9":"n" }, "opera":{ "9":"n", "9.5-9.6":"n", "10.0-10.1":"n", "10.5":"n", "10.6":"n", "11":"n", "11.1":"n", "11.5":"n", "11.6":"n", "12":"n", "12.1":"n", "15":"n", "16":"n", "17":"n", "18":"n", "19":"n", "20":"n", "21":"n", "22":"n", "23":"y", "24":"y", "25":"y", "26":"y", "27":"y", "28":"y", "29":"y", "30":"y", "31":"y", "32":"y", "33":"y", "34":"y" }, "ios_saf":{ "3.2":"n", "4.0-4.1":"n", "4.2-4.3":"n", "5.0-5.1":"n", "6.0-6.1":"n", "7.0-7.1":"n", "8":"n", "8.1-8.4":"n", "9":"n" }, "op_mini":{ "5.0-8.0":"n" }, "android":{ "2.1":"n", "2.2":"n", "2.3":"n", "3":"n", "4":"n", "4.1":"n", "4.2-4.3":"n", "4.4":"n", "4.4.3-4.4.4":"n", "44":"y" }, "bb":{ "7":"n", "10":"n" }, "op_mob":{ "10":"n", "11":"n", "11.1":"n", "11.5":"n", "12":"n", "12.1":"n", "30":"y" }, "and_chr":{ "45":"y" }, "and_ff":{ "41":"n" }, "ie_mob":{ "10":"y x #2", "11":"y" }, "and_uc":{ "9.9":"n" } }, "notes":"", "notes_by_num":{ "1":"Supported in Firefox behind the `layout.css.touch_action.enabled` flag, Firefox for Windows 8 Touch ('Metro') enabled by default.", "2":"IE10+ has already supported these property which are not in standard at present such as'pinch-zoom','double-tap-zoom','cross-slide-x','cross-slide-y'." }, "usage_perc_y":54.92, "usage_perc_a":0, "ucprefix":false, "parent":"", "keywords":"touch action", "ie_id":"csstouchaction", "chrome_id":"5912074022551552", "shown":true }