# frozen_string_literal: true require 'csv' module Bulkrax class CsvParser < ApplicationParser # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength include ErroredEntries def self.export_supported? true end def records(_opts = {}) file_for_import = only_updates ? parser_fields['partial_import_file_path'] : import_file_path # data for entry does not need source_identifier for csv, because csvs are read sequentially and mapped after raw data is read. csv_data = entry_class.read_data(file_for_import) importer.parser_fields['total'] = csv_data.count importer.save @records ||= csv_data.map { |record_data| entry_class.data_for_entry(record_data, nil) } end def collections ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( 'Creating Collections using the collection_field_mapping will no longer be supported as of Bulkrax version 3.0.' \ ' Please configure Bulkrax to use related_parents_field_mapping and related_children_field_mapping instead.' ) # retrieve a list of unique collections records.map do |r| collections = [] r[collection_field_mapping].split(/\s*[;|]\s*/).each { |title| collections << { title: title, from_collection_field_mapping: true } } if r[collection_field_mapping].present? model_field_mappings.each do |model_mapping| collections << r if r[model_mapping.to_sym]&.downcase == 'collection' end collections end.flatten.compact.uniq end def collections_total collections.size end def works records - collections - file_sets end def works_total works.size end def file_sets records.map do |r| file_sets = [] model_field_mappings.each do |model_mapping| file_sets << r if r[model_mapping.to_sym]&.downcase == 'fileset' end file_sets end.flatten.compact.uniq end def file_sets_total file_sets.size end # We could use CsvEntry#fields_from_data(data) but that would mean re-reading the data def import_fields @import_fields ||= records.inject(:merge).keys.compact.uniq end def required_elements?(keys) return if keys.blank? missing_elements(keys).blank? end def missing_elements(keys) required_elements.map(&:to_s) - keys.map(&:to_s) end def valid_import? import_strings = keys_without_numbers(import_fields.map(&:to_s)) error_alert = "Missing at least one required element, missing element(s) are: #{missing_elements(import_strings).join(', ')}" raise StandardError, error_alert unless required_elements?(import_strings) file_paths.is_a?(Array) rescue StandardError => e status_info(e) false end def create_collections collections.each_with_index do |collection, index| next if collection.blank? break if records.find_index(collection).present? && limit_reached?(limit, records.find_index(collection)) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( 'Creating Collections using the collection_field_mapping will no longer be supported as of Bulkrax version 3.0.' \ ' Please configure Bulkrax to use related_parents_field_mapping and related_children_field_mapping instead.' ) ## BEGIN # Add required metadata to collections being imported using the collection_field_mapping, which only have a :title # TODO: Remove once collection_field_mapping is removed metadata = if collection.delete(:from_collection_field_mapping) uci = unique_collection_identifier(collection) { title: collection[:title], work_identifier => uci, source_identifier => uci, visibility: 'open', collection_type_gid: ::Hyrax::CollectionType.find_or_create_default_collection_type.gid } end collection_hash = metadata.presence || collection ## END new_entry = find_or_create_entry(collection_entry_class, collection_hash[source_identifier], 'Bulkrax::Importer', collection_hash) # TODO: add support for :delete option ImportCollectionJob.perform_now(new_entry.id, current_run.id) increment_counters(index, collection: true) end importer.record_status rescue StandardError => e status_info(e) end def create_works works.each_with_index do |work, index| next unless record_has_source_identifier(work, records.find_index(work)) break if limit_reached?(limit, records.find_index(work)) seen[work[source_identifier]] = true new_entry = find_or_create_entry(entry_class, work[source_identifier], 'Bulkrax::Importer', work.to_h) if work[:delete].present? DeleteWorkJob.send(perform_method, new_entry, current_run) else ImportWorkJob.send(perform_method, new_entry.id, current_run.id) end increment_counters(index) end importer.record_status rescue StandardError => e status_info(e) end def create_file_sets file_sets.each_with_index do |file_set, index| next unless record_has_source_identifier(file_set, records.find_index(file_set)) break if limit_reached?(limit, records.find_index(file_set)) new_entry = find_or_create_entry(file_set_entry_class, file_set[source_identifier], 'Bulkrax::Importer', file_set.to_h) ImportFileSetJob.perform_later(new_entry.id, current_run.id) increment_counters(index, file_set: true) end importer.record_status rescue StandardError => e status_info(e) end def write_partial_import_file(file) import_filename = import_file_path.split('/').last partial_import_filename = "#{File.basename(import_filename, '.csv')}_corrected_entries.csv" path = File.join(path_for_import, partial_import_filename) FileUtils.mv( file.path, path ) path end def extra_filters output = "" if importerexporter.start_date.present? start_dt = importerexporter.start_date.to_datetime.strftime('%FT%TZ') finish_dt = importerexporter.finish_date.present? ? importerexporter.finish_date.to_datetime.end_of_day.strftime('%FT%TZ') : "NOW" output += " AND system_modified_dtsi:[#{start_dt} TO #{finish_dt}]" end output += importerexporter.work_visibility.present? ? " AND visibility_ssi:#{importerexporter.work_visibility}" : "" output += importerexporter.workflow_status.present? ? " AND workflow_state_name_ssim:#{importerexporter.workflow_status}" : "" output end def current_work_ids case importerexporter.export_from when 'all' ActiveFedora::SolrService.query("has_model_ssim:(#{Hyrax.config.curation_concerns.join(' OR ')}) #{extra_filters}", rows: 2_147_483_647).map(&:id) when 'collection' ActiveFedora::SolrService.query("member_of_collection_ids_ssim:#{importerexporter.export_source + extra_filters}", rows: 2_000_000_000).map(&:id) when 'worktype' ActiveFedora::SolrService.query("has_model_ssim:#{importerexporter.export_source + extra_filters}", rows: 2_000_000_000).map(&:id) when 'importer' entry_ids = Bulkrax::Importer.find(importerexporter.export_source).entries.pluck(:id) complete_statuses = Bulkrax::Status.latest_by_statusable .includes(:statusable) .where('bulkrax_statuses.statusable_id IN (?) AND bulkrax_statuses.statusable_type = ? AND status_message = ?', entry_ids, 'Bulkrax::Entry', 'Complete') complete_entry_identifiers = complete_statuses.map { |s| s.statusable&.identifier&.gsub(':', '\:') } extra_filters = extra_filters.presence || '*:*' ActiveFedora::SolrService.get( extra_filters.to_s, fq: "#{work_identifier}_sim:(#{complete_entry_identifiers.join(' OR ')})", fl: 'id', rows: 2_000_000_000 )['response']['docs'].map { |obj| obj['id'] } end end def create_new_entries current_work_ids.each_with_index do |wid, index| break if limit_reached?(limit, index) new_entry = find_or_create_entry(entry_class, wid, 'Bulkrax::Exporter') begin entry = Bulkrax::ExportWorkJob.perform_now(new_entry.id, current_run.id) rescue => e Rails.logger.info("#{e.message} was detected during export") end self.headers |= entry.parsed_metadata.keys if entry end end alias create_from_collection create_new_entries alias create_from_importer create_new_entries alias create_from_worktype create_new_entries alias create_from_all create_new_entries def entry_class CsvEntry end def collection_entry_class CsvCollectionEntry end def file_set_entry_class CsvFileSetEntry end # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2650517/count-the-number-of-lines-in-a-file-without-reading-entire-file-into-memory # Changed to grep as wc -l counts blank lines, and ignores the final unescaped line (which may or may not contain data) def total @total = importer.parser_fields['total'] || 0 if importer? @total = importerexporter.entries.count if exporter? return @total || 0 rescue StandardError @total = 0 end # @todo - investigate getting directory structure # @todo - investigate using perform_later, and having the importer check for # DownloadCloudFileJob before it starts def retrieve_cloud_files(files) files_path = File.join(path_for_import, 'files') FileUtils.mkdir_p(files_path) unless File.exist?(files_path) files.each_pair do |_key, file| # fixes bug where auth headers do not get attached properly if file['auth_header'].present? file['headers'] ||= {} file['headers'].merge!(file['auth_header']) end # this only works for uniquely named files target_file = File.join(files_path, file['file_name'].tr(' ', '_')) # Now because we want the files in place before the importer runs # Problematic for a large upload Bulkrax::DownloadCloudFileJob.perform_now(file, target_file) end return nil end # export methods def write_files CSV.open(setup_export_file, "w", headers: export_headers, write_headers: true) do |csv| importerexporter.entries.where(identifier: current_work_ids)[0..limit || total].each do |e| csv << e.parsed_metadata end end end def export_key_allowed(key) new_entry(entry_class, 'Bulkrax::Exporter').field_supported?(key) && key != source_identifier.to_s end # All possible column names def export_headers headers = sort_headers(self.headers) # we don't want access_control_id exported and we want file at the end headers.delete('access_control_id') if headers.include?('access_control_id') # add the headers below at the beginning or end to maintain the preexisting export behavior headers.prepend('model') headers.prepend(source_identifier.to_s) headers.prepend('id') headers.uniq end def object_names return @object_names if @object_names @object_names = mapping.values.map { |value| value['object'] } @object_names.uniq!.delete(nil) @object_names end def sort_headers(headers) # converting headers like creator_name_1 to creator_1_name so they get sorted by numerical order # while keeping objects grouped together headers.sort_by do |item| number = item.match(/\d+/)&.[](0) || 0.to_s sort_number = number.rjust(4, "0") object_prefix = object_names.detect { |o| item.match(/^#{o}/) } || item remainder = item.gsub(/^#{object_prefix}_/, '').gsub(/_#{number}/, '') "#{object_prefix}_#{sort_number}_#{remainder}" end end # in the parser as it is specific to the format def setup_export_file File.join(importerexporter.exporter_export_path, "export_#{importerexporter.export_source}_from_#{importerexporter.export_from}.csv") end # Retrieve file paths for [:file] mapping in records # and check all listed files exist. def file_paths raise StandardError, 'No records were found' if records.blank? return [] if importerexporter.metadata_only? @file_paths ||= records.map do |r| file_mapping = Bulkrax.field_mappings.dig(self.class.to_s, 'file', :from)&.first&.to_sym || :file next if r[file_mapping].blank? r[file_mapping].split(/\s*[:;|]\s*/).map do |f| file = File.join(path_to_files, f.tr(' ', '_')) if File.exist?(file) # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause file else raise "File #{file} does not exist" end end end.flatten.compact.uniq end # Retrieve the path where we expect to find the files def path_to_files @path_to_files ||= File.join( zip? ? importer_unzip_path : File.dirname(import_file_path), 'files' ) end private def unique_collection_identifier(collection_hash) entry_uid = collection_hash[source_identifier] entry_uid ||= if Bulkrax.fill_in_blank_source_identifiers.present? Bulkrax.fill_in_blank_source_identifiers.call(self, records.find_index(collection_hash)) else collection_hash[:title].split(/\s*[;|]\s*/).first end entry_uid end # Override to return the first CSV in the path, if a zip file is supplied # We expect a single CSV at the top level of the zip in the CSVParser # but we are willing to go look for it if need be def real_import_file_path return Dir["#{importer_unzip_path}/**/*.csv"].first if file? && zip? parser_fields['import_file_path'] end end end