# frozen_string_literal: true SHELLS = %w[zsh bash fish all].freeze SHELL_RX = /^(?:[bzf](?:[ai]?sh)?|fig|all)$/i.freeze # @@completion desc 'Generate shell completion scripts for doing' long_desc 'Generates the necessary scripts to add command line completion to various shells, so typing \'doing\' and hitting tab will offer completions of subcommands and their options.' command :completion do |c| c.example 'doing completion install zsh', desc: 'Install the default zsh completion script and link it to the zsh autolaod directory.' c.example 'doing completion generate zsh', desc: 'Generate zsh (default) script to default file, offer to symlink' c.example 'doing completion generate fish --file ~/doing.fish', desc: 'Generate fish completions to alternative file' c.desc 'Deprecated, specify shell as argument to subcommand' c.flag %i[t type], must_match: SHELL_RX c.desc 'Generate completion scripts, including custom plugins and command options' c.long_desc "Argument specifies which shell to install for: #{SHELLS.join(', ')}" c.arg_name "[#{SHELLS.join('|')}]" c.command :generate do |gen| gen.example 'doing completion generate fish', desc: 'Generate fish completion script and link to autoload directory' gen.example 'doing completion generate zsh --file ~/.zsh-completions/doing.zsh', desc: 'Generate zsh completion script and save to alternative file' gen.desc 'Alternative file to write output to' gen.arg_name 'PATH' gen.flag %i[f file] gen.desc 'Output result to STDOUT only' gen.switch [:stdout], negatable: false gen.action do |_global_options, options, args| args = [options[:type]] if options[:type] && args.count.zero? raise MissingArgument, "Specify a shell (#{SHELLS.join('|')})" unless args.count.positive? file = options[:stdout] ? 'stdout' : options[:file] || :default raise InvalidArgument, '--file can not be used with multiple arguments' if options[:file] && args.count > 1 args.each do |shell| type = Doing::Completion.normalize_type(shell) raise InvalidArgument, "Unknown shell #{shell}" if type == :invalid Doing::Completion.generate_completion(type: type, file: file) end end end c.desc 'Install default completion scripts' c.long_desc 'Argument specifies which shell to install for: zsh, bash, fish, or all' c.arg_name '[zsh|bash|fish]' c.command :install do |install| install.example 'doing completion install zsh', desc: 'Install and link zsh completion script' # install.flag %i[t type], must_match: /^(?:[bzf](?:[ai]?sh)?|all)$/i install.action do |_global_options, options, args| type = options[:type] || args[0]&.strip || 'zsh' raise InvalidArgument, "Unknown shell #{type}" unless type =~ SHELL_RX Doing::Completion.link_default(type) end end c.default_command :generate end