--- title: Front Matter blurb: Middleman (and hence Middlemac) source files use front matter to control many features of pages. layout: layout-apple-modern-aside --- <%= md_links %> <%= md_images %> <%= current_page.data.blurb %> Front matter is a document header section in format called YAML that contains key-value data that applies to a page. This data can be referred to later for output or control. For example, the title of this page was specified with a `title:` key in the source document’s front matter, and it was given a blurb (used as the opening paragraph and also the `meta description` `content` value for the page) via the `blurb:` key. If you examine the source for this page, you might notice that there is no `meta description` tag in the `head`; rest assured, it _is_ present in the HTML file, and used by the Apple Help Indexer. {: .note} Front matter can also control page order within a section, inclusion of pages for targets/features (provided by the `middleman-targets` gem), and more. Here’s this document’s front matter: ~~~ yaml --- title: Front Matter blurb: _Middleman_ (and hence _Middlemac_) source files use front matter to control many features of pages. --- ~~~ ## Declaring Front Matter Front matter is defined as being delimited at the beginning and end with a line consisting of a series of three hyphens (`-`), and this block must appear at the top of a document. Although specific front matter keys are discussed elsewhere in this documentation it’s worth pointing out that the `title:` and `:blurb` are used extensively in _Middlemac_. For example all of the automatic navigation features are built using this data, meaning that this data need only appear once, here, in this very document. ## JSON Frontmatter Recent versions of _Middleman_ support the use of JSON instead of YAML for frontmatter. The following example show how this page’s frontmatter may have been written instead: ~~~ json ;;; "title": "Front Matter", "blurb": "_Middleman_ (and hence _Middlemac_) source files use front matter to control many features of pages." ;;; ~~~ JSON is indicated with delimiting `;;;` instead of hyphens. {: .note}