# frozen_string_literal: true module GoodJob # ActiveRecord model that represents an +ActiveJob+ job. class Execution < BaseRecord include Lockable include Filterable # Raised if something attempts to execute a previously completed Execution again. PreviouslyPerformedError = Class.new(StandardError) # String separating Error Class from Error Message ERROR_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR = ": " # ActiveJob jobs without a +queue_name+ attribute are placed on this queue. DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME = 'default' # ActiveJob jobs without a +priority+ attribute are given this priority. DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 0 self.table_name = 'good_jobs' self.advisory_lockable_column = 'active_job_id' # Parse a string representing a group of queues into a more readable data # structure. # @param string [String] Queue string # @return [Hash] # How to match a given queue. It can have the following keys and values: # - +{ all: true }+ indicates that all queues match. # - +{ exclude: Array<String> }+ indicates the listed queue names should # not match. # - +{ include: Array<String> }+ indicates the listed queue names should # match. # - +{ include: Array<String>, ordered_queues: true }+ indicates the listed # queue names should match, and dequeue should respect queue order. # @example # GoodJob::Execution.queue_parser('-queue1,queue2') # => { exclude: [ 'queue1', 'queue2' ] } def self.queue_parser(string) string = string.presence || '*' case string.first when '-' exclude_queues = true string = string[1..-1] when '+' ordered_queues = true string = string[1..-1] end queues = string.split(',').map(&:strip) if queues.include?('*') { all: true } elsif exclude_queues { exclude: queues } elsif ordered_queues { include: queues, ordered_queues: true, } else { include: queues } end end belongs_to :job, class_name: 'GoodJob::Job', foreign_key: 'active_job_id', primary_key: 'active_job_id', optional: true, inverse_of: :executions # Get Jobs with given ActiveJob ID # @!method active_job_id # @!scope class # @param active_job_id [String] # ActiveJob ID # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :active_job_id, ->(active_job_id) { where(active_job_id: active_job_id) } # Get Jobs with given class name # @!method job_class # @!scope class # @param string [String] # Execution class name # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :job_class, ->(job_class) { where("serialized_params->>'job_class' = ?", job_class) } # Get Jobs that have not yet been completed. # @!method unfinished # @!scope class # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :unfinished, -> { where(finished_at: nil) } # Get Jobs that are not scheduled for a later time than now (i.e. jobs that # are not scheduled or scheduled for earlier than the current time). # @!method only_scheduled # @!scope class # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :only_scheduled, -> { where(arel_table['scheduled_at'].lteq(Time.current)).or(where(scheduled_at: nil)) } # Order jobs by priority (highest priority first). # @!method priority_ordered # @!scope class # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :priority_ordered, -> { order('priority DESC NULLS LAST') } # Order jobs by created_at, for first-in first-out # @!method creation_ordered # @!scope class # @return [ActiveRecord:Relation] scope :creation_ordered, -> { order('created_at ASC') } # Order jobs for de-queueing # @!method dequeueing_ordered # @!scope class # @param parsed_queues [Hash] # optional output of .queue_parser, parsed queues, will be used for # ordered queues. # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :dequeueing_ordered, (lambda do |parsed_queues| relation = self relation = relation.queue_ordered(parsed_queues[:include]) if parsed_queues && parsed_queues[:ordered_queues] && parsed_queues[:include] relation = relation.priority_ordered.creation_ordered relation end) # Order jobs in order of queues in array param # @!method queue_ordered # @!scope class # @param queues [Array<string] ordered names of queues # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :queue_ordered, (lambda do |queues| clauses = queues.map.with_index do |queue_name, index| "WHEN queue_name = '#{queue_name}' THEN #{index}" end order( Arel.sql("(CASE #{clauses.join(' ')} ELSE #{queues.length} END)") ) end) # Order jobs by scheduled or created (oldest first). # @!method schedule_ordered # @!scope class # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :schedule_ordered, -> { order(Arel.sql('COALESCE(scheduled_at, created_at) ASC')) } # Get Jobs were completed before the given timestamp. If no timestamp is # provided, get all jobs that have been completed. By default, GoodJob # destroys jobs after they are completed and this will find no jobs. # However, if you have changed {GoodJob.preserve_job_records}, this may # find completed Jobs. # @!method finished(timestamp = nil) # @!scope class # @param timestamp (Float) # Get jobs that finished before this time (in epoch time). # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :finished, ->(timestamp = nil) { timestamp ? where(arel_table['finished_at'].lteq(timestamp)) : where.not(finished_at: nil) } # Get Jobs that started but not finished yet. # @!method running # @!scope class # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :running, -> { where.not(performed_at: nil).where(finished_at: nil) } # Get Jobs that do not have subsequent retries # @!method running # @!scope class # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :head, -> { where(retried_good_job_id: nil) } # Get Jobs have errored that will not be retried further # @!method running # @!scope class # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :dead, -> { head.where.not(error: nil) } # Get Jobs on queues that match the given queue string. # @!method queue_string(string) # @!scope class # @param string [String] # A string expression describing what queues to select. See # {Execution.queue_parser} or # {file:README.md#optimize-queues-threads-and-processes} for more details # on the format of the string. Note this only handles individual # semicolon-separated segments of that string format. # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :queue_string, (lambda do |string| parsed = queue_parser(string) if parsed[:all] all elsif parsed[:exclude] where.not(queue_name: parsed[:exclude]).or where(queue_name: nil) elsif parsed[:include] where(queue_name: parsed[:include]) end end) # Finds the next eligible Execution, acquire an advisory lock related to it, and # executes the job. # @return [ExecutionResult, nil] # If a job was executed, returns an array with the {Execution} record, the # return value for the job's +#perform+ method, and the exception the job # raised, if any (if the job raised, then the second array entry will be # +nil+). If there were no jobs to execute, returns +nil+. def self.perform_with_advisory_lock(parsed_queues: nil) unfinished.dequeueing_ordered(parsed_queues).only_scheduled.limit(1).with_advisory_lock(unlock_session: true) do |executions| execution = executions.first break if execution.blank? break :unlocked unless execution&.executable? execution.perform end end # Fetches the scheduled execution time of the next eligible Execution(s). # @param after [DateTime] # @param limit [Integer] # @param now_limit [Integer, nil] # @return [Array<DateTime>] def self.next_scheduled_at(after: nil, limit: 100, now_limit: nil) query = advisory_unlocked.unfinished.schedule_ordered after ||= Time.current after_query = query.where('scheduled_at > ?', after).or query.where(scheduled_at: nil).where('created_at > ?', after) after_at = after_query.limit(limit).pluck(:scheduled_at, :created_at).map { |timestamps| timestamps.compact.first } if now_limit&.positive? now_query = query.where('scheduled_at < ?', Time.current).or query.where(scheduled_at: nil) now_at = now_query.limit(now_limit).pluck(:scheduled_at, :created_at).map { |timestamps| timestamps.compact.first } end Array(now_at) + after_at end # Places an ActiveJob job on a queue by creating a new {Execution} record. # @param active_job [ActiveJob::Base] # The job to enqueue. # @param scheduled_at [Float] # Epoch timestamp when the job should be executed. # @param create_with_advisory_lock [Boolean] # Whether to establish a lock on the {Execution} record after it is created. # @return [Execution] # The new {Execution} instance representing the queued ActiveJob job. def self.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: nil, create_with_advisory_lock: false) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("enqueue_job.good_job", { active_job: active_job, scheduled_at: scheduled_at, create_with_advisory_lock: create_with_advisory_lock }) do |instrument_payload| execution_args = { active_job_id: active_job.job_id, queue_name: active_job.queue_name.presence || DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME, priority: active_job.priority || DEFAULT_PRIORITY, serialized_params: active_job.serialize, scheduled_at: scheduled_at, create_with_advisory_lock: create_with_advisory_lock, } execution_args[:concurrency_key] = active_job.good_job_concurrency_key if active_job.respond_to?(:good_job_concurrency_key) if CurrentThread.cron_key execution_args[:cron_key] = CurrentThread.cron_key execution_args[:cron_at] = CurrentThread.cron_at elsif CurrentThread.active_job_id && CurrentThread.active_job_id == active_job.job_id execution_args[:cron_key] = CurrentThread.execution.cron_key end execution = GoodJob::Execution.new(**execution_args) instrument_payload[:execution] = execution execution.save! active_job.provider_job_id = execution.id CurrentThread.execution.retried_good_job_id = execution.id if CurrentThread.active_job_id && CurrentThread.active_job_id == active_job.job_id execution end end # Execute the ActiveJob job this {Execution} represents. # @return [ExecutionResult] # An array of the return value of the job's +#perform+ method and the # exception raised by the job, if any. If the job completed successfully, # the second array entry (the exception) will be +nil+ and vice versa. def perform raise PreviouslyPerformedError, 'Cannot perform a job that has already been performed' if finished_at self.performed_at = Time.current save! if GoodJob.preserve_job_records result = execute job_error = result.handled_error || result.unhandled_error self.error = [job_error.class, ERROR_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR, job_error.message].join if job_error if result.unhandled_error && GoodJob.retry_on_unhandled_error save! elsif GoodJob.preserve_job_records == true || (result.unhandled_error && GoodJob.preserve_job_records == :on_unhandled_error) self.finished_at = Time.current save! else destroy! end result end # Tests whether this job is safe to be executed by this thread. # @return [Boolean] def executable? self.class.unscoped.unfinished.owns_advisory_locked.exists?(id: id) end def active_job ActiveJob::Base.deserialize(active_job_data).tap do |aj| aj.send(:deserialize_arguments_if_needed) end end # There are 3 buckets of non-overlapping statuses: # 1. The job will be executed # - queued: The job will execute immediately when an execution thread becomes available. # - scheduled: The job is scheduled to execute in the future. # - retried: The job previously errored on execution and will be re-executed in the future. # 2. The job is being executed # - running: the job is actively being executed by an execution thread # 3. The job will not execute # - finished: The job executed successfully # - discarded: The job previously errored on execution and will not be re-executed in the future. # # @return [Symbol] def status if finished_at.present? if error.present? && retried_good_job_id.present? :retried elsif error.present? && retried_good_job_id.nil? :discarded else :finished end elsif (scheduled_at || created_at) > DateTime.current if serialized_params.fetch('executions', 0) > 1 :retried else :scheduled end elsif running? :running else :queued end end # Return formatted serialized_params for display in the dashboard # @return [Hash] def display_serialized_params serialized_params.merge({ _good_job: attributes.except('serialized_params', 'locktype', 'owns_advisory_lock'), }) end def running? if has_attribute?(:locktype) self['locktype'].present? else advisory_locked? end end def number serialized_params.fetch('executions', 0) + 1 end # The last relevant timestamp for this execution def last_status_at finished_at || performed_at || scheduled_at || created_at end # Time between when this job was expected to run and when it started running def queue_latency now = Time.zone.now expected_start = scheduled_at || created_at actual_start = performed_at || finished_at || now actual_start - expected_start unless expected_start >= now end # Time between when this job started and finished def runtime_latency (finished_at || Time.zone.now) - performed_at if performed_at end private def active_job_data serialized_params.deep_dup .tap do |job_data| job_data["provider_job_id"] = id job_data["good_job_concurrency_key"] = concurrency_key if concurrency_key end end # @return [ExecutionResult] def execute GoodJob::CurrentThread.within do |current_thread| current_thread.reset current_thread.execution = self ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("perform_job.good_job", { execution: self, process_id: current_thread.process_id, thread_name: current_thread.thread_name }) do value = ActiveJob::Base.execute(active_job_data) if value.is_a?(Exception) handled_error = value value = nil end handled_error ||= current_thread.error_on_retry || current_thread.error_on_discard ExecutionResult.new(value: value, handled_error: handled_error) rescue StandardError => e ExecutionResult.new(value: nil, unhandled_error: e) end end end end end