module EasyML class ComputeFeatureJob < BatchJob extend EasyML::DataframeSerialization @queue = :easy_ml def self.perform(batch_id, options = {}) options.symbolize_keys! feature_id = options.dig(:feature_id) feature = EasyML::Feature.find(feature_id) dataset = feature.dataset # Check if any feature has failed before proceeding if dataset.features.any? { |f| f.workflow_status == "failed" } puts "Aborting feature computation due to previous feature failure" return end begin feature.update(workflow_status: :analyzing) if feature.workflow_status == :ready feature.fit_batch(options.merge!(batch_id: batch_id)) rescue => e EasyML::Feature.transaction do return if dataset.reload.workflow_status == :failed feature.update(workflow_status: :failed) dataset.update(workflow_status: :failed) build_error_with_context(dataset, e, batch_id, feature) end end end def self.build_error_with_context(dataset, error, batch_id, feature) error = EasyML::Event.handle_error(dataset, error) batch = feature.build_batch(batch_id: batch_id) # Convert any dataframes in the context to serialized form error.create_context(context: batch) end def self.after_batch_hook(batch_id, *args) puts "After batch!" batch_args = fetch_batch_arguments(batch_id) feature_ids = batch_args.pluck(:feature_id).uniq parent_id = batch_args.pluck(:parent_batch_id).first feature = EasyML::Feature.find_by(id: feature_ids.first) if feature.failed? dataset.features.where(workflow_status: :analyzing).update_all(workflow_status: :ready) return BatchJob.cleanup_batch(parent_id) end feature.after_fit if BatchJob.next_batch?(parent_id) BatchJob.enqueue_next_batch(self, parent_id) else dataset = EasyML::Feature.find_by(id: feature_ids.first).dataset dataset.after_fit_features end end private def self.remove_remaining_batch_jobs(batch_id) # Remove all remaining jobs in the batch while (jobs = Resque.peek(:easy_ml, 0, 1000)).any? jobs.each do |job| if job["args"][0] == batch_id Resque.dequeue(self, *job["args"]) end end # Break if we've processed all jobs (no more jobs match our batch_id) break unless jobs.any? { |job| job["args"][0] == batch_id } end end end end # If any feature fails, the entire batch fails # If any feature fails, the RELATED batches should fail