ActiveWrapper ============= Wraps ActiveRecord and Logger for use in non-Rails environments. Setup -----
sudo gem install active_wrapper
Usage -----
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_wrapper'

$db, $log = ActiveWrapper.setup(
  :base => File.dirname('__FILE__'),
  :env => 'development',
  :log => 'custom',
  :stdout => true

$'log this')
ActiveWrapper looks for the following files within the :base directory: * config/database.yml * db/migrate/*.rb The :env option is "development" by default. Logger ------ In the previous example, the log is stored in log/custom.log. If no :log name is specified, the :env option is used for the log name. You may also set :log to false to disable logging entirely. Setting :stdout to true causes stdout and stderr to redirect to the logger. It is false by default. Rakefile -------- Add this to your project's Rakefile for database migration and log tasks:
require 'rubygems'
require 'rake'
require 'active_wrapper/tasks' => 'custom') do
  # Put stuff you would normally put in the environment task here
Pass the same options to as you would