# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/minitest_helper' require 'openstudio' require 'fileutils' require 'parallel' require_relative '../../HPXMLtoOpenStudio/measure.rb' class HPXMLTest < MiniTest::Test def setup @this_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) @results_dir = File.join(@this_dir, 'results') FileUtils.mkdir_p @results_dir end def test_simulations results_out = File.join(@results_dir, 'results.csv') File.delete(results_out) if File.exist? results_out bills_out = File.join(@results_dir, 'results_bills.csv') File.delete(bills_out) if File.exist? bills_out xmls = [] sample_files_dirs = [File.absolute_path(File.join(@this_dir, '..', 'sample_files')), File.absolute_path(File.join(@this_dir, '..', 'real_homes'))] sample_files_dirs.each do |sample_files_dir| Dir["#{sample_files_dir}/*.xml"].sort.each do |xml| next if xml.include? 'base-multiple-buildings.xml' # This is tested in test_multiple_building_ids xmls << File.absolute_path(xml) end end # Test simulations puts "Running #{xmls.size} HPXML files..." all_results = {} all_bill_results = {} Parallel.map(xmls, in_threads: Parallel.processor_count) do |xml| xml_name = File.basename(xml) all_results[xml_name], all_bill_results[xml_name] = _run_xml(xml, Parallel.worker_number) end _write_results(all_results.sort_by { |k, _v| k.downcase }.to_h, results_out) _write_results(all_bill_results.sort_by { |k, _v| k.downcase }.to_h, bills_out) end def test_ashrae_140 ashrae140_out = File.join(@results_dir, 'results_ashrae_140.csv') File.delete(ashrae140_out) if File.exist? ashrae140_out xmls = [] ashrae_140_dir = File.absolute_path(File.join(@this_dir, 'ASHRAE_Standard_140')) Dir["#{ashrae_140_dir}/*.xml"].sort.each do |xml| xmls << File.absolute_path(xml) end # Test simulations puts "Running #{xmls.size} HPXML files..." all_results = {} Parallel.map(xmls, in_threads: Parallel.processor_count) do |xml| xml_name = File.basename(xml) all_results[xml_name], _, _ = _run_xml(xml, Parallel.worker_number) end _write_ashrae_140_results(all_results.sort_by { |k, _v| k.downcase }.to_h, ashrae140_out) end def test_run_simulation_output_formats # Check that the simulation produces outputs in the appropriate format ['csv', 'json', 'msgpack', 'csv_dview'].each do |output_format| rb_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run_simulation.rb') xml = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'sample_files', 'base.xml') command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{rb_path}\" -x \"#{xml}\" --debug --hourly ALL --output-format #{output_format}" system(command, err: File::NULL) output_format = 'csv' if output_format == 'csv_dview' # Check for output files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'eplusout.msgpack')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', "results_annual.#{output_format}")) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', "results_timeseries.#{output_format}")) assert(File.exist?(File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', "results_bills.#{output_format}"))) # Check for debug files osm_path = File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'in.osm') assert(File.exist? osm_path) hpxml_defaults_path = File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'in.xml') assert(File.exist? hpxml_defaults_path) end end def test_run_simulation_epjson_input # Check that we can run a simulation using epJSON (instead of IDF) if requested rb_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run_simulation.rb') xml = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'sample_files', 'base.xml') command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{rb_path}\" -x \"#{xml}\" --ep-input-format epjson" system(command, err: File::NULL) # Check for epjson file assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'in.epJSON')) # Check for output files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'eplusout.msgpack')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_annual.csv')) end def test_run_simulation_idf_input # Check that we can run a simulation using IDF (instead of epJSON) if requested rb_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run_simulation.rb') xml = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'sample_files', 'base.xml') command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{rb_path}\" -x \"#{xml}\" --ep-input-format idf" system(command, err: File::NULL) # Check for idf file assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'in.idf')) # Check for output files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'eplusout.msgpack')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_annual.csv')) end def test_run_simulation_faster_performance # Run w/ --skip-validation and w/o --add-component-loads arguments rb_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run_simulation.rb') xml = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'sample_files', 'base.xml') command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{rb_path}\" -x \"#{xml}\" --skip-validation" system(command, err: File::NULL) # Check for output files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'eplusout.msgpack')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_annual.csv')) # Check component loads don't exist component_loads = {} CSV.read(File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_annual.csv'), headers: false).each do |data| next unless data[0].to_s.start_with? 'Component Load' component_loads[data[0]] = Float(data[1]) end assert_equal(0, component_loads.size) end def test_run_simulation_detailed_occupancy_schedules [false, true].each do |debug| # Check that the simulation produces stochastic schedules if requested sample_files_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'sample_files') tmp_hpxml_path = File.join(sample_files_path, 'tmp.xml') hpxml = HPXML.new(hpxml_path: File.join(sample_files_path, 'base.xml')) XMLHelper.write_file(hpxml.to_oga, tmp_hpxml_path) rb_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run_simulation.rb') xml = File.absolute_path(tmp_hpxml_path) command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{rb_path}\" -x \"#{xml}\" --add-detailed-schedule stochastic" command += ' -d' if debug system(command, err: File::NULL) # Check for output files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'eplusout.msgpack')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_annual.csv')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'stochastic.csv')) # Check stochastic.csv headers schedules = CSV.read(File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'stochastic.csv'), headers: true) if debug assert(schedules.headers.include?(SchedulesFile::ColumnSleeping)) else refute(schedules.headers.include?(SchedulesFile::ColumnSleeping)) end # Cleanup File.delete(tmp_hpxml_path) if File.exist? tmp_hpxml_path end end def test_run_simulation_timeseries_outputs [true, false].each do |invalid_variable_only| # Check that the simulation produces timeseries with requested outputs rb_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run_simulation.rb') xml = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'sample_files', 'base.xml') command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{rb_path}\" -x \"#{xml}\"" if not invalid_variable_only command += ' --hourly ALL' command += ' --add-timeseries-time-column DST' command += ' --add-timeseries-time-column UTC' command += " --add-timeseries-output-variable 'Zone People Occupant Count'" command += " --add-timeseries-output-variable 'Zone People Total Heating Energy'" end command += " --add-timeseries-output-variable 'Foobar Variable'" # Test invalid output variable request system(command, err: File::NULL) # Check for output files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'eplusout.msgpack')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_annual.csv')) if not invalid_variable_only assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_timeseries.csv')) # Check timeseries columns exist timeseries_rows = CSV.read(File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_timeseries.csv')) assert_equal(1, timeseries_rows[0].select { |r| r == 'Time' }.size) assert_equal(1, timeseries_rows[0].select { |r| r == 'TimeDST' }.size) assert_equal(1, timeseries_rows[0].select { |r| r == 'TimeUTC' }.size) assert_equal(1, timeseries_rows[0].select { |r| r == 'Zone People Occupant Count: Living Space' }.size) assert_equal(1, timeseries_rows[0].select { |r| r == 'Zone People Total Heating Energy: Living Space' }.size) else refute(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_timeseries.csv')) end # Check run.log has warning about missing Foobar Variable assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'run.log')) log_lines = File.readlines(File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'run.log')).map(&:strip) assert(log_lines.include? "Warning: Request for output variable 'Foobar Variable' returned no key values.") end end def test_template_osw # Check that simulation works using template-run-hpxml.osw require 'json' osw_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'template-run-hpxml.osw') # Create derivative OSW for testing osw_path_test = osw_path.gsub('.osw', '_test.osw') FileUtils.cp(osw_path, osw_path_test) # Turn on debug mode json = JSON.parse(File.read(osw_path_test), symbolize_names: true) json[:steps][0][:arguments][:debug] = true if Dir.exist? File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'project') # CI checks out the repo as "project", so update dir name json[:steps][0][:measure_dir_name] = 'project' end File.open(osw_path_test, 'w') do |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(json)) end command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" run -w \"#{osw_path_test}\"" system(command, err: File::NULL) # Check for output files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'eplusout.msgpack')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'results_annual.csv')) # Check for debug files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'in.osm')) hpxml_defaults_path = File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'in.xml') assert(File.exist? hpxml_defaults_path) # Cleanup File.delete(osw_path_test) end def test_template_osw_with_schedule # Check that simulation works using template-run-hpxml-with-stochastic-occupancy.osw require 'json' osw_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'template-run-hpxml-with-stochastic-occupancy.osw') # Create derivative OSW for testing osw_path_test = osw_path.gsub('.osw', '_test.osw') FileUtils.cp(osw_path, osw_path_test) # Turn on debug mode json = JSON.parse(File.read(osw_path_test), symbolize_names: true) json[:steps][1][:arguments][:debug] = true if Dir.exist? File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'project') # CI checks out the repo as "project", so update dir name json[:steps][1][:measure_dir_name] = 'project' end File.open(osw_path_test, 'w') do |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(json)) end command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" run -w \"#{osw_path_test}\"" system(command, err: File::NULL) # Check for output files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'eplusout.msgpack')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'results_annual.csv')) # Check for debug files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'in.osm')) hpxml_defaults_path = File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'in.xml') assert(File.exist? hpxml_defaults_path) # Cleanup File.delete(osw_path_test) xml_path_test = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run', 'base-stochastic-schedules.xml') File.delete(xml_path_test) end def test_template_osw_with_build_hpxml_and_schedule # Check that simulation works using template-build-and-run-hpxml-with-stochastic-occupancy.osw require 'json' osw_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'template-build-and-run-hpxml-with-stochastic-occupancy.osw') # Create derivative OSW for testing osw_path_test = osw_path.gsub('.osw', '_test.osw') FileUtils.cp(osw_path, osw_path_test) # Turn on debug mode json = JSON.parse(File.read(osw_path_test), symbolize_names: true) json[:steps][2][:arguments][:debug] = true if Dir.exist? File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'project') # CI checks out the repo as "project", so update dir name json[:steps][1][:measure_dir_name] = 'project' end File.open(osw_path_test, 'w') do |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(json)) end command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" run -w \"#{osw_path_test}\"" system(command, err: File::NULL) # Check for output files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'eplusout.msgpack')) assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'results_annual.csv')) # Check for debug files assert(File.exist? File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'in.osm')) hpxml_defaults_path = File.join(File.dirname(osw_path_test), 'run', 'in.xml') assert(File.exist? hpxml_defaults_path) # Cleanup File.delete(osw_path_test) xml_path_test = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run', 'built.xml') File.delete(xml_path_test) xml_path_test = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run', 'built-stochastic-schedules.xml') File.delete(xml_path_test) end def test_multiple_building_ids rb_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'run_simulation.rb') xml = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'sample_files', 'base-multiple-buildings.xml') csv_output_path = File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'results_annual.csv') run_log = File.join(File.dirname(xml), 'run', 'run.log') # Check successful simulation when providing correct building ID command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{rb_path}\" -x \"#{xml}\" --building-id MyBuilding" system(command, err: File::NULL) assert_equal(true, File.exist?(csv_output_path)) # Check unsuccessful simulation when providing incorrect building ID command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{rb_path}\" -x \"#{xml}\" --building-id MyFoo" system(command, err: File::NULL) assert_equal(false, File.exist?(csv_output_path)) assert(File.readlines(run_log).select { |l| l.include? "Could not find Building element with ID 'MyFoo'." }.size > 0) # Check unsuccessful simulation when not providing building ID command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{rb_path}\" -x \"#{xml}\"" system(command, err: File::NULL) assert_equal(false, File.exist?(csv_output_path)) assert(File.readlines(run_log).select { |l| l.include? 'Multiple Building elements defined in HPXML file; Building ID argument must be provided.' }.size > 0) end def test_release_zips # Check release zips successfully created top_dir = File.join(@this_dir, '..', '..') command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" \"#{File.join(top_dir, 'tasks.rb')}\" create_release_zips" system(command) assert_equal(1, Dir["#{top_dir}/*.zip"].size) # Check successful running of simulation from release zips require 'zip' Zip.on_exists_proc = true Dir["#{top_dir}/OpenStudio-HPXML*.zip"].each do |zip_path| Zip::File.open(zip_path) do |zip_file| zip_file.each do |f| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(f.name)) unless File.exist?(File.dirname(f.name)) zip_file.extract(f, f.name) end end # Test run_simulation.rb command = "\"#{OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI}\" OpenStudio-HPXML/workflow/run_simulation.rb -x OpenStudio-HPXML/workflow/sample_files/base.xml" system(command) assert(File.exist? 'OpenStudio-HPXML/workflow/sample_files/run/results_annual.csv') File.delete(zip_path) rm_path('OpenStudio-HPXML') end end private def _run_xml(xml, worker_num = nil) print "Testing #{File.basename(xml)}...\n" rundir = File.join(@this_dir, "test#{worker_num}") # Uses 'monthly' to verify timeseries results match annual results via error-checking # inside the ReportSimulationOutput measure. cli_path = OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI command = "\"#{cli_path}\" \"#{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../run_simulation.rb')}\" -x \"#{xml}\" --add-component-loads -o \"#{rundir}\" --debug --monthly ALL" success = system(command) rundir = File.join(rundir, 'run') # Check results print "Simulation failed: #{xml}.\n" unless success assert_equal(true, success) # Check for output files annual_csv_path = File.join(rundir, 'results_annual.csv') timeseries_csv_path = File.join(rundir, 'results_timeseries.csv') bills_csv_path = File.join(rundir, 'results_bills.csv') assert(File.exist? annual_csv_path) assert(File.exist? timeseries_csv_path) # Check outputs hpxml_defaults_path = File.join(rundir, 'in.xml') xsd_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'HPXMLtoOpenStudio', 'resources', 'hpxml_schema', 'HPXML.xsd') stron_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'HPXMLtoOpenStudio', 'resources', 'hpxml_schematron', 'EPvalidator.xml') hpxml = HPXML.new(hpxml_path: hpxml_defaults_path, schema_path: xsd_path, schematron_path: stron_path) # Validate in.xml to ensure it can be run back through OS-HPXML if not hpxml.errors.empty? puts 'ERRORS:' hpxml.errors.each do |error| puts error end flunk "EPvalidator.xml error in #{hpxml_defaults_path}." end bill_results = _get_bill_results(bills_csv_path) results = _get_simulation_results(annual_csv_path, xml, hpxml) _verify_outputs(rundir, xml, results, hpxml) return results, bill_results end def _get_simulation_results(annual_csv_path, xml, hpxml) # Grab all outputs from reporting measure CSV annual results results = {} CSV.foreach(annual_csv_path) do |row| next if row.nil? || (row.size < 2) results[row[0]] = Float(row[1]) end # Check discrepancy between total load and sum of component loads if not xml.include? 'ASHRAE_Standard_140' sum_component_htg_loads = results.select { |k, _v| k.start_with? 'Component Load: Heating:' }.values.sum(0.0) sum_component_clg_loads = results.select { |k, _v| k.start_with? 'Component Load: Cooling:' }.values.sum(0.0) total_htg_load_delivered = results['Load: Heating: Delivered (MBtu)'] total_clg_load_delivered = results['Load: Cooling: Delivered (MBtu)'] abs_htg_load_delta = (total_htg_load_delivered - sum_component_htg_loads).abs abs_clg_load_delta = (total_clg_load_delivered - sum_component_clg_loads).abs avg_htg_load = ([total_htg_load_delivered, abs_htg_load_delta].sum / 2.0) avg_clg_load = ([total_clg_load_delivered, abs_clg_load_delta].sum / 2.0) abs_htg_load_frac = abs_htg_load_delta / avg_htg_load abs_clg_load_frac = abs_clg_load_delta / avg_clg_load # Check that the difference is less than 0.6MBtu or less than 10% if hpxml.total_fraction_heat_load_served > 0 assert((abs_htg_load_delta < 0.6) || (abs_htg_load_frac < 0.1)) end if hpxml.total_fraction_cool_load_served > 0 assert((abs_clg_load_delta < 1.1) || (abs_clg_load_frac < 0.1)) end end return results end def _get_bill_results(bill_csv_path) # Grab all outputs from reporting measure CSV bill results results = {} if File.exist? bill_csv_path CSV.foreach(bill_csv_path) do |row| next if row.nil? || (row.size < 2) results[row[0]] = Float(row[1]) end end return results end def _verify_outputs(rundir, hpxml_path, results, hpxml) assert(File.exist? File.join(rundir, 'eplusout.msgpack')) sqlFile = OpenStudio::SqlFile.new(File.join(rundir, 'eplusout.sql'), false) # Collapse windows further using same logic as measure.rb hpxml.windows.each do |window| window.fraction_operable = nil end hpxml.collapse_enclosure_surfaces() # Check run.log warnings File.readlines(File.join(rundir, 'run.log')).each do |log_line| next if log_line.strip.empty? next if log_line.start_with? 'Info: ' next if log_line.start_with? 'Executing command' next if log_line.include? "-cache.csv' could not be found; regenerating it." next if log_line.include? 'Could not find state average' if hpxml_path.include? 'base-atticroof-conditioned.xml' next if log_line.include?('Ducts are entirely within conditioned space but there is moderate leakage to the outside. Leakage to the outside is typically zero or near-zero in these situations, consider revising leakage values. Leakage will be modeled as heat lost to the ambient environment.') end if hpxml.clothes_washers.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No clothes washer specified, the model will not include clothes washer energy use.' end if hpxml.clothes_dryers.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No clothes dryer specified, the model will not include clothes dryer energy use.' end if hpxml.dishwashers.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No dishwasher specified, the model will not include dishwasher energy use.' end if hpxml.refrigerators.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No refrigerator specified, the model will not include refrigerator energy use.' end if hpxml.cooking_ranges.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No cooking range specified, the model will not include cooking range/oven energy use.' end if hpxml.water_heating_systems.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No water heating specified, the model will not include water heating energy use.' end if (hpxml.heating_systems + hpxml.heat_pumps).select { |h| h.fraction_heat_load_served.to_f > 0 }.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No space heating specified, the model will not include space heating energy use.' end if (hpxml.cooling_systems + hpxml.heat_pumps).select { |c| c.fraction_cool_load_served.to_f > 0 }.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No space cooling specified, the model will not include space cooling energy use.' end if hpxml.plug_loads.select { |p| p.plug_load_type == HPXML::PlugLoadTypeOther }.empty? next if log_line.include? "No '#{HPXML::PlugLoadTypeOther}' plug loads specified, the model will not include misc plug load energy use." end if hpxml.plug_loads.select { |p| p.plug_load_type == HPXML::PlugLoadTypeTelevision }.empty? next if log_line.include? "No '#{HPXML::PlugLoadTypeTelevision}' plug loads specified, the model will not include television plug load energy use." end if hpxml.lighting_groups.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No lighting specified, the model will not include lighting energy use.' end if hpxml.windows.empty? next if log_line.include? 'No windows specified, the model will not include window heat transfer.' end if hpxml.pv_systems.empty? && !hpxml.batteries.empty? && hpxml.header.schedules_filepaths.empty? next if log_line.include? 'Battery without PV specified, and no charging/discharging schedule provided; battery is assumed to operate as backup and will not be modeled.' end if hpxml_path.include? 'base-location-capetown-zaf.xml' next if log_line.include? 'OS Message: Minutes field (60) on line 9 of EPW file' next if log_line.include? 'Could not find a marginal Electricity rate.' next if log_line.include? 'Could not find a marginal Natural Gas rate.' end if !hpxml.hvac_distributions.select { |d| d.distribution_system_type == HPXML::HVACDistributionTypeDSE }.empty? next if log_line.include? 'DSE is not currently supported when calculating utility bills.' end flunk "Unexpected run.log warning found for #{File.basename(hpxml_path)}: #{log_line}" end # Check for unexpected warnings File.readlines(File.join(rundir, 'eplusout.err')).each do |err_line| next unless err_line.include? '** Warning **' # General next if err_line.include? 'Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input' next if err_line.include? 'Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input' next if err_line.include? 'Entered Zone Volumes differ from calculated zone volume' next if err_line.include? 'PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs: Carroll MRT radiant exchange method is selected.' next if err_line.include?('CalculateZoneVolume') && err_line.include?('not fully enclosed') next if err_line.include? 'do not define an enclosure' next if err_line.include? 'Pump nominal power or motor efficiency is set to 0' next if err_line.include? 'volume flow rate per watt of rated total cooling capacity is out of range' next if err_line.include? 'volume flow rate per watt of rated total heating capacity is out of range' next if err_line.include? 'Timestep: Requested number' next if err_line.include? 'The Standard Ratings is calculated for' next if err_line.include?('WetBulb not converged after') && err_line.include?('iterations(PsyTwbFnTdbWPb)') next if err_line.include? 'Inside surface heat balance did not converge with Max Temp Difference' next if err_line.include? 'Inside surface heat balance convergence problem continues' next if err_line.include? 'Missing temperature setpoint for LeavingSetpointModulated mode' # These warnings are fine, simulation continues with assigning plant loop setpoint to boiler, which is the expected one next if err_line.include?('Glycol: Temperature') && err_line.include?('out of range (too low) for fluid') next if err_line.include?('Glycol: Temperature') && err_line.include?('out of range (too high) for fluid') next if err_line.include? 'Plant loop exceeding upper temperature limit' next if err_line.include? 'Plant loop falling below lower temperature limit' next if err_line.include?('Foundation:Kiva') && err_line.include?('wall surfaces with more than four vertices') # TODO: Check alternative approach next if err_line.include? 'Temperature out of range [-100. to 200.] (PsyPsatFnTemp)' next if err_line.include? 'Enthalpy out of range (PsyTsatFnHPb)' next if err_line.include? 'Full load outlet air dry-bulb temperature < 2C. This indicates the possibility of coil frost/freeze.' next if err_line.include? 'Full load outlet temperature indicates a possibility of frost/freeze error continues.' next if err_line.include? 'Air-cooled condenser inlet dry-bulb temperature below 0 C.' next if err_line.include? 'Low condenser dry-bulb temperature error continues.' next if err_line.include? 'Coil control failed' next if err_line.include? 'sensible part-load ratio out of range error continues' next if err_line.include? 'Iteration limit exceeded in calculating sensible part-load ratio error continues' next if err_line.include?('setupIHGOutputs: Output variables=Zone Other Equipment') && err_line.include?('are not available.') next if err_line.include?('setupIHGOutputs: Output variables=Space Other Equipment') && err_line.include?('are not available') next if err_line.include? 'Actual air mass flow rate is smaller than 25% of water-to-air heat pump coil rated air flow rate.' # FUTURE: Remove this when https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlus/issues/9125 is resolved next if err_line.include? 'DetailedSkyDiffuseModeling is chosen but not needed as either the shading transmittance for shading devices does not change throughout the year' next if err_line.include? 'View factors not complete' next if err_line.include?('CheckSimpleWAHPRatedCurvesOutputs') && err_line.include?('WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit') # FIXME: Check these # HPWHs if hpxml.water_heating_systems.select { |wh| wh.water_heater_type == HPXML::WaterHeaterTypeHeatPump }.size > 0 next if err_line.include? 'Recovery Efficiency and Energy Factor could not be calculated during the test for standard ratings' next if err_line.include? 'SimHVAC: Maximum iterations (20) exceeded for all HVAC loops' next if err_line.include? 'Rated air volume flow rate per watt of rated total water heating capacity is out of range' next if err_line.include? 'For object = Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump:Wrapped' next if err_line.include? 'Enthalpy out of range (PsyTsatFnHPb)' end if hpxml.water_heating_systems.select { |wh| wh.water_heater_type == HPXML::WaterHeaterTypeHeatPump && wh.location == HPXML::LocationOtherExterior }.size > 0 next if err_line.include? 'Water heater tank set point temperature is greater than or equal to the cut-in temperature of the heat pump water heater.' end # Stratified tank WHs if hpxml.water_heating_systems.select { |wh| wh.tank_model_type == HPXML::WaterHeaterTankModelTypeStratified }.size > 0 next if err_line.include? 'Recovery Efficiency and Energy Factor could not be calculated during the test for standard ratings' end # HP defrost curves if hpxml.heat_pumps.select { |hp| [HPXML::HVACTypeHeatPumpAirToAir, HPXML::HVACTypeHeatPumpMiniSplit, HPXML::HVACTypeHeatPumpPTHP, HPXML::HVACTypeHeatPumpRoom].include? hp.heat_pump_type }.size > 0 next if err_line.include?('GetDXCoils: Coil:Heating:DX') && err_line.include?('curve values') end if hpxml.cooling_systems.select { |c| c.cooling_system_type == HPXML::HVACTypeEvaporativeCooler }.size > 0 # Evap cooler model is not really using Controller:MechanicalVentilation object, so these warnings of ignoring some features are fine. # OS requires a Controller:MechanicalVentilation to be attached to the oa controller, however it's not required by E+. # Manually removing Controller:MechanicalVentilation from idf eliminates these two warnings. # FUTURE: Can we update OS to allow removing it? next if err_line.include?('Zone') && err_line.include?('is not accounted for by Controller:MechanicalVentilation object') next if err_line.include?('PEOPLE object for zone') && err_line.include?('is not accounted for by Controller:MechanicalVentilation object') # "The only valid controller type for an AirLoopHVAC is Controller:WaterCoil.", evap cooler doesn't need one. next if err_line.include?('GetAirPathData: AirLoopHVAC') && err_line.include?('has no Controllers') # input "Autosize" for Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate is added by OS translation, now set it to 0 to skip potential sizing process, though no way to prevent this warning. next if err_line.include? 'Since Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method = CONSTANT, input for Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate will be ignored' end if hpxml.hvac_distributions.select { |d| d.air_type.to_s == HPXML::AirTypeFanCoil }.size > 0 next if err_line.include? 'In calculating the design coil UA for Coil:Cooling:Water' # Warning for unused cooling coil for fan coil end if hpxml_path.include?('ground-to-air-heat-pump-cooling-only.xml') || hpxml_path.include?('ground-to-air-heat-pump-heating-only.xml') next if err_line.include? 'COIL:HEATING:WATERTOAIRHEATPUMP:EQUATIONFIT' # heating capacity is > 20% different than cooling capacity; safe to ignore end if hpxml.solar_thermal_systems.size > 0 next if err_line.include? 'Supply Side is storing excess heat the majority of the time.' end flunk "Unexpected eplusout.err warning found for #{File.basename(hpxml_path)}: #{err_line}" end # Check for unused objects/schedules/constructions warnings num_unused_objects = 0 num_unused_schedules = 0 num_unused_constructions = 0 File.readlines(File.join(rundir, 'eplusout.err')).each do |err_line| if err_line.include? 'unused objects in input' num_unused_objects = Integer(err_line.split(' ')[3]) elsif err_line.include? 'unused schedules in input' num_unused_schedules = Integer(err_line.split(' ')[3]) elsif err_line.include? 'unused constructions in input' num_unused_constructions = Integer(err_line.split(' ')[6]) end end assert_equal(0, num_unused_objects) assert_equal(0, num_unused_schedules) assert_equal(0, num_unused_constructions) # Check for Output:Meter and Output:Variable warnings num_invalid_output_meters = 0 num_invalid_output_variables = 0 File.readlines(File.join(rundir, 'eplusout.err')).each do |err_line| if err_line.include? 'Output:Meter: invalid Key Name' num_invalid_output_meters += 1 elsif err_line.include?('Key=') && err_line.include?('VarName=') num_invalid_output_variables += 1 end end assert_equal(0, num_invalid_output_meters) assert_equal(0, num_invalid_output_variables) # Timestep timestep = hpxml.header.timestep if timestep.nil? timestep = 60 end query = 'SELECT NumTimestepsPerHour FROM Simulations' sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_equal(60 / timestep, sql_value) # Conditioned Floor Area if (hpxml.total_fraction_cool_load_served > 0) || (hpxml.total_fraction_heat_load_served > 0) # EnergyPlus will only report conditioned floor area if there is an HVAC system hpxml_value = hpxml.building_construction.conditioned_floor_area if hpxml.has_location(HPXML::LocationCrawlspaceConditioned) hpxml_value += hpxml.slabs.select { |s| s.interior_adjacent_to == HPXML::LocationCrawlspaceConditioned }.map { |s| s.area }.sum end query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Zone Summary' AND RowName='Conditioned Total' AND ColumnName='Area' AND Units='m2'" sql_value = UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'm^2', 'ft^2') assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) end # Enclosure Roofs hpxml.roofs.each do |roof| roof_id = roof.id.upcase # R-value hpxml_value = roof.insulation_assembly_r_value if hpxml_path.include? 'ASHRAE_Standard_140' # Compare R-value w/o film hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmRoofASHRAE140.rvalue hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmOutsideASHRAE140.rvalue query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Opaque Exterior' AND (RowName='#{roof_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{roof_id}:%') AND ColumnName='U-Factor no Film' AND Units='W/m2-K'" else # Compare R-value w/ film query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Opaque Exterior' AND (RowName='#{roof_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{roof_id}:%') AND ColumnName='U-Factor with Film' AND Units='W/m2-K'" end sql_value = 1.0 / UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'W/(m^2*K)', 'Btu/(hr*ft^2*F)') assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) # Net area hpxml_value = roof.area hpxml.skylights.each do |subsurface| next if subsurface.roof_idref.upcase != roof_id hpxml_value -= subsurface.area end query = "SELECT SUM(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Opaque Exterior' AND (RowName='#{roof_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{roof_id}:%') AND ColumnName='Net Area' AND Units='m2'" sql_value = UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'm^2', 'ft^2') assert_operator(sql_value, :>, 0.01) assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) # Solar absorptance hpxml_value = roof.solar_absorptance query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Opaque Exterior' AND (RowName='#{roof_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{roof_id}:%') AND ColumnName='Reflectance'" sql_value = 1.0 - sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.01) # Tilt hpxml_value = UnitConversions.convert(Math.atan(roof.pitch / 12.0), 'rad', 'deg') query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Opaque Exterior' AND (RowName='#{roof_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{roof_id}:%') AND ColumnName='Tilt' AND Units='deg'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.01) # Azimuth next unless (not roof.azimuth.nil?) && (Float(roof.pitch) > 0) hpxml_value = roof.azimuth query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Opaque Exterior' AND (RowName='#{roof_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{roof_id}:%') AND ColumnName='Azimuth' AND Units='deg'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.01) end # Enclosure Foundations # Ensure Kiva instances have perimeter fraction of 1.0 as we explicitly define them to end up this way. num_kiva_instances = 0 File.readlines(File.join(rundir, 'eplusout.eio')).each do |eio_line| next unless eio_line.downcase.start_with? 'foundation kiva' kiva_perim_frac = Float(eio_line.split(',')[5]) assert_equal(1.0, kiva_perim_frac) num_kiva_instances += 1 end if hpxml_path.include? 'ASHRAE_Standard_140' # nop elsif hpxml_path.include? 'real_homes' # nop elsif hpxml_path.include? 'base-bldgtype-multifamily' assert_equal(0, num_kiva_instances) # no foundation, above dwelling unit else num_expected_kiva_instances = { 'base-foundation-ambient.xml' => 0, # no foundation in contact w/ ground 'base-enclosure-floortypes.xml' => 0, # no foundation in contact w/ ground 'base-foundation-multiple.xml' => 2, # additional instance for 2nd foundation type 'base-enclosure-2stories-garage.xml' => 2, # additional instance for garage 'base-foundation-basement-garage.xml' => 2, # additional instance for garage 'base-enclosure-garage.xml' => 2, # additional instance for garage 'base-foundation-walkout-basement.xml' => 4, # 3 foundation walls plus a no-wall exposed perimeter 'base-foundation-complex.xml' => 10, # lots of foundations for testing 'base-enclosure-split-surfaces2.xml' => 81, # lots of foundations for testing 'base-pv-battery-garage.xml' => 2 } # additional instance for garage if not num_expected_kiva_instances[File.basename(hpxml_path)].nil? assert_equal(num_expected_kiva_instances[File.basename(hpxml_path)], num_kiva_instances) else assert_equal(1, num_kiva_instances) end end # Enclosure Foundation Slabs num_slabs = hpxml.slabs.size if (num_slabs <= 1) && (num_kiva_instances <= 1) # The slab surfaces may be combined in these situations, so skip tests hpxml.slabs.each do |slab| slab_id = slab.id.upcase # Exposed Area hpxml_value = Float(slab.area) query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Opaque Exterior' AND RowName='#{slab_id}' AND ColumnName='Gross Area' AND Units='m2'" sql_value = UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'm^2', 'ft^2') assert_operator(sql_value, :>, 0.01) assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) # Tilt query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Opaque Exterior' AND RowName='#{slab_id}' AND ColumnName='Tilt' AND Units='deg'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(180.0, sql_value, 0.01) end end # Enclosure Walls/RimJoists/FoundationWalls (hpxml.walls + hpxml.rim_joists + hpxml.foundation_walls).each do |wall| wall_id = wall.id.upcase if wall.is_adiabatic # Adiabatic surfaces have their "BaseSurfaceIndex" as their "ExtBoundCond" in "Surfaces" table in SQL simulation results query_base_surf_idx = "SELECT BaseSurfaceIndex FROM Surfaces WHERE SurfaceName='#{wall_id}'" query_ext_bound = "SELECT ExtBoundCond FROM Surfaces WHERE SurfaceName='#{wall_id}'" sql_value_base_surf_idx = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_base_surf_idx).get sql_value_ext_bound_cond = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_ext_bound).get assert_equal(sql_value_base_surf_idx, sql_value_ext_bound_cond) end if wall.is_exterior table_name = 'Opaque Exterior' else table_name = 'Opaque Interior' end # R-value if (not wall.insulation_assembly_r_value.nil?) && (not wall.is_a? HPXML::FoundationWall) # FoundationWalls use Foundation:Kiva for insulation hpxml_value = wall.insulation_assembly_r_value if hpxml_path.include? 'ASHRAE_Standard_140' # Compare R-value w/o film hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmVerticalASHRAE140.rvalue if wall.is_exterior hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmOutsideASHRAE140.rvalue else hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmVerticalASHRAE140.rvalue end query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND (RowName='#{wall_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{wall_id}:%') AND ColumnName='U-Factor no Film' AND Units='W/m2-K'" elsif wall.is_interior # Compare R-value w/o film hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmVertical.rvalue hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmVertical.rvalue query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND (RowName='#{wall_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{wall_id}:%') AND ColumnName='U-Factor no Film' AND Units='W/m2-K'" else # Compare R-value w/ film query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND (RowName='#{wall_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{wall_id}:%') AND ColumnName='U-Factor with Film' AND Units='W/m2-K'" end sql_value = 1.0 / UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'W/(m^2*K)', 'Btu/(hr*ft^2*F)') assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) end # Net area hpxml_value = wall.area (hpxml.windows + hpxml.doors).each do |subsurface| next if subsurface.wall_idref.upcase != wall_id hpxml_value -= subsurface.area end if wall.exterior_adjacent_to == HPXML::LocationGround # Calculate total length of walls wall_total_length = 0 hpxml.foundation_walls.each do |foundation_wall| next unless foundation_wall.exterior_adjacent_to == HPXML::LocationGround next unless wall.interior_adjacent_to == foundation_wall.interior_adjacent_to wall_total_length += foundation_wall.area / foundation_wall.height end # Calculate total slab exposed perimeter slab_exposed_length = 0 hpxml.slabs.each do |slab| next unless wall.interior_adjacent_to == slab.interior_adjacent_to slab_exposed_length += slab.exposed_perimeter end # Calculate exposed foundation wall area if slab_exposed_length < wall_total_length hpxml_value *= (slab_exposed_length / wall_total_length) end end if (hpxml.foundation_walls.include? wall) && (not wall.is_exterior) # interzonal foundation walls: only above-grade portion modeled hpxml_value *= (wall.height - wall.depth_below_grade) / wall.height end if wall.is_exterior query = "SELECT SUM(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND (RowName='#{wall_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{wall_id}:%' OR RowName LIKE '#{wall_id} %') AND ColumnName='Net Area' AND Units='m2'" else query = "SELECT SUM(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND (RowName='#{wall_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{wall_id}:%') AND ColumnName='Net Area' AND Units='m2'" end sql_value = UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'm^2', 'ft^2') assert_operator(sql_value, :>, 0.01) assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) # Solar absorptance if wall.respond_to?(:solar_absorptance) && (not wall.solar_absorptance.nil?) hpxml_value = wall.solar_absorptance query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND (RowName='#{wall_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{wall_id}:%') AND ColumnName='Reflectance'" sql_value = 1.0 - sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.01) end # Tilt query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND (RowName='#{wall_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{wall_id}:%') AND ColumnName='Tilt' AND Units='deg'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(90.0, sql_value, 0.01) # Azimuth next if wall.azimuth.nil? hpxml_value = wall.azimuth query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND (RowName='#{wall_id}' OR RowName LIKE '#{wall_id}:%') AND ColumnName='Azimuth' AND Units='deg'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.01) end # Enclosure Floors hpxml.floors.each do |floor| floor_id = floor.id.upcase if floor.is_adiabatic # Adiabatic surfaces have their "BaseSurfaceIndex" as their "ExtBoundCond" in "Surfaces" table in SQL simulation results query_base_surf_idx = "SELECT BaseSurfaceIndex FROM Surfaces WHERE SurfaceName='#{floor_id}'" query_ext_bound = "SELECT ExtBoundCond FROM Surfaces WHERE SurfaceName='#{floor_id}'" sql_value_base_surf_idx = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_base_surf_idx).get sql_value_ext_bound_cond = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_ext_bound).get assert_equal(sql_value_base_surf_idx, sql_value_ext_bound_cond) end if floor.is_exterior table_name = 'Opaque Exterior' else table_name = 'Opaque Interior' end # R-value hpxml_value = floor.insulation_assembly_r_value if hpxml_path.include? 'ASHRAE_Standard_140' # Compare R-value w/o film if floor.is_exterior # Raised floor hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmFloorASHRAE140.rvalue hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmFloorZeroWindASHRAE140.rvalue elsif floor.is_ceiling # Attic floor hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmFloorASHRAE140.rvalue hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmFloorASHRAE140.rvalue end query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{floor_id}' AND ColumnName='U-Factor no Film' AND Units='W/m2-K'" elsif floor.is_interior # Compare R-value w/o film if floor.is_ceiling hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmFloorAverage.rvalue hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmFloorAverage.rvalue else hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmFloorReduced.rvalue hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmFloorReduced.rvalue end query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{floor_id}' AND ColumnName='U-Factor no Film' AND Units='W/m2-K'" else # Compare R-value w/ film query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{floor_id}' AND ColumnName='U-Factor with Film' AND Units='W/m2-K'" end sql_value = 1.0 / UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'W/(m^2*K)', 'Btu/(hr*ft^2*F)') assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) # Area hpxml_value = floor.area query = "SELECT SUM(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{floor_id}' AND ColumnName='Net Area' AND Units='m2'" sql_value = UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'm^2', 'ft^2') assert_operator(sql_value, :>, 0.01) assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) # Tilt if floor.is_ceiling hpxml_value = 0 else hpxml_value = 180 end query = "SELECT AVG(Value) FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{floor_id}' AND ColumnName='Tilt' AND Units='deg'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.01) end # Enclosure Windows/Skylights (hpxml.windows + hpxml.skylights).each do |subsurface| subsurface_id = subsurface.id.upcase if subsurface.is_exterior table_name = 'Exterior Fenestration' else table_name = 'Interior Door' end # Area if subsurface.is_exterior col_name = 'Area of Multiplied Openings' else col_name = 'Gross Area' end hpxml_value = subsurface.area query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{subsurface_id}' AND ColumnName='#{col_name}' AND Units='m2'" sql_value = UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'm^2', 'ft^2') assert_operator(sql_value, :>, 0.01) assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) # U-Factor if subsurface.is_exterior col_name = 'Glass U-Factor' else col_name = 'U-Factor no Film' end hpxml_value = Constructions.get_ufactor_shgc_adjusted_by_storms(subsurface.storm_type, subsurface.ufactor, subsurface.shgc)[0] if subsurface.is_interior hpxml_value = 1.0 / (1.0 / hpxml_value - Material.AirFilmVertical.rvalue) hpxml_value = 1.0 / (1.0 / hpxml_value - Material.AirFilmVertical.rvalue) end if subsurface.is_a? HPXML::Skylight hpxml_value /= 1.2 # converted to the 20-deg slope from the vertical position by multiplying the tested value at vertical end query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{subsurface_id}' AND ColumnName='#{col_name}' AND Units='W/m2-K'" sql_value = UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'W/(m^2*K)', 'Btu/(hr*ft^2*F)') assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.02) next unless subsurface.is_exterior # SHGC hpxml_value = Constructions.get_ufactor_shgc_adjusted_by_storms(subsurface.storm_type, subsurface.ufactor, subsurface.shgc)[1] query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{subsurface_id}' AND ColumnName='Glass SHGC'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_delta(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.01) # Azimuth hpxml_value = subsurface.azimuth query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{subsurface_id}' AND ColumnName='Azimuth' AND Units='deg'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.01) # Tilt if subsurface.respond_to? :wall_idref query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{subsurface_id}' AND ColumnName='Tilt' AND Units='deg'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(90.0, sql_value, 0.01) elsif subsurface.respond_to? :roof_idref hpxml_value = nil hpxml.roofs.each do |roof| next if roof.id != subsurface.roof_idref hpxml_value = UnitConversions.convert(Math.atan(roof.pitch / 12.0), 'rad', 'deg') end query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{subsurface_id}' AND ColumnName='Tilt' AND Units='deg'" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.01) else flunk "Subsurface '#{subsurface_id}' should have either AttachedToWall or AttachedToRoof element." end end # Enclosure Doors hpxml.doors.each do |door| door_id = door.id.upcase if door.wall.is_exterior table_name = 'Exterior Door' else table_name = 'Interior Door' end # Area if not door.area.nil? hpxml_value = door.area query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{door_id}' AND ColumnName='Gross Area' AND Units='m2'" sql_value = UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'm^2', 'ft^2') assert_operator(sql_value, :>, 0.01) assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) end # R-Value next if door.r_value.nil? if door.is_exterior col_name = 'U-Factor with Film' else col_name = 'U-Factor no Film' end hpxml_value = door.r_value if door.is_interior hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmVertical.rvalue hpxml_value -= Material.AirFilmVertical.rvalue end query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='EnvelopeSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='#{table_name}' AND RowName='#{door_id}' AND ColumnName='#{col_name}' AND Units='W/m2-K'" sql_value = 1.0 / UnitConversions.convert(sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get, 'W/(m^2*K)', 'Btu/(hr*ft^2*F)') assert_in_epsilon(hpxml_value, sql_value, 0.1) end # HVAC Load Fractions if (not hpxml_path.include? 'location-miami') && (not hpxml_path.include? 'location-honolulu') && (not hpxml_path.include? 'location-phoenix') htg_energy = results.select { |k, _v| (k.include?(': Heating (MBtu)') || k.include?(': Heating Fans/Pumps (MBtu)')) && !k.include?('Load') }.values.sum(0.0) assert_equal(hpxml.total_fraction_heat_load_served > 0, htg_energy > 0) end clg_energy = results.select { |k, _v| (k.include?(': Cooling (MBtu)') || k.include?(': Cooling Fans/Pumps (MBtu)')) && !k.include?('Load') }.values.sum(0.0) assert_equal(hpxml.total_fraction_cool_load_served > 0, clg_energy > 0) # Mechanical Ventilation whole_vent_fans = hpxml.ventilation_fans.select { |vent_mech| vent_mech.used_for_whole_building_ventilation && !vent_mech.is_cfis_supplemental_fan? } local_vent_fans = hpxml.ventilation_fans.select { |vent_mech| vent_mech.used_for_local_ventilation } fan_cfis = whole_vent_fans.select { |vent_mech| vent_mech.fan_type == HPXML::MechVentTypeCFIS } fan_sup = whole_vent_fans.select { |vent_mech| vent_mech.fan_type == HPXML::MechVentTypeSupply } fan_exh = whole_vent_fans.select { |vent_mech| vent_mech.fan_type == HPXML::MechVentTypeExhaust } fan_bal = whole_vent_fans.select { |vent_mech| [HPXML::MechVentTypeBalanced, HPXML::MechVentTypeERV, HPXML::MechVentTypeHRV].include?(vent_mech.fan_type) } vent_fan_kitchen = local_vent_fans.select { |vent_mech| vent_mech.fan_location == HPXML::LocationKitchen } vent_fan_bath = local_vent_fans.select { |vent_mech| vent_mech.fan_location == HPXML::LocationBath } if not (fan_cfis + fan_sup + fan_exh + fan_bal + vent_fan_kitchen + vent_fan_bath).empty? mv_energy = UnitConversions.convert(results['End Use: Electricity: Mech Vent (MBtu)'], 'MBtu', 'GJ') if not fan_cfis.empty? if (fan_sup + fan_exh + fan_bal + vent_fan_kitchen + vent_fan_bath).empty? # CFIS only, check for positive mech vent energy that is less than the energy if it had run 24/7 fan_gj = fan_cfis.map { |vent_mech| UnitConversions.convert(vent_mech.unit_fan_power * vent_mech.hours_in_operation * 365.0, 'Wh', 'GJ') }.sum(0.0) assert_operator(mv_energy, :>, 0) assert_operator(mv_energy, :<, fan_gj) end else # Supply, exhaust, ERV, HRV, etc., check for appropriate mech vent energy fan_gj = 0 if not fan_sup.empty? fan_gj += fan_sup.map { |vent_mech| UnitConversions.convert(vent_mech.unit_fan_power * vent_mech.hours_in_operation * 365.0, 'Wh', 'GJ') }.sum(0.0) end if not fan_exh.empty? fan_gj += fan_exh.map { |vent_mech| UnitConversions.convert(vent_mech.unit_fan_power * vent_mech.hours_in_operation * 365.0, 'Wh', 'GJ') }.sum(0.0) end if not fan_bal.empty? fan_gj += fan_bal.map { |vent_mech| UnitConversions.convert(vent_mech.unit_fan_power * vent_mech.hours_in_operation * 365.0, 'Wh', 'GJ') }.sum(0.0) end if not vent_fan_kitchen.empty? fan_gj += vent_fan_kitchen.map { |vent_kitchen| UnitConversions.convert(vent_kitchen.unit_fan_power * vent_kitchen.hours_in_operation * vent_kitchen.quantity * 365.0, 'Wh', 'GJ') }.sum(0.0) end if not vent_fan_bath.empty? fan_gj += vent_fan_bath.map { |vent_bath| UnitConversions.convert(vent_bath.unit_fan_power * vent_bath.hours_in_operation * vent_bath.quantity * 365.0, 'Wh', 'GJ') }.sum(0.0) end # Maximum error that can be caused by rounding assert_in_delta(mv_energy, fan_gj, 0.006) end end tabular_map = { HPXML::ClothesWasher => Constants.ObjectNameClothesWasher, HPXML::ClothesDryer => Constants.ObjectNameClothesDryer, HPXML::Refrigerator => Constants.ObjectNameRefrigerator, HPXML::Dishwasher => Constants.ObjectNameDishwasher, HPXML::CookingRange => Constants.ObjectNameCookingRange } (hpxml.clothes_washers + hpxml.clothes_dryers + hpxml.refrigerators + hpxml.dishwashers + hpxml.cooking_ranges).each do |appliance| next unless hpxml.water_heating_systems.size > 0 # Location hpxml_value = appliance.location if hpxml_value.nil? || HPXML::conditioned_locations.include?(hpxml_value) || [HPXML::LocationOtherHeatedSpace, HPXML::LocationOtherMultifamilyBufferSpace, HPXML::LocationOtherNonFreezingSpace].include?(hpxml_value) hpxml_value = HPXML::LocationLivingSpace end tabular_value = tabular_map[appliance.class] query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE TableName='ElectricEquipment Internal Gains Nominal' AND ColumnName='Zone Name' AND RowName=(SELECT RowName FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE TableName='ElectricEquipment Internal Gains Nominal' AND ColumnName='Name' AND Value='#{tabular_value.upcase}')" sql_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query).get assert_equal(hpxml_value.upcase, sql_value) end # Lighting ltg_energy = results.select { |k, _v| k.include? 'End Use: Electricity: Lighting' }.values.sum(0.0) assert_equal(hpxml.lighting_groups.size > 0, ltg_energy > 0) # Get fuels htg_fuels = [] htg_backup_fuels = [] wh_fuels = [] hpxml.heating_systems.each do |heating_system| if heating_system.is_heat_pump_backup_system htg_backup_fuels << heating_system.heating_system_fuel else htg_fuels << heating_system.heating_system_fuel end end hpxml.cooling_systems.each do |cooling_system| if cooling_system.has_integrated_heating htg_fuels << cooling_system.integrated_heating_system_fuel end end hpxml.heat_pumps.each do |heat_pump| if heat_pump.fraction_heat_load_served > 0 htg_backup_fuels << heat_pump.backup_heating_fuel end end hpxml.water_heating_systems.each do |water_heating_system| related_hvac = water_heating_system.related_hvac_system if related_hvac.nil? wh_fuels << water_heating_system.fuel_type elsif related_hvac.respond_to? :heating_system_fuel wh_fuels << related_hvac.heating_system_fuel end end is_warm_climate = false if ['USA_FL_Miami.Intl.AP.722020_TMY3.epw', 'USA_HI_Honolulu.Intl.AP.911820_TMY3.epw', 'USA_AZ_Phoenix-Sky.Harbor.Intl.AP.722780_TMY3.epw'].include? hpxml.climate_and_risk_zones.weather_station_epw_filepath is_warm_climate = true end # Fuel consumption checks [HPXML::FuelTypeNaturalGas, HPXML::FuelTypeOil, HPXML::FuelTypeKerosene, HPXML::FuelTypePropane, HPXML::FuelTypeWoodCord, HPXML::FuelTypeWoodPellets, HPXML::FuelTypeCoal].each do |fuel| fuel_name = fuel.split.map(&:capitalize).join(' ') fuel_name += ' Cord' if fuel_name == 'Wood' energy_htg = results.fetch("End Use: #{fuel_name}: Heating (MBtu)", 0) energy_hp_backup = results.fetch("End Use: #{fuel_name}: Heating Heat Pump Backup (MBtu)", 0) energy_dhw = results.fetch("End Use: #{fuel_name}: Hot Water (MBtu)", 0) energy_cd = results.fetch("End Use: #{fuel_name}: Clothes Dryer (MBtu)", 0) energy_cr = results.fetch("End Use: #{fuel_name}: Range/Oven (MBtu)", 0) if htg_fuels.include? fuel if (not hpxml_path.include? 'autosize') && (not is_warm_climate) assert_operator(energy_htg, :>, 0) end else assert_equal(0, energy_htg) end if htg_backup_fuels.include? fuel if (not hpxml_path.include? 'autosize') && (not is_warm_climate) assert_operator(energy_hp_backup, :>, 0) end else assert_equal(0, energy_hp_backup) end if wh_fuels.include? fuel assert_operator(energy_dhw, :>, 0) else assert_equal(0, energy_dhw) end if (hpxml.clothes_dryers.size > 0) && (hpxml.clothes_dryers[0].fuel_type == fuel) assert_operator(energy_cd, :>, 0) else assert_equal(0, energy_cd) end if (hpxml.cooking_ranges.size > 0) && (hpxml.cooking_ranges[0].fuel_type == fuel) assert_operator(energy_cr, :>, 0) else assert_equal(0, energy_cr) end end # Check unmet hours unmet_hours_htg = results.select { |k, _v| k.include? 'Unmet Hours: Heating' }.values.sum(0.0) unmet_hours_clg = results.select { |k, _v| k.include? 'Unmet Hours: Cooling' }.values.sum(0.0) if hpxml_path.include? 'base-hvac-undersized.xml' assert_operator(unmet_hours_htg, :>, 1000) assert_operator(unmet_hours_clg, :>, 1000) else if hpxml.total_fraction_heat_load_served == 0 assert_equal(0, unmet_hours_htg) else assert_operator(unmet_hours_htg, :<, 350) end if hpxml.total_fraction_cool_load_served == 0 assert_equal(0, unmet_hours_clg) else assert_operator(unmet_hours_clg, :<, 350) end end sqlFile.close # Ensure sql file is immediately freed; otherwise we can get # errors on Windows when trying to delete this file. GC.start() end def _write_results(results, csv_out) require 'csv' output_keys = [] results.values.each do |xml_results| xml_results.keys.each do |key| next if output_keys.include? key output_keys << key end end CSV.open(csv_out, 'w') do |csv| csv << ['HPXML'] + output_keys results.sort.each do |xml, xml_results| csv_row = [xml] output_keys.each do |key| if xml_results[key].nil? csv_row << 0 else csv_row << xml_results[key] end end csv << csv_row end end puts "Wrote results to #{csv_out}." end def _write_ashrae_140_results(all_results, csv_out) require 'csv' htg_loads = {} clg_loads = {} CSV.open(csv_out, 'w') do |csv| csv << ['Test Case', 'Annual Heating Load [MMBtu]', 'Annual Cooling Load [MMBtu]'] all_results.sort.each do |xml, xml_results| next unless xml.include? 'C.xml' htg_load = xml_results['Load: Heating: Delivered (MBtu)'].round(2) csv << [File.basename(xml), htg_load, 'N/A'] test_name = File.basename(xml, File.extname(xml)) htg_loads[test_name] = htg_load end all_results.sort.each do |xml, xml_results| next unless xml.include? 'L.xml' clg_load = xml_results['Load: Cooling: Delivered (MBtu)'].round(2) csv << [File.basename(xml), 'N/A', clg_load] test_name = File.basename(xml, File.extname(xml)) clg_loads[test_name] = clg_load end end puts "Wrote ASHRAE 140 results to #{csv_out}." end end