module RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat class Mysql < Base extend CommonRegularExpressions line_definition :time do |line| line.header = :alternative line.teaser = /\# Time: / line.regexp = /\# Time: (#{timestamp('%y%m%d %k:%M:%S')})/ line.captures << { :name => :timestamp, :type => :timestamp } end line_definition :user_host do |line| line.header = :alternative line.teaser = /\# User\@Host\: / line.regexp = /\# User\@Host\: ([\w-]+)\[[\w-]+\] \@ ([\w\.-]*) \[(#{ip_address(true)})\]/ line.captures << { :name => :user, :type => :string } << { :name => :host, :type => :string } << { :name => :ip, :type => :string } end line_definition :query_statistics do |line| line.header = :alternative line.teaser = /\# Query_time: / line.regexp = /\# Query_time: (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+Lock_time: (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+Rows_sent: (\d+)\s+Rows_examined: (\d+)/ line.captures << { :name => :query_time, :type => :duration, :unit => :sec } << { :name => :lock_time, :type => :duration, :unit => :sec } << { :name => :rows_sent, :type => :integer } << { :name => :rows_examined, :type => :integer } end line_definition :use_database do |line| line.regexp = /^use (\w+);\s*$/ line.captures << { :name => :database, :type => :string } end line_definition :query_part do |line| line.regexp = /^(?!(?:use |\# |SET ))(.*[^;\s])\s*$/ line.captures << { :name => :query_fragment, :type => :string } end line_definition :query do |line| line.regexp = /^(?!(?:use |\# |SET ))(.*);\s*$/ line.captures << { :name => :query, :type => :sql } line.footer = true end PER_USER = :user PER_QUERY = :query PER_USER_QUERY = { |request| "#{request[:user]}@#{}: #{request[:query]}" } report do |analyze| analyze.timespan :line_type => :time analyze.frequency :user, :title => "Users with most queries" analyze.duration :query_time, :category => PER_USER, :title => 'Query time per user' analyze.duration :query_time, :category => PER_USER_QUERY, :title => 'Query time' analyze.duration :lock_time, :category => PER_USER_QUERY, :title => 'Lock time', :if => lambda { |request| request[:lock_time] > 0.0 } analyze.numeric_value :rows_examined, :category => PER_USER_QUERY, :title => "Rows examined" analyze.numeric_value :rows_sent, :category => PER_USER_QUERY, :title => "Rows sent" end class Request < RequestLogAnalyzer::Request def convert_sql(value, definition) # Recreate the full SQL query by joining all the previous parts and this last line sql = every(:query_fragment).join("\n") + value # Sanitize an SQL query so that it can be used as a category field. # sql.gsub!(/\/\*.*\*\//, '') # remove comments sql.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') # remove excessive whitespace sql.gsub!(/`([^`]+)`/, '\1') # remove quotes from field names sql.gsub!(/'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'/, ':date') # replace dates sql.gsub!(/'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}'/, ':datetime') # replace timestamps sql.gsub!(/'[^']*'/, ':string') # replace strings sql.gsub!(/\b\d+\b/, ':int') # replace integers sql.gsub!(/(:int,)+:int/, ':ints') # replace multiple ints by a list sql.gsub!(/(:string,)+:string/, ':strings') # replace multiple strings by a list return sql.rstrip end def host self[:host] == '' || self[:host].nil? ? self[:ip] : self[:host] end # Convert the timestamp to an integer def convert_timestamp(value, definition) all,y,m,d,h,i,s = value.split(/(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)\s+(\d?\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/) ('20%s%s%s%s%s%s' % [y,m,d,h.rjust(2, '0'),i,s]).to_i end end end end