class Marty::Promise < Marty::Base class MarshalResult def dump(v) Marshal.dump(v) end def load(v) # Marshal.load can't handle nil v ? Marshal.load(v) : {} end end # default timeout (seconds) to wait for promise values DEFAULT_PROMISE_TIMEOUT = Rails.configuration.marty.promise_timeout || 30 # default timeout (seconds) to wait for jobs to start DEFAULT_JOB_TIMEOUT = Rails.configuration.marty.job_timeout || 10 SELECT_COLS =["result"] default_scope { select(*SELECT_COLS) } def result unless has_attribute?(:result) changes_before_reload = self.changes.clone self.reload changes_before_reload.each{ |attribute_name, values| self.send("#{attribute_name}=", values[1]) } end read_attribute :result end serialize :result, validates_presence_of :title has_many :children, foreign_key: 'parent_id', class_name: "Marty::Promise", dependent: :destroy belongs_to :parent, class_name: "Marty::Promise" belongs_to :user, class_name: "Marty::User" def self.cleanup(all=false) begin where('start_dt < ? AND parent_id IS NULL', - (all ? 0.hours : 4.hours)).destroy_all rescue => exc Marty::Util.logger.error("promise GC error: #{exc}") end end class VirtualRoot def self.primary_key 'id' end def id 'root' end def user_id 0 end alias_method :job_id, :user_id def result nil end [:start_dt, :end_dt].each { |m| alias_method m, :result } def status true end end def self.root end def self.children_for_id(id, search_order) q = id == 'root' ? where(parent_id: nil) : find(id).children q.live_search(search_order).order(id: :desc).includes(:children, :user) end def leaf children.empty? end def raw_conn self.class.connection.raw_connection end def pg_notify raw_conn.async_exec("NOTIFY promise_#{id}") end def set_start if self.start_dt || self.result != {} Marty::Util.logger.error("promise already started: #{self}") return end # mark promise as started self.start_dt =! end def set_result(res) # log "SETRES #{} #{self}" # promise must have been started and not yet ended if !self.start_dt || self.end_dt || self.result != {} # log "SETERR #{} #{self}" Marty::Util.logger.error("unexpected promise state: #{self}") return end raise "bad result" unless res.is_a?(Hash) self.status = res["error"].nil? self.result = res # update title/format from result hash (somewhat hacky) self.title = res["title"].to_s if res["title"] self.cformat = res["format"].to_s if res["format"] # mark promise as ended self.end_dt =! # log "NOTIFY #{}" pg_notify end def to_s inspect end # def log(msg) # open('/tmp/dj.out', 'a') { |f| f.puts msg } # end def wait_for_my_notify(timeout) while true do # FIXME: we keep using the same timeout. The timeout should be # reduced by total time spent here. n = raw_conn.wait_for_notify(timeout) return n if !n || n=="promise_#{id}" end end def latest # FIXME: Not sure if this is idiomatic. What's the best way to # force AR to reload the promise object? reset+reload doesn't # seems to work. # get latest uncached version Marty::Promise.uncached {Marty::Promise.find(id)} end def self.job_by_id(job_id) Delayed::Job.uncached {Delayed::Job.find_by_id(job_id)} end def work_off_job(job) # Create a temporary worker to work off the job Delayed::Job.where(id: update_all(locked_at: Delayed::Job.db_time_now, locked_by: "Temp") w = end def wait_for_result(timeout) return self.result if self.result != {} begin # start listening on promise's notification raw_conn.exec("LISTEN promise_#{id}") last = latest # if job hasn't started yet, wait for it to start if !last.start_dt job = Marty::Promise.job_by_id(last.job_id) # log "AAAA #{} #{last} #{job}" if !job || job.locked_at # job has been locked, so it looks like it started already # and we need to wait for it. wait_for_my_notify(Marty::Promise::DEFAULT_JOB_TIMEOUT) else # work off the job instead of waiting for a real worker to # pick it up. # log "OFF0 #{} #{last}" begin work_off_job(job) rescue => exc # log "OFFERR #{exc}" res = Delorean::Engine.grok_runtime_exception(exc) last.set_result(res) end # log "OFF1 #{} #{last}" end last = latest # we waited for it but it never started. So, mark it with a # timeout error. if !last.start_dt # log "TO11 #{} #{last}" return {"error" => "promise #{} timed out (never started)"} end end # reload promise in case out copy doesn't have a result yet last = latest unless last.end_dt # at this point, we know the promise has already started if !last.end_dt wait_for_my_notify(timeout) # log "UUUU #{} #{id} #{}" last = latest # log "XXXX #{} #{} #{last}" if !last.end_dt # log "TO22 #{} #{last}" return {"error" => "promise #{} timed out (didn't end)"} end end # log "RRRR #{} #{last} #{}" last.result ensure # Stop listening to the promise notifications raw_conn.exec("UNLISTEN promise_#{id}") end end # Support UI live search -- FIXME: hacky to have UI scoping here scope :live_search, lambda { |search_text| return if !search_text || search_text.strip.length < 1 # Searches user login/firstname/lastname query = [ "marty_users.login ILIKE ?", "marty_users.firstname ILIKE ?", "marty_users.lastname ILIKE ?", " ILIKE ?", ].join(' OR ') st = "%#{search_text}%" # Convert "Role Name" or "Role name" to "role_name" (underscore is key) st2 = "%#{search_text.titleize.gsub(/\s/, '').underscore}%" joins({:user => :roles}).where(query, st, st, st, st2).distinct } end