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<h2>NUnit Command Line Options</h2>
<p>The forms interface may be run with or without the name of a file containing 
	tests on the command line. If the program is started without any file 
	specified, it automatically loads the most recently loaded assembly.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> Options that take values may use an equal sign, a colon or a space 
	to separate the option from its value.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> Under the Windows operating system, options may be prefixed by either
    a forward slash or a hyphen. Under Linux, a hyphen must be used. Options that
	take values may use an equal sign, a colon or a space to separate the option 
	from its value.</p>
<h4>Run without loading an Assembly</h4>
<p>To suppress loading of the most recent assembly, use the <b>/noload</b> switch:
	<pre class="programtext">        nunit /noload</pre>
<h4>Specifying an Assembly</h4>
<p>The other option is to specify an assembly or project file name on the command 
	line. The following will start the forms interface with the assembly 
	<pre class="programtext">        nunit nunit.tests.dll</pre>
<p>The following will start the forms interface loading the same assembly through 
	its Visual Studio project definition:
	<pre class="programtext">        nunit nunit.tests.csproj</pre>
<p>Assuming an NUnit test project has been created containing the assembly, the 
	following will again load nunit.tests.dll:
	<pre class="programtext">        nunit nunit.tests.nunit</pre>
<h4>Specifying an Assembly and a Fixture</h4>
	When specifying a a fixture, you must give the full name of the test fixture 
	along with the containing assembly. For example, to load only the 
	NUnit.Tests.AssertionTests in the nunit.tests.dll assembly use the following 
	<pre class="programtext">        nunit /fixture:NUnit.Tests.AssertionTests nunit.tests.dll</pre>
<p>The name specified after the <b>/fixture</b> option may be that of a TestFixture 
	class, or a namespace. If a namespace is given, then all fixtures under that 
	namespace are loaded. This option may be used with Visual Studio or NUnit 
	projects as well.</p>

<h4>Specifying Test Categories to Include or Exclude</h4>
<p>NUnit provides CategoryAttribute for use in marking tests as belonging to 
	one or more categories. Categories may be included or excluded in a test run 
	using the <b>/include</b> or <b>/exclude</b> options. The following command 
	starts the gui with only the tests in the BaseLine category selected:
	<pre class="programtext">        nunit myassembly.dll /include:BaseLine</pre>
<p>The following command selects all tests <b>except</b> those in the Database 
	<pre class="programtext">        nunit myassembly.dll /exclude:Database</pre>
Multiple categories may be specified on either option, by using commas to 
separate them.
<p><b>Note:</b> At this time, the /include and /exclude options may not be
combined on the command line.</p>
<h4>Specifying the Version of the CLR</h4>

<p>Most applications are written to run under a specific version of the CLR.
A few are designed to operate correctly under multiple versions. In either case,
it is important to be able to specify the CLR version to be used for testing.</p>

<p>When only one version of the CLR is used, the config files for nunit and
nunit-console may be set up to specify that version. As a more convenient
alternative when switching CLRs, you may use the provided <b>clr.bat</b>
command to specify the version under which NUnit should run.</p>

<p>For example, to run the gui under the RTM version of 
the .Net 2.0 framework, use:</p>

<pre class="programtext">       clr net-2.0 nunit</pre>

<p>The <b>clr.bat</b> file is located in the NUnit <b>bin</b> directory. You may
put this on your path, or copy it to a convenient location. Enter <b>clr /?</b> 
for a list of options.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> If you use a &lt;startup&gt; section in the config file, it takes
precedence over this option.</p>

<p><b>Note:</b> This command is specific to the Microsoft .Net 
framework. The Mono framework provides other means to specify the version
to be used when running a command and the NUnit Windows interface does
not currently run under Mono.</p>

<h4>Load and Run All Tests</h4>
Normally, nunit only loads an assembly and then waits for the user to click 
on the Run button. If you wish to have the tests run immediately, use the <b>/run</b>
<pre class="programtext">        nunit nunit.tests.dll /run</pre>
<h4>Load and Run Selected Tests</h4>
To load and immediately rerun the last selected tests, use the <b>/runselected</b>
<pre class="programtext">        nunit nunit.tests.dll /runselected</pre>
<p><b>Note:</b> If no selection has been saved, this option works just like <b>/run</b>.
<h4>Specifying which Configuration to Load</h4>
<p>When loading a Visual Studio project or an NUnit project, the first 
	configuration found will be loaded by default. Usually this is Debug. The 
	configuration loaded may be controlled using the <b>/config</b> switch. The 
	following will load the Release configuration of the nunit.tests.dll:
	<pre class="programtext">        nunit nunit.tests.csproj /config:Release</pre>
<p><b>Note:</b> This option has no effect when loading an assembly directly.</p>
<h4>Specifying Multiple Assemblies</h4>
<p>The forms interface does <b>not</b> currently provide for specifying more than 
	one assembly on the command line. Multiple-assembly projects must be loaded by 
	specifying the name of a Visual Studio solution file or an NUnit test project.</p>
<h4>Clearing the ShadowCopy Cache</h4>
<p>The <b>/cleanup</b> option erases the shadow copy cache and exits.
<h4>Displaying Help</h4>
<p>The <b>/help</b> or <b>/?</b> option displays a message box containing a brief 
	help message.</p>


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