module Alchemy module Hints # Returns a hint # # To add a hint to a content pass +hint: true+ to the element definition in its element.yml # # Then the hint itself is placed in the locale yml files. # # Alternativly you can pass the hint itself to the hint key. # # == Locale Example: # # # elements.yml # - name: headline # contents: # - name: headline # type: EssenceText # hint: true # # # config/locales/de.yml # de: # content_hints: # headline: Lorem ipsum # # == Hint Key Example: # # - name: headline # contents: # - name: headline # type: EssenceText # hint: Lorem ipsum # # @return String # def hint hint = definition['hint'] if hint == true I18n.t(name, scope: hint_translation_scope) else hint end end # Returns true if the element has a hint def has_hint? hint.present? end private def hint_translation_scope "#{self.class.model_name.to_s.demodulize.downcase}_hints" end end end