module Ubiquitously module Twitter class Account < Ubiquitously::Service::Account uses :oauth def login # only login if we don't have cookies url = "http://localhost:4567/" hash = ::TwitterToken.authorize(url) options = {:url => hash[:url]} if cookies? raise "COOKIES" options.merge!(:headers => {"Cookie" => user.cookies_for(:twitter)}) page = agent.get(options, [], url) else page = agent.get(options, [], url) form = page.forms.first form["session[username_or_email]"] = username form["session[password]"] = password page = form.submit end if page.uri.to_s =~ /http:\/\/api\.twitter\.com\/oauth\/authenticate/i if page.links.first.href !~ /http:\/\/localhost/ page = page.forms.last.submit end end authorize!(page.title =~ /Redirecting you back to the application/i) location = URI.parse(page.links.first.href) verifier = Rack::Utils.parse_query(location.query)["oauth_verifier"] # do something with the oauth token, save it in the cookie? self.credentials = ::TwitterToken.access( :token => hash[:token], :secret => hash[:secret], :oauth_verifier => verifier ) logged_in? end end class Post < Ubiquitously::Service::Post def create response ="/statuses/update.json", { "status" => token[:description], "include_entities" => true }) result = JSON.parse(response.body) if result.has_key?("error") raise result["error"].to_s end end end end end