# Roadmap Please note that the release dates in this roadmap may and most likely will change from time to time. List items that contain a "(!)" are considered to be important and should be solved/added before any of the other items. Items containing "(?)" are considered to be unverified/undecided and might not be added/completed at all. ## Planned Releases ### 0.3 - June 2011 * Most parts of the core covered by specs. (!) * A working (although probably rough) plugin system to extend the inner parts of Zen. An example of a plugin would be something that allows the use of Akismet for comments rather than Defensio. * Website completely up and running. (!) * Translation system for the Javascript used in the backend * Documentation/Userguide online ### 0.2 - March 2011 * General code improvements. * Navigation module for the frontend. * Improved Liquid tags. * A working datepicker * Refilling forms in case of errors (!) ### 0.1a - February 2011 The first public alpha released, mainly meant to give people and idea of what Zen is all about.