require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'stringio' describe "Schema dump" do before(:all) do SchemaPlus.setup do |config| config.foreign_keys.auto_create = false end ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do connection.tables.each do |table| drop_table table end create_table :users, :force => true do |t| t.string :login t.datetime :deleted_at t.integer :first_post_id end create_table :posts, :force => true do |t| t.text :body t.integer :user_id t.integer :first_comment_id t.string :string_no_default end create_table :comments, :force => true do |t| t.text :body t.integer :post_id t.integer :commenter_id end end end class ::User < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::Post < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::Comment < ActiveRecord::Base ; end end it "should include foreign_key definition" do with_foreign_key Post, :user_id, :users, :id do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.foreign_key ["user_id"], "users", ["id"]})) end end it "should include foreign_key name" do with_foreign_key Post, :user_id, :users, :id, :name => "yippee" do dump_posts.should match /foreign_key.*user_id.*users.*id.*:name => "yippee"/ end end it "should sort foreign_key definitions" do with_foreign_keys Comment, [ [ :post_id, :posts, :id ], [ :commenter_id, :users, :id ]] do dump_schema.should match(/foreign_key.+commenter_id.+foreign_key.+post_id/m) end end context "with constraint dependencies" do it "should sort in Posts => Comments direction" do with_foreign_key Comment, :post_id, :posts, :id do dump_schema.should match(%r{create_table "posts".*create_table "comments"}m) end end it "should sort in Comments => Posts direction" do with_foreign_key Post, :first_comment_id, :comments, :id do dump_schema.should match(%r{create_table "comments".*create_table "posts"}m) end end it "should handle regexp in ignore_tables" do with_foreign_key Comment, :post_id, :posts, :id do dump = dump_schema(:ignore => /post/) dump.should match /create_table "comments"/ dump.should_not match /create_table "posts"/ end end end context "with date default" do if SchemaPlusHelpers.postgresql? it "should dump the default hash expr as now()" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :datetime, :default => :now do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.datetime "posted_at", :default => \{ :expr => "now()" \}})) end end it "should dump the default hash expr as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :datetime, :default => {:expr => 'date \'2001-09-28\''} do dump_posts.should match(%r{t.datetime "posted_at",\s*:default => '2001-09-28 00:00:00'}) end end it "can dump a complex default expression" do with_additional_column Post, :name, :string, :default => {:expr => 'substring(random()::text from 3 for 6)'} do dump_posts.should match(%r{t.string\s+"name", :default => { :expr => "\\"substring\\"\(\(random\(\)\)::text, 3, 6\)" }}) end end end if SchemaPlusHelpers.sqlite3? it "should dump the default hash expr as now" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :datetime, :default => :now do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.datetime "posted_at", :default => \{ :expr => "(DATETIME('now'))" \}})) end end it "should dump the default hash expr string as now" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :datetime, :default => { :expr => "(DATETIME('now'))" } do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.datetime "posted_at", :default => \{ :expr => "(DATETIME('now'))" \}})) end end it "should dump the default value normally" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :string, :default => "now" do dump_posts.should match(%r{t.string "posted_at",\s*:default => "now"}) end end end end it "should leave out :default when default was changed to null" do ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.change_column_default :posts, :string_no_default, nil end dump_posts.should match(%r{t.string\s+"string_no_default"\s*$}) end it "should include foreign_key options" do with_foreign_key Post, :user_id, :users, :id, :on_update => :cascade, :on_delete => :set_null do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.foreign_key ["user_id"], "users", ["id"], :on_update => :cascade, :on_delete => :set_null})) end end it "should include index definition" do with_index Post, :user_id do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.index ["user_id"]})) end end it "should include index name" do with_index Post, :user_id, :name => "custom_name" do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.index ["user_id"], :name => "custom_name"})) end end it "should define unique index" do with_index Post, :user_id, :name => "posts_user_id_index", :unique => true do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.index ["user_id"], :name => "posts_user_id_index", :unique => true})) end end unless SchemaPlusHelpers.mysql? it "should include index order" do with_index Post, [:user_id, :first_comment_id], :order => { :user_id => :asc, :first_comment_id => :desc } do dump_posts.should match(%r{t.index \["user_id", "first_comment_id"\],.*:order => {"user_id" => :asc, "first_comment_id" => :desc}}) end end end if SchemaPlusHelpers.postgresql? it "should define case insensitive index" do with_index Post, [:body, :string_no_default], :case_sensitive => false do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.index ["body", "string_no_default"], :name => "index_posts_on_body_and_string_no_default", :case_sensitive => false})) end end it "should define conditions" do with_index Post, :user_id, :name => "posts_user_id_index", :conditions => "user_id IS NOT NULL" do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.index ["user_id"], :name => "posts_user_id_index", :conditions => "(user_id IS NOT NULL)"})) end end it "should define expression" do with_index Post, :name => "posts_freaky_index", :expression => "USING hash (least(id, user_id))" do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.index :name => "posts_freaky_index", :kind => "hash", :expression => "LEAST(id, user_id)"})) end end it "should not define :case_sensitive => false with non-trivial expression" do with_index Post, :name => "posts_user_body_index", :expression => "BTRIM(LOWER(body))" do dump_posts.should match(%r{#{to_regexp(%q{t.index :name => "posts_user_body_index", :expression => "btrim(lower(body))"})}$}) end end it "should define kind" do with_index Post, :name => "posts_body_index", :expression => "USING hash (body)" do dump_posts.should match(to_regexp(%q{t.index ["body"], :name => "posts_body_index", :kind => "hash"})) end end end unless SchemaPlusHelpers.sqlite3? context "with cyclic foreign key constraints" do before (:all) do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Comment.table_name, :commenter_id, User.table_name, :id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Comment.table_name, :post_id, Post.table_name, :id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Post.table_name, :first_comment_id, Comment.table_name, :id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(Post.table_name, :user_id, User.table_name, :id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_foreign_key(User.table_name, :first_post_id, Post.table_name, :id) end it "should not raise an error" do expect { dump_schema }.to_not raise_error end it "should dump constraints after the tables they reference" do dump_schema.should match(%r{create_table "comments".*foreign_key.*\["first_comment_id"\], "comments", \["id"\]}m) dump_schema.should match(%r{create_table "posts".*foreign_key.*\["first_post_id"\], "posts", \["id"\]}m) dump_schema.should match(%r{create_table "posts".*foreign_key.*\["post_id"\], "posts", \["id"\]}m) dump_schema.should match(%r{create_table "users".*foreign_key.*\["commenter_id"\], "users", \["id"\]}m) dump_schema.should match(%r{create_table "users".*foreign_key.*\["user_id"\], "users", \["id"\]}m) end end end protected def to_regexp(string) end def with_additional_column(model, column_name, column_type, options) table_columns = model.columns.reject{|column| == 'id'} ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table model.table_name, :force => true do |t| table_columns.each do |column| t.column, column.type, :default => column.default end t.column column_name, column_type, options end end yield end def with_foreign_key(model, columns, referenced_table_name, referenced_columns, options = {}, &block) with_foreign_keys(model, [[columns, referenced_table_name, referenced_columns, options]], &block) end def with_foreign_keys(model, columnsets) table_columns = model.columns.reject{|column| == 'id'} ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table model.table_name, :force => true do |t| table_columns.each do |column| t.column, column.type end columnsets.each do |columns, referenced_table_name, referenced_columns, options| t.foreign_key columns, referenced_table_name, referenced_columns, options || {} end end end model.reset_column_information begin yield ensure ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table model.table_name, :force => true do |t| table_columns.each do |column| t.column, column.type end end end end end def with_index(model, columns, options = {}) ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.add_index(model.table_name, columns, options) end model.reset_column_information begin yield ensure ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.remove_index(model.table_name, :name => determine_index_name(model, columns, options)) end end end def determine_index_name(model, columns, options) name = columns[:name] if columns.is_a?(Hash) name ||= options[:name] name ||= model.indexes.detect { |index| index.table == model.table_name.to_s && index.columns.sort == Array(columns).collect(&:to_s).sort }.name name end def determine_foreign_key_name(model, columns, options) name = options[:name] name ||= model.foreign_keys.detect { |fk| fk.table_name == model.table_name.to_s && fk.column_names == Array(columns).collect(&:to_s) }.name end def dump_schema(opts={}) stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.ignore_tables = Array.wrap(opts[:ignore]) || [] ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, stream) stream.string end def dump_posts dump_schema(:ignore => %w[users comments]) end end