require 'date' # Invoice object class Fastly # An invoice for a time period class Invoice < Base attr_accessor :start_time, :end_time, :invoice_id, :total, :regions ## # :attr: start_time # # The earliest date and time this invoice covers # ## # :attr: end_time # # The latest date and time this invoice covers # ## # :attr: total # # The total for this invoice in US dollars # ## # :attr: regions # # A hash reference with all the different regions and their subtotals # Get the start time of this invoice as a DateTime object in UTC def start DateTime.parse(start_time).new_offset(0) end # Get the end time of this invoice as a DateTime object in UTC def end DateTime.parse(end_time).new_offset(0) end private def self.get_path(*args) opts = args.size > 0 ? args[0] : {} url = '/billing/v2' url += if opts.key?(:year) && opts.key?(:month) "/year/#{opts[:year]}/month/#{opts[:month]}" elsif opts.key?(:id) "/account_customers/#{opts[:customer_id]}/invoices/#{opts[:id]}" elsif opts.key?(:mtd) "/account_customers/#{opts[:customer_id]}/mtd_invoice" else "/account_customers/#{opts[:customer_id]}/invoices" end url end def self.list_path(*args) get_path(*args) end def self.post_path fail "You can't POST to an invoice" end def self.put_path fail "You can't PUT to an invoice" end def self.delete_path fail "You can't DELETE to an invoice" end def save! fail "You can't save an invoice" end def delete! fail "You can't delete an invoice" end end # Return an Invoice object # # If a year and month are passed in returns the invoices for that whole month. # # Otherwise it returns the invoices for the current month so far. def get_invoice(year = nil, month = nil) opts = { customer_id: } if year.nil? || month.nil? opts[:mtd] = true else opts[:year] = year opts[:month] = month end get(Invoice, opts) end # Return an Invoice object for the passed invoice ID def get_invoice_by_id(id) opts = { id: id, customer_id: } get(Invoice, opts) end # Retun an array of Invoice objects. def list_invoices opts = { customer_id: } list(Invoice, opts) end end