require "net/http" require "logger" require "benchmark" require "colorize" module HttpLog LOG_PREFIX = "[httplog] ".freeze DEFAULT_LOGGER =$stdout) DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :logger => DEFAULT_LOGGER, :severity => Logger::Severity::DEBUG, :prefix => LOG_PREFIX, :log_connect => true, :log_request => true, :log_headers => false, :log_data => true, :log_status => true, :log_response => true, :log_benchmark => true, :compact_log => false, :url_whitelist_pattern => /.*/, :url_blacklist_pattern => nil, :color => false, :prefix_data_lines => false, :prefix_response_lines => false, :prefix_line_numbers => false } class << self def options @@options ||= DEFAULT_OPTIONS.clone end def reset_options! @@options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.clone end def url_approved?(url) unless options[:url_blacklist_pattern].nil? return false if url.to_s.match(options[:url_blacklist_pattern]) end url.to_s.match(options[:url_whitelist_pattern]) end def log(msg) # This builds a hash {0=>:DEBUG, 1=>:INFO, 2=>:WARN, 3=>:ERROR, 4=>:FATAL, 5=>:UNKNOWN}. # Courtesy of the delayed_job gem in this commit: # severities = Hash[*Logger::Severity.constants.enum_for(:each_with_index).collect{ |s, i| [i, s] }.flatten] severity = severities[options[:severity]].to_s.downcase options[:logger].send(severity, colorize(prefix + msg)) end def log_connection(host, port = nil) return if options[:compact_log] || !options[:log_connect] log("Connecting: #{[host, port].compact.join(":")}") end def log_request(method, uri) return if options[:compact_log] || !options[:log_request] log("Sending: #{method.to_s.upcase} #{uri}") end def log_headers(headers = {}) return if options[:compact_log] || !options[:log_headers] headers.each do |key,value| log("Header: #{key}: #{value}") end end def log_status(status) return if options[:compact_log] || !options[:log_status] log("Status: #{status}") end def log_benchmark(seconds) return if options[:compact_log] || !options[:log_benchmark] log("Benchmark: #{seconds} seconds") end def log_body(body, encoding = nil, content_type=nil) return if options[:compact_log] || !options[:log_response] unless text_based?(content_type) log("Response: (not showing binary data)") return end if body.is_a?(Net::ReadAdapter) # open-uri wraps the response in a Net::ReadAdapter that defers reading # the content, so the reponse body is not available here. log("Response: (not available yet)") return end if encoding =~ /gzip/ sio = body.to_s ) gz = sio ) body = end data = utf_encoded(body.to_s, content_type) if options[:prefix_response_lines] log("Response:") log_data_lines(data) else log("Response:\n#{data}") end end def log_data(data) return if options[:compact_log] || !options[:log_data] data = utf_encoded(data.to_s) if options[:prefix_data_lines] log("Data:") log_data_lines(data) else log("Data: #{data}") end end def log_compact(method, uri, status, seconds) return unless options[:compact_log] status = Rack::Utils.status_code(status) unless status == /\d{3}/ log("#{method.to_s.upcase} #{uri} completed with status code #{status} in #{seconds} seconds") end def colorize(msg) return msg unless options[:color] msg.send(:colorize, options[:color]) end private def utf_encoded(data, content_type=nil) charset = content_type.to_s.scan(/; charset=(\S+)/).flatten.first || 'UTF-8' data.force_encoding(charset) rescue data.force_encoding('UTF-8') data.encode('UTF-8', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace) end def text_based?(content_type) # This is a very naive way of determining if the content type is text-based; but # it will allow application/json and the like without having to resort to more # heavy-handed checks. content_type =~ /^text/ || content_type =~ /^application/ && content_type != 'application/octet-stream' end def log_data_lines(data) data.each_line.with_index do |line, row| if options[:prefix_line_numbers] log("#{row + 1}: #{line.chomp}") else log(line.strip) end end end def prefix if options[:prefix].respond_to?(:call) options[:prefix].call else options[:prefix].to_s end end end end