require 'alula/core_ext' require 'alula/config' require 'alula/plugin' require 'alula/storage' require 'alula/content' require 'alula/context' require 'alula/generator' require 'alula/attachment_processor' require 'alula/compressors' require 'alula/cdn' require 'alula/helpers' require 'alula/progress' require 'thor' require 'sprockets' require 'i18n' require 'parallel' require 'hashie/mash' require 'json' # Silence Tilt require 'sass' require 'coffee-script' module Alula class Site def self.instance; @@instance; end # Global configuration attr_reader :config # Storage attr_reader :storage # Context for rendering attr_reader :context # Progress displayer attr_reader :progress # CDN Resolver for Site attr_reader :cdn # Site Plugins attr_reader :plugins # Site filters attr_reader :filters # Compressors attr_reader :compressors # Site metadata information attr_reader :metadata # Site attachment mapping attr_reader :attachments # Theme attr_reader :theme # User generated content attr_reader :content # System generated content, pages, pagination, etc. attr_reader :generated def initialize(options) @@instance = self # Read local config @config = @storage = Storage.load(site: self) @metadata ={ base_locale: @config.locale, environment: @config.environment, title: @config.title, author:, tagline: @config.tagline, url: @config.url, theme: @config.theme, # Use this to store information of GIT site or note git:".git"), }) # Progress displayer @progress = options["debug"]) # Compressors compressors = if @config.assets.compress { html:, css:, js:, } else { html:, css:, js:, } end @compressors = @attachments = self) # Set up CDN resolver @cdn = CDN.load(site: self) @plugins = {} @filters = {} # Set up I18n l10n_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "locales", "l10n", "*.yml") locale_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "locales", "*.yml") custom_locale_path = File.join(@storage.path(:custom, "locales"), "*.yml") I18n.load_path += Dir[l10n_path] I18n.load_path += Dir[locale_path] I18n.load_path += Dir[custom_locale_path] I18n.default_locale = @config.locale # Set up default head addons Alula::Plugin.addon(:head, "") Alula::Plugin.addon(:head, ->(context){""}) end # Compiles a site to static website def generate # Load our plugins and filters load_plugins load_filters # Prepare public folder prepare(true) load_content process_attachments compile_assets render cleanup # Store cached version of configuration cached_config = File.join(storage.path(:cache), "config.yml") @config.write_cache(cached_config) end # Proxy to metadata def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk) # Proxy to metadata if !meth[/=$/] and self.metadata.respond_to?(meth) args.unshift(self.context.locale || self.config.locale) if args.empty? self.metadata.send(meth, *args) else super end end private def load_plugins config.plugins.each do |name, options| if plugin = Alula::Plugin.load(name, options) @plugins[name] = plugin end end end def load_filters config.content.filters.each do |name, options| if filter = Alula::Filter.load(name, options) @filters[name] = filter end end end def prepare(preserve = false) say "==> Preparing environment" + (preserve ? " (preserving existing files)" : "") # Delegate preparations to storage module # Load theme @context = self, storage: @context.send(:extend, Helpers) @theme = Alula::Theme.load(site: self) # Create our asset environment @environment = # Add compressor support # if config.environment == "production" @environment.css_compressor = @compressors.css @environment.js_compressor = @compressors.js # end @environment.context_class.class_eval do # include Helpers def context; Alula::Site.instance.context; end def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk) return context.send(meth, *args, &blk) if context.respond_to?(meth) super end end @context.environment = @environment @context.attachments = self.attachments # Add generated attachements @environment.append_path @storage.path(:cache, "attachments") # Add generated assets @environment.append_path @storage.path(:cache, "assets") # Theme, plugins, vendor and customisation [ self.theme.path, *plugins.collect{|name, plugin| plugin.path}, ::File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "vendor"), ].each do |path| %w{javascripts stylesheets images}.each {|p| @environment.append_path ::File.join(path, "assets", p) } end # Customisation %w{javascripts stylesheets images}.each do |path| @environment.prepend_path @storage.path(:custom, path) end end def load_content say "==> Loading site content" # Read site content @content = self) @content.load # Do we have index page defined if self.config.index index_page = @content.by_slug(self.config.index) if index_page index_page.metadata.slug = "index" index_page.metadata.template = "/:locale/:slug" index_page.metadata.title = Hash[index_page.metadata.languages.collect{|lang| [lang, metadata.title(lang)]}] end end end def process_attachments puts "==> Processing attachments" progress.create :attachments, title: "Attachments", total: self.content.attachments.count progress.display @@lock =, :in_threads => Parallel.processor_count) do |attachment| if processor = attachments.get(attachment) processor.process end @@lock.synchronize do progress.step(:attachments) end end progress.finish(:attachments) progress.hide # Output mapping information + "/mapping.yml", 'w') {|io| io.puts JSON(self.attachments.mapping.to_json).to_yaml} end def compile_assets puts "==> Compiling assets" # Generate stylesheet @storage.output(:cache, "assets/style.css") do |io| io.puts "/*" # Theme style io.puts " *= require #{self.config.theme}" # Plugins @plugins.each do |name, plugin| io.puts " *= require #{name}" unless Dir[File.join(plugin.path, "assets", "stylesheets", "#{name}*")].empty? end # Vendored # Blog customization @storage.custom(/stylesheets\/.*.css.*$/).each do |name, item| name = File.basename(name).gsub(/(\.\S+)$/, '') io.puts " *= require #{name}" end io.puts "*/" end # Add stlesheet to template Alula::Plugin.addon(:head, ->(context){ context.stylesheet_link("style") }) # Generate javascript @storage.output(:cache, "assets/script.js") do |io| io.puts "/*" # Theme scripts io.puts " *= require #{self.config.theme}" # Plugins @plugins.each do |name, plugin| io.puts " *= require #{name}" unless Dir[File.join(plugin.path, "assets", "javascripts", "#{name}*")].empty? end # Vendored io.puts " *= require lazyload" if self.config.attachments.image.lazyload # Customisation @storage.custom(/javascripts\/.*.js.*$/).each do |name, item| name = File.basename(name).gsub(/(\.\S+)$/, '') io.puts " *= require #{name}" end io.puts " */" end # Add javascript to end of body Alula::Plugin.addon(:body, ->(context){ context.javascript_link("script") }) # Compile all assets progress.create :assets, title: "Compiling assets", total: @environment.each_logical_path.count progress.display @environment.each_logical_path do |logical_path| if asset = @environment.find_asset(logical_path) target = File.join(@storage.path(:assets), asset.digest_path) asset.write_to(target) asset.write_to("#{target}.gz") if target =~ /\.(css|js)$/ and self.config.assets.gzip end progress.step :assets end progress.finish(:assets) progress.hide end def render say "==> Render site" progress.create :render, title: "Rendering content", total: (self.content.posts.count + self.content.pages.count) progress.display # Render all user content, parallel... (self.content.posts + self.content.pages).each do |content| # Write content to file content.write progress.title(:render, "%20s" %[0..19]) if self.config.debug progress.step(:render) end progress.finish(:render) # Copy static content # Create directory path static_dirs = [ ::File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "vendor"), *plugins.collect{|name, plugin| plugin.path}, self.theme.path, ] statics = static_dirs.collect{|path| Dir[File.join(path, "static", "**", "*")].collect{|p| {path: File.join(path, "static"), item: p} } }.flatten progress.create :static, title: "Copy statics", total: self.content.statics.count + statics.count (statics + self.content.statics).each do |static| if static.kind_of?(Hash) name = static[:item].gsub(/^#{static[:path]}\//, '') @storage.output_public(name) {|io|[:item]) } else @storage.output_public( { |io| } end progress.step :static end progress.finish :static progress.hide end def cleanup say "==> Cleaning up" asset_path = @storage.path(:assets) assets = @environment.used.collect do |asset_name| if asset = @environment[asset_name] filename = File.join(asset_path, asset.digest_path) [filename, self.config.assets.gzip ? "#{filename}.gz" : ""] end end.flatten.reject { |u| u.nil? or !File.exists?(u) } outputted = @storage.outputted.reject{|o|o[/^#{asset_path}/]} keep = (assets + outputted).collect{|p| File.expand_path(p)} Dir[File.join(@storage.path(:public), "**", "*")].each do |entry| next unless File.file?(entry) FileUtils.rm entry if File.file?(entry) and !keep.include?(File.expand_path(entry)) end # Clean up empty directories Dir[File.join(@storage.path(:public), "**", "*")].each do |entry| next unless FileUtils.rmdir entry if Dir[File.join(entry, "**", "*")].count == 0 end end # Output helpers def say(msg) @shell ||= @shell.say msg end end end