/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "blob.h" #include "git2/common.h" #include "git2/object.h" #include "git2/repository.h" #include "git2/odb_backend.h" #include "filebuf.h" #include "filter.h" #include "buf_text.h" const void *git_blob_rawcontent(const git_blob *blob) { assert(blob); if (blob->raw) return blob->data.raw.data; else return git_odb_object_data(blob->data.odb); } git_object_size_t git_blob_rawsize(const git_blob *blob) { assert(blob); if (blob->raw) return blob->data.raw.size; else return (git_object_size_t)git_odb_object_size(blob->data.odb); } int git_blob__getbuf(git_buf *buffer, git_blob *blob) { git_object_size_t size = git_blob_rawsize(blob); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_BLOBSIZE(size); return git_buf_set(buffer, git_blob_rawcontent(blob), (size_t)size); } void git_blob__free(void *_blob) { git_blob *blob = (git_blob *) _blob; if (!blob->raw) git_odb_object_free(blob->data.odb); git__free(blob); } int git_blob__parse_raw(void *_blob, const char *data, size_t size) { git_blob *blob = (git_blob *) _blob; assert(blob); blob->raw = 1; blob->data.raw.data = data; blob->data.raw.size = size; return 0; } int git_blob__parse(void *_blob, git_odb_object *odb_obj) { git_blob *blob = (git_blob *) _blob; assert(blob); git_cached_obj_incref((git_cached_obj *)odb_obj); blob->raw = 0; blob->data.odb = odb_obj; return 0; } int git_blob_create_from_buffer( git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const void *buffer, size_t len) { int error; git_odb *odb; git_odb_stream *stream; assert(id && repo); if ((error = git_repository_odb__weakptr(&odb, repo)) < 0 || (error = git_odb_open_wstream(&stream, odb, len, GIT_OBJECT_BLOB)) < 0) return error; if ((error = git_odb_stream_write(stream, buffer, len)) == 0) error = git_odb_stream_finalize_write(id, stream); git_odb_stream_free(stream); return error; } static int write_file_stream( git_oid *id, git_odb *odb, const char *path, git_object_size_t file_size) { int fd, error; char buffer[FILEIO_BUFSIZE]; git_odb_stream *stream = NULL; ssize_t read_len = -1; git_object_size_t written = 0; if ((error = git_odb_open_wstream( &stream, odb, file_size, GIT_OBJECT_BLOB)) < 0) return error; if ((fd = git_futils_open_ro(path)) < 0) { git_odb_stream_free(stream); return -1; } while (!error && (read_len = p_read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { error = git_odb_stream_write(stream, buffer, read_len); written += read_len; } p_close(fd); if (written != file_size || read_len < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to read file into stream"); error = -1; } if (!error) error = git_odb_stream_finalize_write(id, stream); git_odb_stream_free(stream); return error; } static int write_file_filtered( git_oid *id, git_object_size_t *size, git_odb *odb, const char *full_path, git_filter_list *fl) { int error; git_buf tgt = GIT_BUF_INIT; error = git_filter_list_apply_to_file(&tgt, fl, NULL, full_path); /* Write the file to disk if it was properly filtered */ if (!error) { *size = tgt.size; error = git_odb_write(id, odb, tgt.ptr, tgt.size, GIT_OBJECT_BLOB); } git_buf_dispose(&tgt); return error; } static int write_symlink( git_oid *id, git_odb *odb, const char *path, size_t link_size) { char *link_data; ssize_t read_len; int error; link_data = git__malloc(link_size); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(link_data); read_len = p_readlink(path, link_data, link_size); if (read_len != (ssize_t)link_size) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to create blob: cannot read symlink '%s'", path); git__free(link_data); return -1; } error = git_odb_write(id, odb, (void *)link_data, link_size, GIT_OBJECT_BLOB); git__free(link_data); return error; } int git_blob__create_from_paths( git_oid *id, struct stat *out_st, git_repository *repo, const char *content_path, const char *hint_path, mode_t hint_mode, bool try_load_filters) { int error; struct stat st; git_odb *odb = NULL; git_object_size_t size; mode_t mode; git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; assert(hint_path || !try_load_filters); if (!content_path) { if (git_repository__ensure_not_bare(repo, "create blob from file") < 0) return GIT_EBAREREPO; if (git_buf_joinpath( &path, git_repository_workdir(repo), hint_path) < 0) return -1; content_path = path.ptr; } if ((error = git_path_lstat(content_path, &st)) < 0 || (error = git_repository_odb(&odb, repo)) < 0) goto done; if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "cannot create blob from '%s': it is a directory", content_path); error = GIT_EDIRECTORY; goto done; } if (out_st) memcpy(out_st, &st, sizeof(st)); size = st.st_size; mode = hint_mode ? hint_mode : st.st_mode; if (S_ISLNK(mode)) { error = write_symlink(id, odb, content_path, (size_t)size); } else { git_filter_list *fl = NULL; if (try_load_filters) /* Load the filters for writing this file to the ODB */ error = git_filter_list_load( &fl, repo, NULL, hint_path, GIT_FILTER_TO_ODB, GIT_FILTER_DEFAULT); if (error < 0) /* well, that didn't work */; else if (fl == NULL) /* No filters need to be applied to the document: we can stream * directly from disk */ error = write_file_stream(id, odb, content_path, size); else { /* We need to apply one or more filters */ error = write_file_filtered(id, &size, odb, content_path, fl); git_filter_list_free(fl); } /* * TODO: eventually support streaming filtered files, for files * which are bigger than a given threshold. This is not a priority * because applying a filter in streaming mode changes the final * size of the blob, and without knowing its final size, the blob * cannot be written in stream mode to the ODB. * * The plan is to do streaming writes to a tempfile on disk and then * opening streaming that file to the ODB, using * `write_file_stream`. * * CAREFULLY DESIGNED APIS YO */ } done: git_odb_free(odb); git_buf_dispose(&path); return error; } int git_blob_create_from_workdir( git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const char *path) { return git_blob__create_from_paths(id, NULL, repo, NULL, path, 0, true); } int git_blob_create_from_disk( git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const char *path) { int error; git_buf full_path = GIT_BUF_INIT; const char *workdir, *hintpath; if ((error = git_path_prettify(&full_path, path, NULL)) < 0) { git_buf_dispose(&full_path); return error; } hintpath = git_buf_cstr(&full_path); workdir = git_repository_workdir(repo); if (workdir && !git__prefixcmp(hintpath, workdir)) hintpath += strlen(workdir); error = git_blob__create_from_paths( id, NULL, repo, git_buf_cstr(&full_path), hintpath, 0, true); git_buf_dispose(&full_path); return error; } typedef struct { git_writestream parent; git_filebuf fbuf; git_repository *repo; char *hintpath; } blob_writestream; static int blob_writestream_close(git_writestream *_stream) { blob_writestream *stream = (blob_writestream *) _stream; git_filebuf_cleanup(&stream->fbuf); return 0; } static void blob_writestream_free(git_writestream *_stream) { blob_writestream *stream = (blob_writestream *) _stream; git_filebuf_cleanup(&stream->fbuf); git__free(stream->hintpath); git__free(stream); } static int blob_writestream_write(git_writestream *_stream, const char *buffer, size_t len) { blob_writestream *stream = (blob_writestream *) _stream; return git_filebuf_write(&stream->fbuf, buffer, len); } int git_blob_create_from_stream(git_writestream **out, git_repository *repo, const char *hintpath) { int error; git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; blob_writestream *stream; assert(out && repo); stream = git__calloc(1, sizeof(blob_writestream)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(stream); if (hintpath) { stream->hintpath = git__strdup(hintpath); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(stream->hintpath); } stream->repo = repo; stream->parent.write = blob_writestream_write; stream->parent.close = blob_writestream_close; stream->parent.free = blob_writestream_free; if ((error = git_repository_item_path(&path, repo, GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_OBJECTS)) < 0 || (error = git_buf_joinpath(&path, path.ptr, "streamed")) < 0) goto cleanup; if ((error = git_filebuf_open_withsize(&stream->fbuf, git_buf_cstr(&path), GIT_FILEBUF_TEMPORARY, 0666, 2 * 1024 * 1024)) < 0) goto cleanup; *out = (git_writestream *) stream; cleanup: if (error < 0) blob_writestream_free((git_writestream *) stream); git_buf_dispose(&path); return error; } int git_blob_create_from_stream_commit(git_oid *out, git_writestream *_stream) { int error; blob_writestream *stream = (blob_writestream *) _stream; /* * We can make this more officient by avoiding writing to * disk, but for now let's re-use the helper functions we * have. */ if ((error = git_filebuf_flush(&stream->fbuf)) < 0) goto cleanup; error = git_blob__create_from_paths(out, NULL, stream->repo, stream->fbuf.path_lock, stream->hintpath, 0, !!stream->hintpath); cleanup: blob_writestream_free(_stream); return error; } int git_blob_is_binary(const git_blob *blob) { git_buf content = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_object_size_t size; assert(blob); size = git_blob_rawsize(blob); git_buf_attach_notowned(&content, git_blob_rawcontent(blob), (size_t)min(size, GIT_FILTER_BYTES_TO_CHECK_NUL)); return git_buf_text_is_binary(&content); } int git_blob_filter_options_init( git_blob_filter_options *opts, unsigned int version) { GIT_INIT_STRUCTURE_FROM_TEMPLATE(opts, version, git_blob_filter_options, GIT_BLOB_FILTER_OPTIONS_INIT); return 0; } int git_blob_filter( git_buf *out, git_blob *blob, const char *path, git_blob_filter_options *given_opts) { int error = 0; git_filter_list *fl = NULL; git_blob_filter_options opts = GIT_BLOB_FILTER_OPTIONS_INIT; git_filter_flag_t flags = GIT_FILTER_DEFAULT; assert(blob && path && out); git_buf_sanitize(out); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_VERSION( given_opts, GIT_BLOB_FILTER_OPTIONS_VERSION, "git_blob_filter_options"); if (given_opts != NULL) memcpy(&opts, given_opts, sizeof(git_blob_filter_options)); if ((opts.flags & GIT_BLOB_FILTER_CHECK_FOR_BINARY) != 0 && git_blob_is_binary(blob)) return 0; if ((opts.flags & GIT_BLOB_FILTER_NO_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) flags |= GIT_FILTER_NO_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTES; if ((opts.flags & GIT_BLOB_FILTER_ATTTRIBUTES_FROM_HEAD) != 0) flags |= GIT_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES_FROM_HEAD; if (!(error = git_filter_list_load( &fl, git_blob_owner(blob), blob, path, GIT_FILTER_TO_WORKTREE, flags))) { error = git_filter_list_apply_to_blob(out, fl, blob); git_filter_list_free(fl); } return error; } /* Deprecated functions */ #ifndef GIT_DEPRECATE_HARD int git_blob_create_frombuffer( git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const void *buffer, size_t len) { return git_blob_create_from_buffer(id, repo, buffer, len); } int git_blob_create_fromworkdir(git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const char *relative_path) { return git_blob_create_from_workdir(id, repo, relative_path); } int git_blob_create_fromdisk(git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const char *path) { return git_blob_create_from_disk(id, repo, path); } int git_blob_create_fromstream( git_writestream **out, git_repository *repo, const char *hintpath) { return git_blob_create_from_stream(out, repo, hintpath); } int git_blob_create_fromstream_commit( git_oid *out, git_writestream *stream) { return git_blob_create_from_stream_commit(out, stream); } int git_blob_filtered_content( git_buf *out, git_blob *blob, const char *path, int check_for_binary_data) { git_blob_filter_options opts = GIT_BLOB_FILTER_OPTIONS_INIT; if (check_for_binary_data) opts.flags |= GIT_BLOB_FILTER_CHECK_FOR_BINARY; else opts.flags &= ~GIT_BLOB_FILTER_CHECK_FOR_BINARY; return git_blob_filter(out, blob, path, &opts); } #endif