# Hitimes Changelog ## Version 1.2.1 2013-03-12 * Update dependencies * Ruby 2.0 fixes * Switch to Markdown, Yeah RDoc 4.0! ## Version 1.2.0 2013-02-09 * Update dependencies * Documentation cleanup * Fix use of deprecated JRuby API in java extension * Fix use of deprecated OSX system calls in C extension * Make hitimes -w clean * Fix ambiguity of calling duration on non-started Interval * Use RbConfig instead of Config (eregon) * Added Hitimes.measure * Switch to using rake-compiler for cross compilation of gems ## Version 1.1.1 2010-09-04 * Remove the unnecessary dependencies that should be development dependencies ## Version 1.1.0 2010-07-28 * Add a pure java extension so hitimes may be used in jruby with the same API ## Version 1.0.5 2010-07-20 * Fix 'circular require considered harmful' warnings in 1.9.x (reported by Roger Pack) * Fix 'method redefined' warnings in 1.9.x (reported by Roger Pack) ## Version 1.0.4 2009-08-01 * Add in support for x86-mingw32 gem * Add version subdirectory for extension on all platforms ## Version 1.0.3 2009-06-28 * Fix bug with time.h on linode (reported by Roger Pack) * Fix potential garbage collection issue with Interval class * Windows gem is now a fat binary to support installing in 1.8 or 1.9 from the same gem ## Version 1.0.1 2009-06-12 * Fix examples * performance tuning, new Hitimes::Metric derived classes are faster than old Timer class ## Version 1.0.0 2009-06-12 * Major version bump with complete refactor of the metric collection API * 3 types of metrics now instead of just 1 Timer * Hitimes::ValueMetric * Hitimes::TimedMetric * Hitimes::TimedValueMetric * The ability to convert all metrics #to_hash * Updated documentation with examples using each metric type ## Version 0.4.1 2009-02-19 * change to ISC License * fix bug in compilation on gentoo ## Version 0.4.0 2008-12-20 * Added new stat 'rate' * Added new stat method to_hash * Added Hitimes::MutexedStats class for threadsafe stats collection - not needed when used in MRI 1.8.x * remove stale dependency on mkrf ## Version 0.3.0 * switched to extconf for building extensions * first release of windows binary gem * reverted back to normal rdoc ## Version 0.2.1 * added Timer#rate method * switched to darkfish rdoc ## Version 0.2.0 * Performance improvements * Added Hitimes::Stats class ## Version 0.1.0 * Initial completion