module Asciidoctor module Standoc module Lists def iso_publisher(t, code) code.sub(/ .*$/, "").split(/\//).each do |abbrev| t.contributor do |c| c.role **{ type: "publisher" } c.organization do |org| organization(org, abbrev) end end end end def plaintxt { format: "text/plain" } end def ref_attributes(m) { id: m[:anchor], type: "standard" } end def set_date_range(date, text) matched = /^(?<from>[0-9]+)(-+(?<to>[0-9]+))?$/.match text return unless matched[:from] if matched[:to] date.from matched[:from] matched[:to] else date.on matched[:from] end end def use_my_anchor(ref, id) ref.parent.elements.last["id"] = id ref end def id_and_year(id, year) return id unless year "#{id}:#{year}" end def docid(t, code) type, code1 = /^\[\d+\]$|^\(.+\)$/.match(code) ? ["metanorma", code.sub(/^\(/, "[").sub(/\)$/, "]")] : @bibdb&.docid_type(code) || [nil, code] t.docidentifier code1, **attr_code(type: type) end def norm_year(yr) return "--" if /^\&\#821[12];$/.match yr yr end def isorefmatches(xml, m) yr = norm_year(m[:year]) ref = fetch_ref xml, m[:code], yr, title: m[:text] return use_my_anchor(ref, m[:anchor]) if ref xml.bibitem **attr_code(ref_attributes(m)) do |t| t.title(**plaintxt) { |i| i << ref_normalise(m[:text]) } docid(t, id_and_year(m[:code], yr)) yr and **{ type: "published" } do |d| set_date_range(d, yr) end iso_publisher(t, m[:code]) end end def isorefmatches2(xml, m) ref = fetch_ref xml, m[:code], nil, no_year: true, note: m[:fn], title: m[:text] return use_my_anchor(ref, m[:anchor]) if ref xml.bibitem **attr_code(ref_attributes(m)) do |t| t.title(**plaintxt) { |i| i << ref_normalise(m[:text]) } docid(t, id_and_year(m[:code], "--")) **{ type: "published" } do |d| d.on "--" end iso_publisher(t, m[:code]) m[:fn].nil? or t.note(**plaintxt) { |p| p << "ISO DATE: #{m[:fn]}" } end end def conditional_date(t, m, noyr) m.names.include?("year") and !m[:year].nil? and**{ type: "published" }) do |d| if noyr then d.on "--" else set_date_range(d, norm_year(m[:year])) end end end def isorefmatches3(xml, m) yr = norm_year(m[:year]) hasyr = m.names.include?("year") && yr != "--" noyr = m.names.include?("year") && yr == "--" ref = fetch_ref xml, m[:code], hasyr ? yr : nil, all_parts: true, no_year: noyr, text: m[:text] return use_my_anchor(ref, m[:anchor]) if ref xml.bibitem(**attr_code(ref_attributes(m))) do |t| t.title(**plaintxt) { |i| i << ref_normalise(m[:text]) } docid(t, id_and_year(m[:code], yr) + " (all parts)") conditional_date(t, m, noyr) iso_publisher(t, m[:code]) m.names.include?("fn") && m[:fn] and t.note(**plaintxt) { |p| p << "ISO DATE: #{m[:fn]}" } t.extent **{ type: 'part' } do |e| e.referenceFrom "all" end end end def fetch_ref(xml, code, year, **opts) return nil if opts[:no_year] hit = @bibdb&.fetch(code, year, opts) return nil if hit.nil? xml.parent.add_child(Utils::smart_render_xml(hit, code, opts[:title])) xml rescue RelatonBib::RequestError warn "Could not retrieve #{code}: no access to online site" nil end def refitem_render(xml, m) xml.bibitem **attr_code(id: m[:anchor]) do |t| t.formattedref **{ format: "application/x-isodoc+xml" } do |i| i << ref_normalise_no_format(m[:text]) end docid(t, /^\d+$/.match(m[:code]) ? "[#{m[:code]}]" : m[:code]) end end MALFORMED_REF = "no anchor on reference, markup may be malformed: "\ "see , "\ "".freeze # TODO: alternative where only title is available def refitem(xml, item, node) unless m = NON_ISO_REF.match(item) Utils::warning(node, MALFORMED_REF, item) return end unless m[:code] && /^\d+$/.match(m[:code]) ref = fetch_ref xml, m[:code], m.names.include?("year") ? m[:year] : nil, { title: m[:text] } return use_my_anchor(ref, m[:anchor]) if ref end refitem_render(xml, m) end def ref_normalise(ref) ref. # gsub(/ — /, " -- "). gsub(/&amp;/, "&"). gsub(%r{^<em>(.*)</em>}, "\\1") end def ref_normalise_no_format(ref) ref. # gsub(/ — /, " -- "). gsub(/&amp;/, "&") end ISO_REF = %r{^<ref\sid="(?<anchor>[^"]+)"> \[(?<code>(ISO|IEC)[^0-9]*\s[0-9-]+|IEV) (:(?<year>[0-9][0-9-]+))?\]</ref>,?\s* (?<text>.*)$}xm ISO_REF_NO_YEAR = %r{^<ref\sid="(?<anchor>[^"]+)"> \[(?<code>(ISO|IEC)[^0-9]*\s[0-9-]+):(--|\&\#821[12]\;)\]</ref>,?\s* (<fn[^>]*>\s*<p>(?<fn>[^\]]+)</p>\s*</fn>)?,?\s?(?<text>.*)$}xm ISO_REF_ALL_PARTS = %r{^<ref\sid="(?<anchor>[^"]+)"> \[(?<code>(ISO|IEC)[^0-9]*\s[0-9]+)(:(?<year>--|\&\#821[12]\;|[0-9][0-9-]+))?\s \(all\sparts\)\]</ref>,?\s* (<fn[^>]*>\s*<p>(?<fn>[^\]]+)</p>\s*</fn>,?\s?)?(?<text>.*)$}xm NON_ISO_REF = %r{^<ref\sid="(?<anchor>[^"]+)"> \[(?<code>[^\]]+?)([:-](?<year>(19|20)[0-9][0-9]))?\]</ref>,?\s* (?<text>.*)$}xm # @param item [String] # @return [Array<MatchData>] def reference1_matches(item) matched = ISO_REF.match item matched2 = ISO_REF_NO_YEAR.match item matched3 = ISO_REF_ALL_PARTS.match item [matched, matched2, matched3] end # @param node [Asciidoctor::List] # @param item [String] # @param xml [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] def reference1(node, item, xml) matched, matched2, matched3 = reference1_matches(item) if matched3.nil? && matched2.nil? && matched.nil? refitem(xml, item, node) # elsif fetch_ref(matched3 || matched2 || matched, xml) elsif !matched.nil? then isorefmatches(xml, matched) elsif !matched2.nil? then isorefmatches2(xml, matched2) elsif !matched3.nil? then isorefmatches3(xml, matched3) end end def reference(node) noko do |xml| node.items.each do |item| reference1(node, item.text, xml) end end.join("\n") end def global_ievcache_name "#{Dir.home}/.iev/cache" end def local_ievcache_name(cachename) return nil if cachename.nil? cachename += "_iev" unless cachename.empty? cachename = "iev" if cachename.empty? "#{cachename}/cache" end end end end