require 'rails_helper' feature "Invitations", :type => :feature do include Warden::Test::Helpers it "should only allow logged in users to invite people" do visit new_user_invitation_path expect( page.body ).to include( "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing." ) end it "should not invite a user that already exists" do login_as create( :user, email: "" ), scope: :user visit new_user_invitation_path within "#new_user" do fill_in "user_email", with: "" end click_button "Invite User" expect( page.body ).to include( "has already been taken" ) end it "should send an invite to a new user" do login_as create( :user ), scope: :user visit new_user_invitation_path within "#new_user" do fill_in "user_email", with: "" end click_button "Invite User" expect( page.body ).to include( "An invitation email has been sent" ) body = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.body md = body.encoded.match /(\/users\/invitation\/accept.*?)"/ if !md assert( false, "URL NOT FOUND IN MESSAGE") end logout visit md[1] expect( page.body ).to_not include( "You are already signed in." ) within "#edit_user" do fill_in "user_password", with: "1234567890" fill_in "user_password_confirmation", with: "1234567890" end click_button "Add password" expect( page.body ).to include( "Your password was set successfully." ) end end