/** * @file GammaPoisson.h * @author bab2min (bab2min@gmail.com) * @brief * @version 0.4.1 * @date 2022-08-13 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020-2021 * */ #ifndef EIGENRAND_DISTS_GAMMAPOISSON_H #define EIGENRAND_DISTS_GAMMAPOISSON_H #include #include #include namespace Eigen { namespace Rand { /** * @brief Generator of integers on a negative binomial distribution * * @tparam _Scalar */ template class NegativeBinomialGen : public GenBase, _Scalar> { static_assert(std::is_same<_Scalar, int32_t>::value, "negativeBinomial needs integral types."); UniformRealGen ur; GammaGen gamma; public: using Scalar = _Scalar; /** * @brief Construct a new negative binomial generator * * @param _trials the number of trial successes * @param _p probability of a trial generating true */ NegativeBinomialGen(_Scalar _trials = 1, double _p = 0.5) : gamma{ (float)_trials, (float)((1 - _p) / _p) } { } template EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const _Scalar operator() (Rng&& rng) { using namespace Eigen::internal; float v = gamma(rng); return PoissonGen<_Scalar>{v}(rng); } template EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Packet packetOp(Rng&& rng) { using namespace Eigen::internal; using PacketType = decltype(reinterpret_to_float(std::declval())); auto mean = gamma.template packetOp(rng); auto res = pset1(0); PacketType val = pset1(1), pne_mean = pexp(pnegate(mean)); if (pmovemask(pcmplt(pset1(12), mean)) == 0) { for (int _i = 0; ; ++_i) { EIGENRAND_CHECK_INFINITY_LOOP(); val = pmul(val, ur.template packetOp(rng)); auto c = reinterpret_to_int(pcmplt(pne_mean, val)); if (pmovemask(c) == 0) break; res = padd(res, pnegate(c)); } return res; } else { auto& cm = Rand::detail::CompressMask::get_inst(); const PacketType ppi = pset1(constant::pi), psqrt_tmean = psqrt(pmul(pset1(2), mean)), plog_mean = plog(mean), pg1 = psub(pmul(mean, plog_mean), plgamma_approx(padd(mean, pset1(1)))); for (int _i = 0; ; ++_i) { EIGENRAND_CHECK_INFINITY_LOOP(); PacketType fres, yx, psin, pcos; psincos(pmul(ppi, ur.template packetOp(rng)), psin, pcos); yx = pdiv(psin, pcos); fres = ptruncate(padd(pmul(psqrt_tmean, yx), mean)); auto p1 = pmul(padd(pmul(yx, yx), pset1(1)), pset1(0.9)); auto p2 = pexp(psub(psub(pmul(fres, plog_mean), plgamma_approx(padd(fres, pset1(1)))), pg1)); auto c1 = pcmple(pset1(0), fres); auto c2 = pcmple(ur.template packetOp(rng), pmul(p1, p2)); auto cands = fres; bool full = false; gamma.cache_rest_cnt = cm.compress_append(cands, pand(c1, c2), gamma.template get(), gamma.cache_rest_cnt, full); if (full) return pcast(cands); } } } }; template using NegativeBinomialType = CwiseNullaryOp, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true>, const Derived>; /** * @brief generates reals on the negative binomial distribution. * * @tparam Derived * @tparam Urng * @param rows the number of rows being generated * @param cols the number of columns being generated * @param urng c++11-style random number generator * @param trials the number of trial successes * @param p probability of a trial generating true * @return a random matrix expression with a shape (`rows`, `cols`) * * @see Eigen::Rand::NegativeBinomialGen */ template inline const NegativeBinomialType negativeBinomial(Index rows, Index cols, Urng&& urng, typename Derived::Scalar trials = 1, double p = 0.5) { return { rows, cols, { std::forward(urng), NegativeBinomialGen{trials, p} } }; } /** * @brief generates reals on the negative binomial distribution. * * @tparam Derived * @tparam Urng * @param o an instance of any type of Eigen::DenseBase * @param urng c++11-style random number generator * @param trials the number of trial successes * @param p probability of a trial generating true * @return a random matrix expression of the same shape as `o` * * @see Eigen::Rand::NegativeBinomialGen */ template inline const NegativeBinomialType negativeBinomialLike(Derived& o, Urng&& urng, typename Derived::Scalar trials = 1, double p = 0.5) { return { o.rows(), o.cols(), { std::forward(urng), NegativeBinomialGen{trials, p} } }; } } } #endif