require 'csv' module HelenaAdministration class SessionsController < ApplicationController include ActionController::Live respond_to :html, :json, :csv before_filter :load_survey, :add_breadcrumbs before_filter :load_session, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy] def index respond_to do |format| @sessions = @survey.sessions.desc(:created_at) format.json { render json: @sessions } format.csv do render_csv end end end def new @survey.sessions.create version: @survey.newest_version flash[:success] = t 'shared.actions.created' redirect_to survey_path(@survey) end def edit add_breadcrumb "#{@session.model_name.human}: #{@session.token_was}", @survey end def update if @session.update_attributes session_params flash[:success] = t 'shared.actions.updated' else[:danger] = t 'shared.actions.error' add_breadcrumb "#{@session.model_name.human}: #{@session.token_was}", @survey end respond_with @survey end def destroy flash[:success] = t 'shared.actions.deleted' if @session.destroy redirect_to survey_path(@survey) end private def render_csv response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=#{}.csv" response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/csv' # Write csv header once ... CSV.generate_line(session_fields + question_codes) # .. and generate a line for each session. @sessions.each do |session| CSV.generate_line(session_values(session) + answer_values(session, question_codes)) end ensure end def session_values(session) { |field| session.attributes[field] } end def answer_values(session, answer_codes) { |code| session.answers.where(code: code).first.try(&:value) } end def add_breadcrumbs add_breadcrumb t('shared.navigation.dashboard'), dashboard_index_path add_breadcrumb Helena::Survey.model_name.human(count: 2), surveys_path end def load_survey @survey = Helena::Survey.find params['survey_id'] end def load_session @session = @survey.sessions.find params[:id] end def session_params params.require(:session).permit :token, :view_token, :answers_as_yaml, :completed, :last_question_group_id end def question_codes @question_codes ||= unique_question_codes end # It could be possible that an answer code equals a session field. We add "answer_" in that case so that we get uniqe question codes for sure def unique_question_codes codes = do |code| session_fields.include?(code) ? "answer_#{code}" : code end end def session_fields Helena::Session.fields.keys end end end