* Aloha Editor
* Author & Copyright (c) 2010 Gentics Software GmbH
* aloha-sales@gentics.com
* Licensed unter the terms of http://www.aloha-editor.com/license.html
['aloha/core', 'aloha/jquery', 'aloha/command', 'aloha/selection', 'util/dom', 'aloha/contenthandlermanager', 'aloha/console'],
function(Aloha, jQuery, command, selection, dom, ContentHandlerManager, console) {
// Exported commands
command.register( 'inserthtml', {
action: function(value, range) {
$editable = jQuery(dom.getEditingHostOf(range.startContainer)),
cac = range.commonAncestorContainer,
domNodes = [];
* Paste the given object into the current selection.
* If inserting fails (because the object is not allowed to be inserted), unwrap the contents and try with that.
* @param object object to be pasted
function pasteElement(object) {
var $object = jQuery(object),
// try to insert the element into the DOM with limit the editable host
// this fails when an element is not allowed to be inserted
if (!dom.insertIntoDOM($object, range, $editable, false)) {
// if that is not possible, we unwrap the content and insert every child element
contents = $object.contents();
// when a block level element was unwrapped, we at least insert a break
if (dom.isBlockLevelElement(object) || dom.isListElement(object)) {
// and now all children (starting from the back)
for ( i = contents.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// apply content handler to cleanup inserted data
//if (typeof Aloha.settings.contentHandler.insertHtml === 'undefined') {
// just use all registerd content handler or specity Aloha.defaults.contentHandler.insertHtml manually?
// Aloha.settings.contentHandler.insertHtml = Aloha.defaults.contentHandler.insertHtml;
value = ContentHandlerManager.handleContent( value, { contenthandler: Aloha.settings.contentHandler.insertHtml } );
// allowed values are string or jQuery objects
// add value to a container div
if ( typeof value === 'string' ){
value = jQuery( '