# # = bio/io/pubmed.rb - NCBI Entrez/PubMed client module # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2001, 2007, 2008 Toshiaki Katayama # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2006 Jan Aerts # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id:$ # require 'bio/io/ncbirest' require 'bio/command' require 'cgi' module Bio # == Description # # The Bio::PubMed class provides several ways to retrieve bibliographic # information from the PubMed database at # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=PubMed # # Basically, two types of queries are possible: # # * searching for PubMed IDs given a query string: # * Bio::PubMed#esearch (recommended) # * Bio::PubMed#search (only retrieves top 20 hits) # # * retrieving the MEDLINE text (i.e. authors, journal, abstract, ...) # given a PubMed ID # * Bio::PubMed#efetch (recommended) # * Bio::PubMed#query (unstable for the change of the HTML design) # * Bio::PubMed#pmfetch (still working but could be obsoleted by NCBI) # # The different methods within the same group are interchangeable and should # return the same result. # # Additional information about the MEDLINE format and PubMed programmable # APIs can be found on the following websites: # # * PubMed Overview: # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query/static/overview.html # * PubMed help: # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query/static/help/pmhelp.html # * Entrez utilities index: # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/utils/utils_index.html # * How to link: # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?rid=helplinks.chapter.linkshelp # # == Usage # # require 'bio' # # # If you don't know the pubmed ID: # Bio::PubMed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x| # p x # end # # Bio::PubMed.search("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x| # p x # end # # # To retrieve the MEDLINE entry for a given PubMed ID: # puts Bio::PubMed.efetch("10592173", "14693808") # puts Bio::PubMed.query("10592173") # puts Bio::PubMed.pmfetch("10592173") # # # This can be converted into a Bio::MEDLINE object: # manuscript = Bio::PubMed.query("10592173") # medline = Bio::MEDLINE.new(manuscript) # class PubMed < Bio::NCBI::REST # Search the PubMed database by given keywords using E-Utils and returns # an array of PubMed IDs. # # For information on the possible arguments, see # http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query/static/esearch_help.html#PubMed # --- # *Arguments*: # * _str_: query string (required) # * _hash_: hash of E-Utils options # * _retmode_: "xml", "html", ... # * _rettype_: "medline", ... # * _retmax_: integer (default 100) # * _retstart_: integer # * _field_ # * _reldate_ # * _mindate_ # * _maxdate_ # * _datetype_ # *Returns*:: array of PubMed IDs or a number of results def esearch(str, hash = {}) opts = { "db" => "pubmed" } opts.update(hash) super(str, opts) end # Retrieve PubMed entry by PMID and returns MEDLINE formatted string using # entrez efetch. Multiple PubMed IDs can be provided: # Bio::PubMed.efetch(123) # Bio::PubMed.efetch([123,456,789]) # --- # *Arguments*: # * _ids_: list of PubMed IDs (required) # * _hash_: hash of E-Utils options # * _retmode_: "xml", "html", ... # * _rettype_: "medline", ... # * _retmax_: integer (default 100) # * _retstart_: integer # * _field_ # * _reldate_ # * _mindate_ # * _maxdate_ # * _datetype_ # *Returns*:: Array of MEDLINE formatted String def efetch(ids, hash = {}) opts = { "db" => "pubmed", "rettype" => "medline" } opts.update(hash) super(ids, opts) end # Search the PubMed database by given keywords using entrez query and returns # an array of PubMed IDs. Caution: this method returns the first 20 hits only. # Instead, use of the 'esearch' method is strongly recomended. # --- # *Arguments*: # * _id_: query string (required) # *Returns*:: array of PubMed IDs def search(str) host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" path = "/sites/entrez?tool=bioruby&cmd=Search&doptcmdl=Brief&db=PubMed&term=" ncbi_access_wait http = Bio::Command.new_http(host) response = http.get(path + CGI.escape(str)) result = response.body result = result.scan(/value="(\d+)" id="UidCheckBox"/m).flatten return result end # Retrieve PubMed entry by PMID and returns MEDLINE formatted string using # entrez query. # --- # *Arguments*: # * _id_: PubMed ID (required) # *Returns*:: MEDLINE formatted String def query(*ids) host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" path = "/sites/entrez?tool=bioruby&cmd=Text&dopt=MEDLINE&db=PubMed&uid=" list = ids.collect { |x| CGI.escape(x.to_s) }.join(",") ncbi_access_wait http = Bio::Command.new_http(host) response = http.get(path + list) result = response.body result = result.scan(/

    if result =~ /id:.*Error occurred/
      # id: xxxxx Error occurred: Article does not exist
      raise( result )
      if ids.size > 1
        return result
        return result.first

  # Retrieve PubMed entry by PMID and returns MEDLINE formatted string using
  # entrez pmfetch.
  # ---
  # *Arguments*:
  # * _id_: PubMed ID (required)
  # *Returns*:: MEDLINE formatted String
  def pmfetch(id)
    host = "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
    path = "/entrez/utils/pmfetch.fcgi?tool=bioruby&mode=text&report=medline&db=PubMed&id="


    http = Bio::Command.new_http(host)
    response = http.get(path + CGI.escape(id.to_s))
    result = response.body
    if result =~ /#{id}\s+Error/
      raise( result )
      result = result.gsub("\r", "\n").squeeze("\n").gsub(/<\/?pre>/, '')
      return result

  def self.esearch(*args)

  def self.efetch(*args)

  def self.search(*args)

  def self.query(*args)

  def self.pmfetch(*args)

end # PubMed

end # Bio

if __FILE__ == $0

  puts "=== instance methods ==="

  pubmed = Bio::PubMed.new

  puts "--- Search PubMed by E-Utils ---"
  opts = {"rettype" => "count"}
  puts Time.now
  puts pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts)
  puts Time.now
  puts pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts)
  puts Time.now
  puts pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts)
  puts Time.now
  pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x|
    puts x

  puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by E-Utils ---"
  puts Time.now
  puts pubmed.efetch(16381885)
  puts Time.now
  puts pubmed.efetch("16381885")
  puts Time.now
  puts pubmed.efetch("16381885")
  puts Time.now
  opts = {"retmode" => "xml"}
  puts pubmed.efetch([10592173, 14693808], opts)
  puts Time.now
  puts pubmed.efetch(["10592173", "14693808"], opts)

  puts "--- Search PubMed by Entrez CGI ---"
  pubmed.search("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x|
    p x

  puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by Entrez CGI ---"
  puts pubmed.query("16381885")

  puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by PMfetch ---"
  puts pubmed.pmfetch("16381885")

  puts "=== class methods ==="

  puts "--- Search PubMed by E-Utils ---"
  opts = {"rettype" => "count"}
  puts Time.now
  puts Bio::PubMed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts)
  puts Time.now
  puts Bio::PubMed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts)
  puts Time.now
  puts Bio::PubMed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts)
  puts Time.now
  Bio::PubMed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x|
    puts x

  puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by E-Utils ---"
  puts Time.now
  puts Bio::PubMed.efetch(16381885)
  puts Time.now
  puts Bio::PubMed.efetch("16381885")
  puts Time.now
  puts Bio::PubMed.efetch("16381885")
  puts Time.now
  opts = {"retmode" => "xml"}
  puts Bio::PubMed.efetch([10592173, 14693808], opts)
  puts Time.now
  puts Bio::PubMed.efetch(["10592173", "14693808"], opts)

  puts "--- Search PubMed by Entrez CGI ---"
  Bio::PubMed.search("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x|
    p x

  puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by Entrez CGI ---"
  puts Bio::PubMed.query("16381885")

  puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by PMfetch ---"
  puts Bio::PubMed.pmfetch("16381885")
