require 'rails/generators/active_record' require 'generators/devise/orm_helpers' module GoogleAuthentication module Generators # :nodoc: class GoogleAuthenticationGenerator < ActiveRecord::Generators::Base # :nodoc: namespace "google_authentication" source_root File.expand_path("../../templates", __FILE__) # include some helpers from devise include Devise::Generators::OrmHelpers # accept same arguments as devise generator with google tuned defaults argument :attributes, :type => :array, :default => ['first_name:string', 'last_name:string'], :banner => "field:type field:type" desc "Generates a model with the given NAME with google_authentication " << "configuration plus a migration file which create it." # Generate the model without a migration file using the active_record generator def generate_model invoke "active_record:model", [name], :migration => false unless model_exists? && behavior == :invoke end # Build the migration files for the given model def copy_devise_migration migration_template "migration.rb", "db/migrate/devise_create_#{table_name}.rb" end # Insert gem activation code into the selected class def inject_google_authentication_content inject_into_class(model_path, class_name) do return nil unless model_exists? " # You can add other devise modules here as arguments, as in devise calls. :omniauthable module is always added\n" << " # and forbidden devise modules are automatically removed (see GoogleAuthentication::ActsAsGoogleUser::FORBIDDEN_MODULES)\n" << " # if you change this line, remember to edit the generated migration\n" << " acts_as_google_user\n" end end # Show a readme file with further instructions after installation def show_readme readme "MODEL.warning" if behavior == :invoke && class_name != 'User' end end end end