Feature: My bootstrapped app kinda works In order to get going on coding my awesome app I want to have aruba and cucumber setup So I don't have to do it myself Background: Given a file named "fasta/hg19/unmasked/chr12.fa" with: """ gatccacctgcctcagcctcccagagtgctgggattataggtgtgagccactgcacccggcc """ And a file named "fasta/hg19/snp/chr12.subst.fa" with: """ GAAAACtttttcttttttttgagataggttctcactctggttgttgcccaggctggagtgca """ @announce Scenario: Basic UI When I get help for "fasta_read" Then the exit status should be 0 And the banner should be present And there should be a one line summary of what the app does And the banner should include the version And the banner should document that this app takes options And the following options should be documented: |--version| |--snp | |--output | |-o | And the banner should document that this app's arguments are |assembly |which is required| |chromosome|which is required| |cstart |which is required| |cend |which is required| @announce Scenario Outline: Happy path Given a file named "fasta/hg19/unmasked/chr12.fa" with: """ gatccacctgcctcagcctcccagagtgctgggattataggtgtgagccactgcacccggcc """ And a file named "fasta/hg19/snp/chr12.subst.fa" with: """ GAAAACtttttcttttttttgagataggttctcactctggttgttgcccaggctggagtgca """ When I successfully run `fasta_read ` Then the output should contain "" Then the output should not contain "" Scenarios: unmasked |options |output |noutput| |hg19 12 0 3 --log-level=debug |gat |cca | |hg19 12 10 20|cctcagcctc|ccaga | Scenarios: snp |options |output |noutput| |hg19 12 10 20 --snp|tctttttttt|ccaga | @announce Scenario: Export to file When I successfully run `fasta_read hg19 12 10 20 --output=out.txt` Then the file "out.txt" should contain: """ cctcagcctc """ @announce Scenario Outline: Painful path When I run `fasta_read ` Then the stderr should contain "" Scenarios: incorrect assembly/chromosome |options |output | |foo 12 0 3 --log-level=debug |the 'foo' assembly doesn't exist in directory structure | |hg19 99 0 3 --log-level=debug|the '99' chromosome doesn't exist in directory structure|