module LogCabin ## # Define a collection of modules class Collection attr_reader :load_path def initialize(params = {}) @load_path = params[:load_path] || fail('Load path must be provided') @load_path = [@load_path] if @load_path.is_a? String @modules = {} end ## # Method for finding modules to load def find(name) return @modules[name] if @modules[name] file = find_file(name) require file class_name = parse_class_name(name) @modules[name] = LogCabin::Modules.const_get(class_name) end private ## # Convert file name to class name # Borrowed with love from Homebrew: def parse_class_name(name) class_name = name.to_s.capitalize class_name.gsub(/[-_.\s]([a-zA-Z0-9])/) { Regexp.last_match[1].upcase } end ## # Check module path for module def find_file(name) @load_path.each do |dir| file_path = File.join(dir, "#{name}.rb") return file_path if File.exist? file_path end fail("Module #{method} not found") end end end