{ "resourceType": "StructureDefinition", "id": "example", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
Generated Narrative with Details
id: example
url: http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/example
version: 2
name: LipidProfileExample
title: Example Lipid Profile
status: draft
experimental: true
date: May 12, 2012
publisher: Health Intersections Pty Ltd
description: Describes how the lab report is used for a standard Lipid Profile - Cholesterol, Triglyceride and Cholesterol fractions. Uses LOINC codes
jurisdiction: Austria (Details : {urn:iso:std:iso:3166 code 'AU' = 'Austria)
purpose: Provide an example to demonstrate how to use StructureDefinition
copyright: Creative Commons 0, per FHIR specification
keyword: Hyperlipidemia screening test (procedure) (Details: SNOMED CT code 314079002 = 'Hyperlipidaemia screening test', stated as 'Hyperlipidemia screening test (procedure)')
fhirVersion: 1.0.0
- | Identity | Uri | Name | Comment |
* | m1 | https://www.rcpa.edu.au/getattachment/0961c6d1-ec80-4500-8dc0-de516500e05b/Lipid-and-lipoprotein-testing.aspx | RCPA Lipid Report recommendations | Actual mappings haven't yet been filled out |
kind: resource
abstract: false
type: DiagnosticReport
baseDefinition: http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DiagnosticReport
derivation: constraint
- | Element |
* | todo-bundle |