// Setup imports try { const Module = require('module'); // resolve puppeteer from the CWD instead of where this script is located var puppeteer = require(require.resolve('puppeteer', { paths: Module._nodeModulePaths(process.cwd()) })); } catch (e) { process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(['err', e.toString()])); process.stdout.write("\n"); process.exit(1); } process.stdout.write("[\"ok\"]\n"); const _processPage = (async (convertAction, urlOrHtml, options) => { let browser; try { const launchParams = { args: process.env.GROVER_NO_SANDBOX === 'true' ? ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'] : [] }; // Configure puppeteer debugging options const debug = options.debug; delete options.debug; if (typeof debug === 'object' && !!debug) { if (debug.headless !== undefined) { launchParams.headless = debug.headless; } if (debug.devtools !== undefined) { launchParams.devtools = debug.devtools; } } // Configure additional launch arguments const args = options.launchArgs; delete options.launchArgs; if (Array.isArray(args)) { launchParams.args = launchParams.args.concat(args); } // Set executable path if given const executablePath = options.executablePath; delete options.executablePath; if (executablePath) { launchParams.executablePath = executablePath; } // Launch the browser and create a page browser = await puppeteer.launch(launchParams); const page = await browser.newPage(); // Basic auth const username = options.username; delete options.username const password = options.password; delete options.password if (username !== undefined && password !== undefined) { await page.authenticate({ username, password }); } // Setting cookies const cookies = options.cookies; delete options.cookies if (Array.isArray(cookies)) { await page.setCookie(...cookies); } // Set caching flag (if provided) const cache = options.cache; delete options.cache; if (cache !== undefined) { await page.setCacheEnabled(cache); } // Setup timeout option (if provided) let requestOptions = {}; const timeout = options.timeout; delete options.timeout; if (timeout !== undefined) { requestOptions.timeout = timeout; } // Setup viewport options (if provided) const viewport = options.viewport; delete options.viewport; if (viewport !== undefined) { await page.setViewport(viewport); } const waitUntil = options.waitUntil; delete options.waitUntil; if (urlOrHtml.match(/^http/i)) { // Request is for a URL, so request it requestOptions.waitUntil = waitUntil || 'networkidle2'; await page.goto(urlOrHtml, requestOptions); } else { // Request is some HTML content. Use request interception to assign the body requestOptions.waitUntil = waitUntil || 'networkidle0'; await page.setRequestInterception(true); page.once('request', request => { request.respond({ body: urlOrHtml }); // Reset the request interception // (we only want to intercept the first request - ie our HTML) page.on('request', request => request.continue()); }); const displayUrl = options.displayUrl; delete options.displayUrl; await page.goto(displayUrl || 'http://example.com', requestOptions); } // If specified, emulate the media type const emulateMedia = options.emulateMedia; delete options.emulateMedia; if (emulateMedia !== undefined) { if (typeof page.emulateMediaType == 'function') { await page.emulateMediaType(emulateMedia); } else { await page.emulateMedia(emulateMedia); } } // If specified, evaluate script on the page const executeScript = options.executeScript; delete options.executeScript; if (executeScript !== undefined) { await page.evaluate(executeScript); } // If we're running puppeteer in headless mode, return the converted PDF if (debug === undefined || (typeof debug === 'object' && (debug.headless === undefined || debug.headless))) { return await page[convertAction](options); } } finally { if (browser) { await browser.close(); } } }); function _handleError(error) { if (error instanceof Error) { process.stdout.write( JSON.stringify(['err', error.toString().replace(new RegExp('^' + error.name + ': '), ''), error.name]) ); } else { process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(['err', error.toString()])); } process.stdout.write("\n"); } // Interface for communicating between Ruby processor and Node processor require('readline').createInterface({ input: process.stdin, terminal: false, }).on('line', function(line) { try { Promise.resolve(_processPage.apply(null, JSON.parse(line))) .then(function (result) { process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(['ok', result])); process.stdout.write("\n"); }) .catch(_handleError); } catch(error) { _handleError(error); } });