module Mongocore module Document extend ActiveSupport::Concern # # # # # # # # # # The Document module holds data and methods for your models: # # class Model # include Mongocore::Document # end # # Then after that create a model with m = # # The Model class, accessible from Model or m.class, holds the data # for your models like the schema and the keys. # # The model instance, m, lets you do operations on a model # like, m.update, m.delete # included do # Accessors, everything is writable if you need something dynamic. class << self attr_accessor :schema, :access, :filters end # Schema @schema = # Access @access = # Filters @filters = # # # # # # # # # # # # Instance variables # @errors is used for validates # @changes keeps track of object changes # @saved indicates whether this is saved or not # attr_accessor :errors, :changes, :saved, :state # # # # # # # # # # # # The class initializer, called when you write # Pass in attributes you want to set: => 60) # Defaults are filled in automatically. # def initialize(a = {}) # Store attributes. Storing state state for dirty tracking. self.attributes = self.class.schema.defaults.merge(a).tap{|r| self.state = r.dup} # The _id is a BSON object, create new unless it exists @_id ? @saved = true : @_id = # The errors hash @errors ={|h, k| h[k] = []} # The changes hash @changes ={|h, k| h[k] = []} end # # # # # # # # # # # # # Model methods are called with m =, m.method_name # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Database methods # # Save attributes to db def save(o = {}) persist(:save, o) end # Update document in db def update(a = {}, o = {}) self.attributes = a; persist(:update, o) end # Delete a document in db def delete filter(:delete, false){one.delete} end # Run filters before and after accessing the db def filter(cmd, saved = true, &block) run(:before, cmd); yield.tap{@saved = saved; run(:after, cmd)} end # Reload the document from db and update attributes def reload one.first.tap{|m| self.attributes = m.attributes} end # Set the timestamps if enabled def timestamps t =; @updated_at = t; @created_at = t if unsaved? end # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Attribute methods # # Collect the attributes, pass tags like defined in your model yml def attributes(*tags) a = {}; self.class.schema.attributes({|k| a[k] = read(k)}; a end # Set the attributes def attributes=(a) a.deep_symbolize_keys.each{|k, v| write(k, v)} end # Changed? def changed? @changes.any? end # JSON format def as_json(o = {}) string_id(attributes(*o[:data])) end # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Validation methods # # Valid? def valid? self.class.filters.valid?(self) end # Available filters are :save, :update, :delete def run(filter, key = nil), filter, key) end # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Convenience methods # # Saved? Persisted? def saved?; !!@saved; end alias_method :persisted?, :saved? # Unsaved? New record? def unsaved?; !@saved; end alias_method :new_record?, :unsaved? # Short cut for setting up a Mongocore::Query object def mq(m, q = {}, o = {}, s = {}), q, o, {:source => self}.merge(s)) end # Short cut for query needing only id def one(s = {}) mq(self.class, {:_id => @_id}, {}, s) end # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Read and write instance variables # # Get attribute if access def read(key) ? read!(key) : nil end # Get attribute def read!(key) instance_variable_get("@#{key}") end # Set attribute if access def write(key, val) return nil unless self.class.access.write?(key) # Convert to type as in schema yml v = self.class.schema.convert(key, val) # Record change for dirty attributes read!(key).tap{|r| @changes[key] = [@state[key], v] if v != r} if @changes # Write attribute write!(key, v) end # Set attribute def write!(key, v) instance_variable_set("@#{key}", v) end # Dynamically read or write attributes def method_missing(name, *args, &block) # Extract name and write mode name =~ /([^=]+)(=)?/ # Write or read if self.class.schema.keys.has_key?(key = $1.to_sym) return $2 ? write(key, args.first) : read(key) end # Attributes changed? return @changes.has_key?($1.to_sym) if key =~ /(.+)_changed\?/ # Attributes was return @state[$1.to_sym] if key =~ /(.+)_was/ # Pass if nothing found super end # Alias for _id but returns string def id @_id ? @_id.to_s : nil end # Print info about the instance def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{{|r| %{#{r[0]}: #{r[1].inspect}}}.join(', ')}>" end private # Persist for save and update def persist(type, o) # Send :validate => true to validate return false unless valid? if o[:validate] # Create a new query filter(type){one.send((@saved ? :update : :insert), attributes).ok?} end # Replace _id with id, takes a hash def string_id(a) a.delete(:_id); {:id => id}.merge(a) end end # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Class methods are mostly database lookups and filters # class_methods do # Find, takes an id or a hash def find(*args) mq(self, *args) end alias_method :where, :find # Count def count(*args) find(*args).count end # First def first(*args) find(*args).first end # Last def last(*args) sort(:_id => -1).limit(1).first(*args) end # All def all(*args) find(*args).all end # Sort def sort(o = {}) find({}, {}, :sort => o) end # Limit def limit(n = 1) find({}, {}, :limit => n) end # Skip def skip(n = 0) find({}, {}, :skip => n) end # Fields (projection) def fields(o = {}) find({}, {}, :fields => o) end # Insert def insert(a = {}, o = {}) new(a).tap{|r|} end # Each def each(&block) find.each{|r| yield(r)} end # # # # # # # # # # After, before and validation filters # Pass a method name as symbol or a block # # Possible events for after and before are :save, :update, :delete # # After def after(*args, &block) filters.after[args[0]] << (args[1] || block) end # Before def before(*args, &block) filters.before[args[0]] << (args[1] || block) end # Validate def validate(*args, &block) filters.validate << (args[0] || block) end # Short cut for setting up a Mongocore::Query object def mq(*args)*args) end end end end