{: versionI"3.2.5 (Media Mark):EF:sha"-a174c2dec64915d54f5ea344208e60756f4654f1: contents"2(o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @options{;[: @linei: @value[I"9/* Partial: twitter/bootstrap/_labels-badges.scss */:ET: @type: normalo; ;@;[; i; [I"U/* * Labels and badges * -------------------------------------------------- */; T; : silento; ;@;[; i ; [I"/* Base classes */; T; ;o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode :@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;[o:Sass::Selector::Class:@filenameI"; F: @name[I" label; F; i: @subject0: @sourceso:Set: @hash{; i;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;;@;[I" badge; F; i;0;o;;{; i;@;@; i: @rule[I".label, .badge; F;@: @tabsi:@has_childrenT; i;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ; o:Sass::Script::String;@; I"inline-block; T; :identifier:@prop_syntax:new;@;[I" display; T;i; i;[o; ; o:Sass::Script::List ;@; [o:Sass::Script::Number :@numerator_units[I"px; T:@originalI"2px; F;@; i; i:@denominator_units[o;% ;&[I"px; T;'I"4px; F;@; i; i ;([:@separator: space; i;";#;@;[I" padding; T;i; i;[o; ; o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operator: times;@:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable ; i;@;I"baseFontSize; T:@underscored_nameI"baseFontSize; T; i:@operand2o;% ;&[;'I" 0.846; F;@; i; f 0.846;([;";#;@;[I"font-size; T;i; i;[o; ; o; ;@; I" bold; T; ;!;";#;@;[I"font-weight; T;i; i;[o; ; o; ;@; I" 13px; T; ;!;";#;@;[I"line-height; T;i; i;[o; ;@;[; i; [I"//* ensure proper line-height if floated */; T; ;o; ; o;/ ; i;@;I" white; T;0I" white; T;";#;@;[I" color; T;i; i;[o; ; o; ;@; I" middle; T; ;!;";#;@;[I"vertical-align; T;i; i;[o; ; o; ;@; I" nowrap; T; ;!;";#;@;[I"white-space; T;i; i;[o; ; o;$ ;@; [ o;% ;&[;'I"0; F;@; i; i;(@Mo;% ;&[I"px; T;'I" -1px; F;@; i; i;([o;% ;&[;'I"0; F;@; i; i;(@Mo:Sass::Script::Funcall : @splat0;@;I" rgba; T: @args[ o;% ;&[;'I"0; F;@; i; i;(@Mo;% ;&[;'I"0; F;@; i; i;(@Mo;% ;&[;'I"0; F;@; i; i;(@Mo;% ;&[;'I" 0.25; F;@; i; f 0.25;(@M:@keywords{; i;);*; i;";#;@;[I"text-shadow; T;i; i;[o; ; o;/ ; i;@;I"grayLight; T;0I"grayLight; T;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; i;[o; ;@;[; i; [I"./* Set unique padding and border-radii */; T; ;o; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;I"; F;[I" label; T; i;0;o;;{; i;@;@; i;[I" .label; T;@;i;T; i;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;30;@;I"border-radius; T;4[o;% ;&[I"px; T;'I"3px; F;@; i; i;([;5{;[; io; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;I"; F;[I" badge; T; i;0;o;;{; i;@;@; i;[I" .badge; T;@;i;T; i;[o; ; o; ;@; I"9px; T; ;!;";#;@;[I"padding-right; T;i; i;[o; ; o; ;@; I"9px; T; ;!;";#;@;[I"padding-left; T;i; i ;[o;6 ;30;@;I"border-radius; T;4[o;% ;&[I"px; T;'I"9px; F;@; i!; i;([;5{;[; i!o; ;@;[; i$; [I"'/* Empty labels/badges collapse */; T; ;o; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;I"; F;[I" label; F; i&;0;o;;{; i&;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;;@;[I" badge; F; i&;0;o;;{; i&;@;@; i&;[I".label, .badge; F;@;i;T; i&;[o; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o:Sass::Selector::Parent;I"; F; i'o:Sass::Selector::Pseudo : @arg0;[I" empty; F; i';@; : class;0;o;;{; i';@;@; i';[I" &:empty; F;@;i;T; i';[o; ; o; ;@; I" none; T; ;!;";#;@;[I" display; T;i; i(;[o; ;@;[; i,; [I"*/* Hover state, but only for links */; T; ;o; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;I"; F:@namespace0;[I"a; T; i-;0;o;;{; i-;@;@; i-;[I"a; T;@;i;T; i-;[o; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;7;I"; F; i/o;;@-;[I" label; F; i/o;8 ;90;[I" hover; F; i/;@-; ;:;0;o;;{; i/;@-o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;7;@-; i/o;;@-;[I" badge; F; i/o;8 ;90;[I" hover; F; i/;@-; ;:;0;o;;{; i/;@-;@-; i/;[I"#&.label:hover, &.badge:hover; F;@;i;T; i/;[o; ; o;/ ; i0;@;I" white; T;0I" white; T;";#;@;[I" color; T;i; i0;[o; ; o; ;@; I" none; T; ;!;";#;@;[I"text-decoration; T;i; i1;[o; ; o; ;@; I" pointer; T; ;!;";#;@;[I" cursor; T;i; i2;[o; ;@;[; i6; [I"/* Colors * Only give background-color difference to links (and to simplify, we don't qualifty with `a` but [href] attribute) */; T; ;o:Sass::Tree::EachNode ;[o; ;@;[; i9; [I"/* Important (red) */; T; ;o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; i:;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI"-important; T;@;i;T; i:;[o; ; o;/ ; i:;@;I"errorText; T;0I"errorText; T;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; i:;[o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; i;;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI"-important:hover; T;@;i;T; i;;[o; ; o;2 ;30;@;I" darken; T;4[o;/ ; i;;@;I"errorText; T;0I"errorText; To;% ;&[I"%; T;'I"10%; F;@; i;; i;([;5{; i;;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; i;;[o; ;@;[; i<; [I"/* Warnings (orange) */; T; ;o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; i=;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI" -warning; T;@;i;T; i=;[o; ; o;/ ; i=;@;I" orange; T;0I" orange; T;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; i=;[o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; i>;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI"-warning:hover; T;@;i;T; i>;[o; ; o;2 ;30;@;I" darken; T;4[o;/ ; i>;@;I" orange; T;0I" orange; To;% ;&[I"%; T;'I"10%; F;@; i>; i;([;5{; i>;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; i>;[o; ;@;[; i?; [I"/* Success (green) */; T; ;o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; i@;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI" -success; T;@;i;T; i@;[o; ; o;/ ; i@;@;I"successText; T;0I"successText; T;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; i@;[o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; iA;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI"-success:hover; T;@;i;T; iA;[o; ; o;2 ;30;@;I" darken; T;4[o;/ ; iA;@;I"successText; T;0I"successText; To;% ;&[I"%; T;'I"10%; F;@; iA; i;([;5{; iA;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; iA;[o; ;@;[; iB; [I"/* Info (turquoise) */; T; ;o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; iC;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI" -info; T;@;i;T; iC;[o; ; o;/ ; iC;@;I" infoText; T;0I" infoText; T;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; iC;[o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; iD;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI"-info:hover; T;@;i;T; iD;[o; ; o;2 ;30;@;I" darken; T;4[o;/ ; iD;@;I" infoText; T;0I" infoText; To;% ;&[I"%; T;'I"10%; F;@; iD; i;([;5{; iD;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; iD;[o; ;@;[; iE; [I"/* Inverse (black) */; T; ;o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; iF;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI" -inverse; T;@;i;T; iF;[o; ; o;/ ; iF;@;I" grayDark; T;0I" grayDark; T;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; iF;[o; ;[I".; Fo;/ ; iG;@;I" type; T;0I" type; TI"-inverse:hover; T;@;i;T; iG;[o; ; o;2 ;30;@;I" darken; T;4[o;/ ; iG;@;I" grayDark; T;0I" grayDark; To;% ;&[I"%; T;'I"10%; F;@; iG; i;([;5{; iG;";#;@;[I"background-color; T;i; iG;[;@: @listo;$ ;@; [o; ;@; I" label; T; ;!; i8o; ;@; I" badge; T; ;!; i8;): comma; i8; i8;T: @varI" type; To; ;@;[; iJ; [I"1/* Quick fix for labels/badges in buttons */; T; ;o; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;I"; F;[I"btn; T; iK;0;o;;{; iK;@J;@J; iK;[I" .btn; T;@;i;T; iK;[o; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;I"; F;[I" label; F; iM;0;o;;{; iM;@Zo;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;;@Z;[I" badge; F; iM;0;o;;{; iM;@Z;@Z; iM;[I".label, .badge; F;@;i;T; iM;[o; ; o; ;@; I" relative; T; ;!;";#;@;[I" position; T;i; iN;[o; ; o; ;@; I" -1px; T; ;!;";#;@;[I"top; T;i; iO;[o; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;I"; F;[I" btn-mini; T; iR;0;o;;{; iR;@;@; iR;[I".btn-mini; T;@;i;T; iR;[o; ;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;I"; F;[I" label; F; iT;0;o;;{; iT;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;;@;[I" badge; F; iT;0;o;;{; iT;@;@; iT;[I".label, .badge; F;@;i;T; iT;[o; ; o; ;@; I"0; T; ;!;";#;@;[I"top; T;i; iU;[;@; i;T:@templateI"/* Partial: twitter/bootstrap/_labels-badges.scss */ // // Labels and badges // -------------------------------------------------- // Base classes .label, .badge { display: inline-block; padding: 2px 4px; font-size: $baseFontSize * .846; font-weight: bold; line-height: 13px; // ensure proper line-height if floated color: $white; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25); background-color: $grayLight; } // Set unique padding and border-radii .label { @include border-radius(3px); } .badge { padding-right: 9px; padding-left: 9px; @include border-radius(9px); } // Empty labels/badges collapse .label, .badge { &:empty { display: none; } } // Hover state, but only for links a { &.label:hover, &.badge:hover { color: $white; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } } // Colors // Only give background-color difference to links (and to simplify, we don't qualifty with `a` but [href] attribute) @each $type in label, badge { // Important (red) .#{$type}-important { background-color: $errorText; } .#{$type}-important:hover { background-color: darken($errorText, 10%); } // Warnings (orange) .#{$type}-warning { background-color: $orange; } .#{$type}-warning:hover { background-color: darken($orange, 10%); } // Success (green) .#{$type}-success { background-color: $successText; } .#{$type}-success:hover { background-color: darken($successText, 10%); } // Info (turquoise) .#{$type}-info { background-color: $infoText; } .#{$type}-info:hover { background-color: darken($infoText, 10%); } // Inverse (black) .#{$type}-inverse { background-color: $grayDark; } .#{$type}-inverse:hover { background-color: darken($grayDark, 10%); } } // Quick fix for labels/badges in buttons .btn { .label, .badge { position: relative; top: -1px; } } .btn-mini { .label, .badge { top: 0; } } ; T