#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin ======================================================================= # TORK-ENGINE 1 2013-06-07 19.3.1 ## NAME tork-engine - wraps tork-master(1) with bookkeeping ## SYNOPSIS `tork-engine` [*OPTION*]... ## DESCRIPTION This program uses tork-master(1) to run tests and keeps track of the results. This program can be controlled remotely by multiple tork-remote(1) instances. ### Input This program reads the following commands, which are single-line JSON arrays, from stdin and performs the actions described respectively. `["reabsorb_overhead"]` Stops any test files that are currently running, reabsorbs the test execution overhead, and then re-runs those stopped test files. `["run_test_file"`, *test_file*`,` *line_numbers*...`]` Runs tests that correspond to the given sequence of *line_numbers* in the given *test_file*. If no *line_numbers* are given, then only those lines that have changed since the last run of *test_file* will be substituted. If any *line_numbers* are zero, then the entire *test_file* will be run. `["run_test_files"`, *test\_files\_with\_optional\_line\_numbers*`]` Calls the `run_test_file` command once for each item in the given array. `["stop_running_test_files"`, *signal*`]` Stops test files that are currently running by sending the given *signal* (optional; defaults to "SIGTERM") to their respective worker processes. `["rerun_passed_test_files"]` Runs all test files that have passed during their most recent run. `["rerun_failed_test_files"]` Runs all test files that have failed during their most recent run. `["quit"]` Stops all tests that are currently running and exits. ### Output This program prints the following messages, which are single-line JSON arrays, to stdout. `["idle"]` All tests have finished running and no tests are queued for running either. `["pass_now_fail",` *test_file*`,` *message*`]` A previously passing *test_file* has now failed. See *message* for details. `["fail_now_pass",` *test_file*`,` *message*`]` A previously failing *test_file* has now passed. See *message* for details. *...* Messages from tork-master(1) are also reproduced here. ## OPTIONS `-h`, `--help` Show this help manual. ## FILES *.tork/config.rb* Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside the driver process on startup. It can read and change the `ENV['TORK_CONFIGS']` environment variable. *.tork/engine.rb* Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside the master process on startup. ## ENVIRONMENT See tork(1). ## SEE ALSO tork(1), tork-remote(1), tork-master(1) =end ========================================================================= $0 = File.basename(__FILE__) # for easier identification in ps(1) output require 'binman' BinMan.help require 'tork/engine' Tork::Engine.new.loop