Feature: Memory Background: Given the JSON is: """ { "array": [ ], "false": false, "float": 10.0, "hash": { }, "integer": 10, "null": null, "string": "json_spec", "true": true } """ And I get the JSON Scenario: Entire JSON When I keep the JSON as "JSON" Then the JSON should be %{JSON} And the JSON should be: """ %{JSON} """ Scenario: String When I keep the JSON at "string" as "STRING" Then the JSON at "string" should be %{STRING} And the JSON should be: """ { "array": [ ], "false": false, "float": 10.0, "hash": { }, "integer": 10, "null": null, "string": %{STRING}, "true": true } """ Scenario: Integer When I keep the JSON at "integer" as "INTEGER" Then the JSON at "integer" should be %{INTEGER} And the JSON should be: """ { "array": [ ], "false": false, "float": 10.0, "hash": { }, "integer": %{INTEGER}, "null": null, "string": "json_spec", "true": true } """ Scenario: Float When I keep the JSON at "float" as "FLOAT" Then the JSON at "float" should be %{FLOAT} And the JSON should be: """ { "array": [ ], "false": false, "float": %{FLOAT}, "hash": { }, "integer": 10, "null": null, "string": "json_spec", "true": true } """ Scenario: Array When I keep the JSON at "array" as "ARRAY" Then the JSON at "array" should be %{ARRAY} And the JSON should be: """ { "array": %{ARRAY}, "false": false, "float": 10.0, "hash": { }, "integer": 10, "null": null, "string": "json_spec", "true": true } """ Scenario: Hash When I keep the JSON at "hash" as "HASH" Then the JSON at "hash" should be %{HASH} And the JSON should be: """ { "array": [ ], "false": false, "float": 10.0, "hash": %{HASH}, "integer": 10, "null": null, "string": "json_spec", "true": true } """ Scenario: True When I keep the JSON at "true" as "TRUE" Then the JSON at "true" should be %{TRUE} And the JSON should be: """ { "array": [ ], "false": false, "float": 10.0, "hash": { }, "integer": 10, "null": null, "string": "json_spec", "true": %{TRUE} } """ Scenario: False When I keep the JSON at "false" as "FALSE" Then the JSON at "false" should be %{FALSE} And the JSON should be: """ { "array": [ ], "false": %{FALSE}, "float": 10.0, "hash": { }, "integer": 10, "null": null, "string": "json_spec", "true": true } """ Scenario: Null When I keep the JSON at "null" as "NULL" Then the JSON at "null" should be %{NULL} And the JSON should be: """ { "array": [ ], "false": false, "float": 10.0, "hash": { }, "integer": 10, "null": %{NULL}, "string": "json_spec", "true": true } """