Policies ======== A single, consistent model for authorizing user actions is helpful in developing secure, correct applications. One basic approach to this is to use what are called **Policy Objects** (or simply **policies**). This is somewhat different than declarative or hybrid systems like CanCan, for example. With CanCan, there is a convenient method for declaring that a user "can do" something, building up a map of the users' permitted actions on each request. This breaks down somewhat when dynamic roles and object state must be considered. The typical solution is to provide a block that serves as a boolean predicate for a given operation. This leads to a hybrid of statements and predicates, with no clear pattern for what should be placed where. The policy approach is slightly different in that it assumes there will be an object that can answer "yes" or "no" to the question of whether a given user can take a given action. This **rule** may need detailed contextual information like two objects that the user would like to associate, but the "answer" is not precomputed. This consistency is useful because object-oriented principles can be applied readily, giving handy tools for organizing and composing the domain rules. There is some variation in how policies are constructed, particularly in whether they are resource- or operation-oriented. Resource-oriented policies tend to have one object covering multiple REST/CRUD operations with associative operations being covered on a separate policy for logical resources (e.g., a "membership"). Operation-oriented policies tend to cover one domain action per object, though this is a flexible design decision where a policy may cover a number of related actions. For the sake of the following discussion, a rule should be considered as applying for a specific action, without regard for whether it is the only rule of a policy or one of multiple rules on a broader policy. Rules vs. Facts --------------- One important distinction is that of **Rules** versus **Facts**. A given rule will generally be static but may consider dynamic facts. For example, a rule may state that a user may only delete documents they own. The rule considers dynamic facts of who is acting and the owner of the object acted upon; it has a context of two parameters. Types of Rules -------------- Rules sit on a continuum of how dynamic their context is; that is, how much external information is needed to make the decision, and where that information comes from. The extent to which a rule uses dynamic information can inform how it is constructed. In general, rules that consider few and simple facts should be implemented as directly as possible, in the source code, and without calling out to additional collaborators. This facilitates understanding and testing by limiting the scope of what could result in different answers. Rules that consider more facts and those that are complicated to derive deserve some indirection as to avoid coupling to complexity that does not belong to the rule itself, as well as duplication of conceptual elements (such as how role hierarchy should imply additional permissions). Some patterns can be applied to the rule code and fact data to avoid repeating design activity and incidental variation that is unhelpful across multiple applications in an organization. These examples are not necessarily exhaustive, but aim to provide a representative range with extremes identified. Totally Static ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rule is encoded in the application and will yield the same answer until the source code is changed. This may be used a placeholder for a permission check for a feature not yet enabled or as a deprecation tool to disable an action while source-level invocations are removed. This type of rule is uncommon, only really useful in transition to richer implementation or removal. Configuration-Only ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rule considers only a system configuration value and no other contextual information. This is functionally equivalent but semantically preferable to a "feature flag" because the conceptual focus remains on whether the user is permitted to take some action. The policy becomes a simple indirection point, behind which the implementation of making the decision (flag, role, etc.) can vary without changing the calling code. An example of a user-oriented (but not user-specific) setting might be "delete items", set in a system configuration file. Whether the action is permitted should be conditioned by a rule that consults the setting. This type of rule often evolves to account for concerns like whether the user has administrator access or owns an object. Especially if the permission would be checked in multiple places, a rule is preferable to maintain consistency of authorization and discourage "authorization in disguise", such as scattered checks against a flag or whether the user is an administrator. Note that feature flags are appropriate to consult directly when system behavior should be conditional, but is unlikely to vary based on the acting user. An example of this might be whether the implementors have decided to enable "social widgets" or PDF export across an entire web application. This is not a matter of authorization, so it should not be implemented as a rule. User and Resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rule considers the acting user in combination with a target resource or multiple resources. This is a very common rule type for which the policy approach shines in comparison to the declarative or hybrid approaches. Rules of this type will often check that the user owns the resource or a container, a user attribute like "is administrator", object state such as whether a document is in draft mode, or conditions such as publication or retraction dates versus the current time. This type of rule is usually quite concise in its expression in source code, which helps clarify behavior so that it can be implemented, verified, communicated, and maintained with confidence. User, Resource, and Context ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rule considers the user, the target resource, and contextual information such as region as determined by IP address, usage quotas, or configuration. A small extension to *User and Resource* rule type, the additional context is not usually supplied by the calling code (as are the user and resource), but retrieved from the environment or usage session information. System Role and Resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules of this type are similar to *User and Resource* rules, but they also consider the user's system-wide role, typically an attribute of the user from a fixed set of application roles. An administrator flag is commonly converted to a named role when using this model. For this discussion, a role implies a fixed set of permitted actions. For example, an "editor" may be able to update items, but not delete them. This would be encoded directly in the rule, only changing when the application changes. Agent and Resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rule considers the acting user and the target resource, in light of permitted agents. An **agent** is an abstraction of a permitted user or group. There is some semantic overlap in common usage of the terms group and role. For this discussion, a group serves as a simple set of users, not directly implying any permitted actions like a role would. A group could serve as a container for resources or be permitted to take actions on a resource by a property such as "shared with". The agent abstraction allows actions to be permitted to single users or groups without spreading conditional handling for both cases throughout an application. A rule of this type will commonly check the equivalent of information like whether the user owns the resource, if the resource is shared directly with the user, or if any of the groups to which the user belongs matches any of the groups that the resource is shared with. The agent abstraction reduces this type of check to whether the agent owns the resource or if the resource is shared with the agent. The rules can remain simple with the consistent semantics of "user or group" externalized. Agent, Resource, Context, Role, and Permissions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rule considers all of the above information in addition to dynamic permissions granted to roles. The roles may be fixed by the application or configurable. The permissions implied by a role are not fixed and must be resolved at runtime. The configuration of the permissions may occur as a customization of a deployed source file, a system configuration file read at startup, or persisted elsewhere. Inspecting rules of this type is much more abstract and requires significantly more knowledge of the deployment infrastructure and configuration model, especially if the permissions are granted in a database. Tests can only verify that the right authorization questions are asked and answered as expected for example configurations; they are no longer effective for verifying that an application will behave as desired in production. The implementors hold the responsibility for ensuring that the configuration is correct. Significant tooling is typically built to allow runtime inspection or modification of permissions within applications with this level of flexibility. "One Rule" ~~~~~~~~~~ In scenarios where groups, roles, permissions, and actions must be allowed to be defined at runtime, the rules tend to become very generic while the "fact" data becomes very detailed. Almost no literal values will be used in a rule, relying on assembly of a set of attributes and requirements from persisted data. Taken far enough, this approach sometimes reduces the set of business rules to "one rule" serving as a first-order logic solver over a fully dynamic set of facts. All parts of the application must make authorization requests in a generic format to a single point of control. Systems needing this level of flexibility are rare. For example, it is sometimes seen in the ERP and CMS spaces where installers build workflows, modules, and whole business applications in that environment at runtime -- the developers of the base application implement a development environment as much as a specific application. Inspection or modification of rules and facts in a system of this complexity requires extensive operational tooling and expertise. Enterprise Authorization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some enterprises externalize application rules to policy systems. The applications formulate requests in a standardized format, being explicit about the subject, resources, and action in terms of enterprise identifiers. These requests are then validated against policies managed at the enterprise level. This approach provides consistency across applications and services at an enormous complexity and operational cost, hence it will not be under further discussion here.