= render "renalware/shared/errors", model: slot = simple_form_for(slot, url: hd_diary_slots_path(slot.diary.id), html: { id: "slot-form", autocomplete: "off" }, remote: true, method: :post, wrapper: :horizontal_form) do |f| =f.input :station_id, as: :hidden =f.input :diurnal_period_code_id, as: :hidden =f.input :day_of_week, as: :hidden .row .col-small-4 = f.input :change_type, input_html: { id: :change_type }, collection: slot.patient_search_options, include_blank: false, label: "Search" .col-small-8 / We will post 3 patient_id values in hd_diary_slot[patient_id][] / The value selected in in change_type above will determine which one to choose. #patient_select2s #dialysing_on_day_and_period =f.input :patient_id, collection: slot.patients_preferring_to_dialyse_today_in_this_period, label_method: :text, value_method: :id, input_html: { class: "searchable_select patient-id-select2", id: "patient_id1", name: "hd_diary_slot[patient_id][]" } #dialysing_on_day(style="display:none") =f.input :patient_id, collection: slot.patients_preferring_to_dialyse_today, label_method: :text, value_method: :id, input_html: { class: "searchable_select patient-id-select2", id: "patient_id2", name: "hd_diary_slot[patient_id][]" } #dialysing_at_unit(style="display:none") = f.input :patient_id, collection: [], input_html: {\ class: "patient-id-select2 patient-ajax-search", name: "hd_diary_slot[patient_id][]", data: { "ajax--url" => hd_patients_dialysing_at_unit_path(unit_id: slot.diary.hospital_unit_id, format: :json), placeholder: "Type 3 or more characters" }\ } #dialysing_at_hospital(style="display:none") = f.input :patient_id, collection: [], input_html: {\ class: "patient-id-select2 patient-ajax-search", name: "hd_diary_slot[patient_id][]", data: { "ajax--url" => hd_patients_dialysing_at_hospital_path(format: :json), placeholder: "Type 3 or more characters" }\ } =f.submit "Add for this week only", class: "button save weekly" |   =f.submit "Add to this and all future weeks", class: "button secondary master", name: "master" = blank_separator =link_to "Cancel", "#", "aria-label" => "Close", class: "reveal-modal-close" javascript: $(document).ready(function() { // 1. add handler for button if master set action $('input.master[type=submit]').click(function (e) { var master_slots_url = $(".diary").data("master-diary-slots-path"); $("#slot-form").attr('action', master_slots_url); }); $('input.weekly[type=submit]').click(function (e) { var weekly_slots_url = $(".diary").data("weekly-diary-slots-path"); $("#slot-form").attr('action', weekly_slots_url); }); refreshSelect2s("#{slot.change_type}"); function resizeSelect2ToFitModalWidth(container) { $('.select2', container).css('width', "100%"); $('#tabs').on('tabsactivate', function(event, ui) { $('.select2').css('width', "100%"); }); } function refreshSelect2s(change_type) { if (change_type == '') return; // Hide any showing patient select2's then display just the one corresponding to // what was selected in change_type. The value in the change_type option // will exist as an html id, wrapping the patient select2s var container = $("#patient_select2s") $("#patient_select2s > div").hide(); $("#patient_select2s > #" + change_type).show(); $("#patient_select2s .patient-id-select2").val("").trigger('change'); resizeSelect2ToFitModalWidth(container); } $("#change_type").on("change", function() { change_type = $(this).val(); // e.g. "dialysing_at_unit" refreshSelect2s(change_type); }) });