require 'spec_helper' describe Listen::File do let(:async_record) do instance_double( Listen::Record, add_dir: true, update_file: true, unset_path: true ) end let(:record) do instance_double( Listen::Record, async: async_record, file_data: record_data ) end let(:path) { Pathname.pwd } let(:subject) { described_class.change(record, path, 'file.rb') } around { |example| fixtures { } } before { allow(::File).to receive(:lstat) { fail 'Not stubbed!' } } describe '#change' do let(:expected_data) do { mtime: kind_of(Float), mode: kind_of(Integer) } end context 'with file record' do let(:record_mtime) { nil } let(:record_md5) { nil } let(:record_mode) { nil } let(:record_data) do { mtime: record_mtime, md5: record_md5, mode: record_mode } end context 'with non-existing file' do before { allow(::File).to receive(:lstat) { fail Errno::ENOENT } } it { should be :removed } it 'sets path in record' do expect(async_record).to receive(:unset_path).with(path, 'file.rb') subject end end context 'with existing file' do let(:stat_mtime) { - 1234.567 } let(:stat_ctime) { - 1234.567 } let(:stat_atime) { - 1234.567 } let(:stat_mode) { 0640 } let(:md5) { fail 'stub me (md5)' } let(:stat) do instance_double( File::Stat, mtime: stat_mtime, atime: stat_atime, ctime: stat_ctime, mode: stat_mode ) end before do allow(::File).to receive(:lstat) { stat } allow(Digest::MD5).to receive(:file) { double(:md5, digest: md5) } end context 'with different mode in record' do let(:record_mode) { 0722 } it { should be :modified } it 'sets path in record with expected data' do expect(async_record).to receive(:update_file). with(path, 'file.rb', expected_data) subject end end context 'with same mode in record' do let(:record_mode) { stat_mode } # e.g. file was overwritten by earlier copy context 'with earlier mtime than in record' do let(:record_mtime) { stat_mtime.to_f - 123.45 } it { should be :modified } it 'sets path in record with expected data' do expect(async_record).to receive(:update_file). with(path, 'file.rb', expected_data) subject end end context 'with later mtime than in record' do let(:record_mtime) { stat_mtime.to_f + 123.45 } it { should be :modified } it 'sets path in record with expected data' do expect(async_record).to receive(:update_file). with(path, 'file.rb', expected_data) subject end end context 'with indentical mtime in record' do let(:record_mtime) { stat_mtime.to_f } context 'with accurate stat times' do let(:stat_mtime) { } let(:stat_atime) { } let(:stat_ctime) { } let(:record_mtime) { stat_mtime.to_f } it { should be_nil } end context 'with inaccurate stat times' do let(:stat_mtime) { } let(:stat_atime) { } let(:stat_ctime) { } let(:record_mtime) { stat_mtime.to_f } context 'with real mtime barely not within last second' do before { allow(Time).to receive(:now) { now } } # NOTE: if real mtime is ???14.99, the # saved mtime is ???14.0 let(:now) { } it { should be_nil } end context 'with real mtime barely within last second' do # NOTE: real mtime is in range (???14.0 .. ???14.999), # so saved mtime at ???14.0 means it could be # ???14.999, so ???15.999 could still be within 1 second # range let(:now) { } before { allow(Time).to receive(:now) { now } } context 'without available md5' do let(:md5) { fail Errno::ENOENT } # Treat it as a removed file, because chances are ... # whatever is listening for changes won't be able to deal # with the file either (e.g. because of permissions) it { should be :removed } it 'should not unset record' do expect(async_record).to_not receive(:unset_path) end end context 'with available md5' do let(:md5) { 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' } context 'with same md5 in record' do let(:record_md5) { md5 } it { should be_nil } end context 'with no md5 in record' do let(:record_md5) { nil } it { should be_nil } end context 'with different md5 in record' do let(:record_md5) { 'foo' } it { should be :modified } it 'sets path in record with expected data' do expect(async_record).to receive(:update_file). with(path, 'file.rb', expected_data. merge(md5: md5)) subject end end end end end end end end end context 'with empty record' do let(:record_data) { {} } context 'with existing path' do let(:stat) do instance_double( File::Stat, mtime: 1234, mode: 0645 ) end before do allow(::File).to receive(:lstat) { stat } end it 'returns added' do expect(subject).to eq :added end it 'sets path in record with expected data' do expect(async_record).to receive(:update_file). with(path, 'file.rb', expected_data) subject end end end end describe '#inaccurate_mac_time?' do let(:stat) do instance_double(File::Stat, mtime: mtime, atime: atime, ctime: ctime) end subject { Listen::File.inaccurate_mac_time?(stat) } context 'with no accurate times' do let(:mtime) { } let(:atime) { } let(:ctime) { } it { should be_truthy } end context 'with all accurate times' do let(:mtime) { } let(:atime) { } let(:ctime) { } it { should be_falsey } end context 'with one accurate time' do let(:mtime) { } let(:atime) { } let(:ctime) { } it { should be_falsey } end end end