module Toy module Persistence extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def store(name=nil, client=nil, options={}) assert_client(name, client) @store = Adapter[name].new(client, options) if !name.nil? && !client.nil? assert_store(name, client, 'store') @store end def has_store? !@store.nil? end def cache(name=nil, client=nil) assert_client(name, client) @cache = Adapter[name].new(client) if !name.nil? && !client.nil? assert_store(name, client, 'cache') @cache end def has_cache? !@cache.nil? end def store_key(id) id end def create(attrs={}) new(attrs).tap { |doc| } end def delete(*ids) ids.each { |id| get(id).try(:delete) } end def destroy(*ids) ids.each { |id| get(id).try(:destroy) } end private def assert_client(name, client) raise(ArgumentError, 'Client is required') if !name.nil? && client.nil? end def assert_store(name, client, which) raise(StandardError, "No #{which} has been set") if name.nil? && client.nil? && !send(:"has_#{which}?") end end module InstanceMethods def store end def cache self.class.cache end def store_key self.class.store_key(id) end def new_record? @_new_record == true end def destroyed? @_destroyed == true end def persisted? !new_record? && !destroyed? end def save(*) new_record? ? create : update end def update_attributes(attrs) self.attributes = attrs save end def destroy delete end def delete key = store_key @_destroyed = true logger.debug("ToyStore DEL #{} #{key.inspect}") store.delete(key) end private def create persist! end def update persist! end def persist @_new_record = false end def persist! key, attrs = store_key, persisted_attributes attrs.delete('id') # no need to persist id as that is key if self.class.has_cache? cache.write(key, attrs) log_operation('WTS', self, cache, key, attrs) end store.write(key, attrs) log_operation('SET', self, store, key, attrs) persist each_embedded_object { |doc| doc.send(:persist) } true end end end end