require 'support/ruby_interpreter' require 'vcr/cassette/serializers' require 'multi_json' begin require 'psych' # ensure psych is loaded for these tests if its available rescue LoadError end module VCR class Cassette describe Serializers do shared_examples_for "encoding error handling" do |name, error_class| context "the #{name} serializer" do it 'appends info about the :preserve_exact_body_bytes option to the error' do expect { result = serializer.serialize("a" => string) serializer.deserialize(result) }.to raise_error(error_class, /preserve_exact_body_bytes/) end unless (RUBY_INTERPRETER == :rubinius && RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1.9/) end end shared_examples_for "a serializer" do |name, file_extension, lazily_loaded| let(:serializer) { subject[name] } context "the #{name} serializer" do it 'lazily loads the serializer' do serializers = subject.instance_variable_get(:@serializers) expect(serializers).not_to have_key(name) expect(subject[name]).not_to be_nil expect(serializers).to have_key(name) end if lazily_loaded it "returns '#{file_extension}' as the file extension" do expect(serializer.file_extension).to eq(file_extension) end it "can serialize and deserialize a hash" do hash = { "a" => 7, "nested" => { "hash" => [1, 2, 3] }} serialized = serializer.serialize(hash) expect(serialized).not_to eq(hash) expect(serialized).to be_a(String) deserialized = serializer.deserialize(serialized) expect(deserialized).to eq(hash) end end end it_behaves_like "a serializer", :yaml, "yml", :lazily_loaded do it_behaves_like "encoding error handling", :yaml, ArgumentError do let(:string) { "\xFA".force_encoding("UTF-8") } before { ::YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'psych' if defined?(::YAML::ENGINE) } end if ''.respond_to?(:encoding) end it_behaves_like "a serializer", :syck, "yml", :lazily_loaded do it_behaves_like "encoding error handling", :syck, ArgumentError do let(:string) { "\xFA".force_encoding("UTF-8") } end if ''.respond_to?(:encoding) end it_behaves_like "a serializer", :psych, "yml", :lazily_loaded do it_behaves_like "encoding error handling", :psych, ArgumentError do let(:string) { "\xFA".force_encoding("UTF-8") } end if ''.respond_to?(:encoding) end if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9/ it_behaves_like "a serializer", :compressed, "gz", :lazily_loaded do it_behaves_like "encoding error handling", :compressed, ArgumentError do let(:string) { "\xFA".force_encoding("UTF-8") } end if ''.respond_to?(:encoding) end it_behaves_like "a serializer", :json, "json", :lazily_loaded do engines = {} if RUBY_INTERPRETER == :jruby # don't test yajl on jruby else engines[:yajl] = MultiJson::LoadError end if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9/ engines[:json_gem] = EncodingError # Disable json_pure for now due to this bug: # # engines[:json_pure] = EncodingError end engines.each do |engine, error| context "when MultiJson is configured to use #{engine.inspect}", :unless => (RUBY_INTERPRETER == :jruby) do before { MultiJson.engine = engine } it_behaves_like "encoding error handling", :json, error do let(:string) { "\xFA" } end end end end context "a custom :ruby serializer" do let(:custom_serializer) do do |obj| def obj.file_extension "rb" end def obj.serialize(hash) hash.inspect end def obj.deserialize(string) eval(string) end end end before(:each) do subject[:ruby] = custom_serializer end it_behaves_like "a serializer", :ruby, "rb", false end describe "#[]=" do context 'when there is already a serializer registered for the given name' do before(:each) do subject[:foo] = :old_serializer allow(subject).to receive :warn end it 'overrides the existing serializer' do subject[:foo] = :new_serializer expect(subject[:foo]).to be(:new_serializer) end it 'warns that there is a name collision' do expect(subject).to receive(:warn).with( /WARNING: There is already a VCR cassette serializer registered for :foo\. Overriding it/ ) subject[:foo] = :new_serializer end end end describe "#[]" do it 'raises an error when given an unrecognized serializer name' do expect { subject[:foo] }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'returns the named serializer' do expect(subject[:yaml]).to be(VCR::Cassette::Serializers::YAML) end end # see problematic_syck_string = "1\n \n2" describe "psych serializer" do it 'serializes things using pysch even if syck is configured as the default YAML engine' do ::YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck' serialized = subject[:psych].serialize(problematic_syck_string) expect(subject[:psych].deserialize(serialized)).to eq(problematic_syck_string) end if defined?(::Psych) && RUBY_VERSION.to_f < 2.0 it 'raises an error if psych cannot be loaded' do expect { subject[:psych] }.to raise_error(LoadError) end unless defined?(::Psych) end describe "syck serializer" do it 'forcibly serializes things using syck even if psych is the currently configured YAML engine' do ::YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'psych' serialized = subject[:syck].serialize(problematic_syck_string) expect(subject[:syck].deserialize(serialized)).not_to eq(problematic_syck_string) end if defined?(::Psych) && (RUBY_INTERPRETER != :jruby) && (RUBY_VERSION.to_f < 2.0) end end end end