module Redcar class ProjectCommand < Command sensitize :open_project def project Project::Manager.in_window(win) end end class Project class OpenFileCommand < Command def initialize(path = nil, adapter = @path = path @adapter = adapter end def execute path = get_path if path if File.readable? path Manager.open_file(path, @adapter) else Application::Dialog.message_box( "Can't read #{path}, you don't have the permissions.", :type => :error, :buttons => :ok ) end end end private def get_path @path || begin if path = Application::Dialog.open_file(:filter_path => Manager.filter_path)['last_dir'] = File.dirname(File.expand_path(path)) path end end end end class FileReloadCommand < EditTabCommand def initialize(path = nil, adapter = @path = path end def execute if tab.edit_view.document.modified? result = Application::Dialog.message_box("This tab has unsaved changes. \n\nReload?", :buttons => :yes_no_cancel) case result when :yes tab.edit_view.document.update_from_mirror when :no when :cancel end else tab.edit_view.document.update_from_mirror end end end class OpenRemoteSpeedbar < Redcar::Speedbar class << self attr_accessor :connection def connections end def connection_names if connections && connections.any? ['Select...', { |c| }].flatten end end end def initialize connection.items = self.class.connection_names end label :connection_label, 'Connect to:' combo :connection button :connect, "Connect", "Return" do selected = self.class.connections.find { |c| == connection.value } Manager.connect_to_remote(selected[:protocol], selected[:host], selected[:user], selected[:path], ConnectionManager::PrivateKeyStore.paths) end button :quick, "Quick Connection", "Ctrl+Q" do @speedbar = end button :manage, "Connections Manager", "Ctrl+M" do end end class QuickOpenRemoteSpeedbar < Redcar::Speedbar class << self attr_accessor :host attr_accessor :user attr_accessor :password attr_accessor :path attr_accessor :protocol end combo :protocol, %w(SFTP FTP), 'SFTP' label :host_label, "Host:" textbox :host label :user_label, "User:" textbox :user label :path_label, "Path:" textbox :path button :connect, "Connect", "Return" do Manager.connect_to_remote(protocol.value, host.value, user.value, path.value, ConnectionManager::PrivateKeyStore.paths) end end #class OpenRemoteCommand < Command # def initialize(url=nil) # @url = url # end # # def execute # unless @url # @speedbar = # win.open_speedbar(@speedbar) # end # end #end class SaveFileCommand < EditTabCommand def initialize(tab=nil) @tab = tab end def execute if tab.edit_view.document.mirror path = tab.edit_view.document.mirror.path dir = File.dirname(path) writable_file = File.writable?(path) writable_dir = File.writable?(dir) # this method buggy in windows: file_exists = File.exist?(path) can_write = writable_file || (!file_exists && writable_dir) if can_write begin! Project::Manager.refresh_modified_file(tab.edit_view.document.mirror.path) rescue Errno::EACCES # windows show_dialog = true end else show_dialog = true end if show_dialog Application::Dialog.message_box( "Can't save #{tab.edit_view.document.mirror.path}, you don't have the permissions.", :type => :error, :buttons => :ok ) result = false end else result = end tab.update_for_file_changes result ||= true return result end end class SaveFileAsCommand < EditTabCommand def initialize(tab=nil, path=nil) @tab = tab @path = path end def execute path = get_path if path if File.exists?(path) ? File.writable?(path) : File.writable?(File.dirname(path)) contents = tab.edit_view.document.to_s new_mirror = new_mirror.commit(contents) tab.edit_view.document.mirror = new_mirror Project::Manager.refresh_modified_file(tab.edit_view.document.mirror.path) else Application::Dialog.message_box( "Can't save #{path}, you don't have the permissions.", :type => :error, :buttons => :ok ) result = false end end result ||= true return result end private def get_path @path || begin if path = Application::Dialog.save_file(:filter_path => Manager.filter_path)['last_dir'] = File.dirname(File.expand_path(path)) path end end end end class DirectoryOpenCommand < Command def initialize(path=nil) @path = path end def execute if path = get_path project = Manager.open_project_for_path(path) project.refresh if project end end private def get_path @path || begin if path = Application::Dialog.open_directory(:filter_path => Manager.filter_path)['last_dir'] = File.dirname(File.expand_path(path)) path end end end end class RefreshDirectoryCommand < ProjectCommand def execute project.refresh end end class FindFileCommand < ProjectCommand def execute if Manager.focussed_project.remote? Application::Dialog.message_box("Find file doesn't work in remote projects yet :(") return end dialog = end end class FindRecentCommand < Command def execute end end class RevealInProjectCommand < ProjectCommand def execute if project tab = if tab.is_a?(EditTab) return unless mirror = tab.edit_view.document.mirror and mirror.respond_to? :path else return end path = mirror.path tree = project.tree current = while current.any? ancestor_node = current.detect {|node| path =~ /^#{node.path}($|\/)/ } return unless ancestor_node tree.expand(ancestor_node) current = ancestor_node.children end project.window.treebook.focus_tree(project.tree) end end end class ToggleRevealInProject < ProjectCommand def execute toggle = Project::Manager.reveal_files? Project::Manager.reveal_files = !toggle end end # FIXME: XXX: The rest of this file is outright ugly. The Redcar.platform ultimately # needs to return a platform object which we can dispatch to for commandlines, # configuration, escaping and all that. class OpenCommand < Command attr_reader :path def initialize(path) @path = path end def find(executable) path = if Redcar.platform == :windows ENV['PATH'].split(';') else ENV['PATH'].split(':') end.find {|d| File.exist?(File.join(d, executable))} if path File.join(path, executable) else nil end end def run_application(app, *options) # TODO: Investigate why Spoon doesn't seem to work on osx if SPOON_AVAILABLE and ::Spoon.supported? and Redcar.platform != :osx ::Spoon.spawn(app, *options) else # TODO: This really needs proper escaping. options = {|o| %{ "#{o}" } }.join(' ') do system("#{app} #{options}") puts " Finished: #{app} #{options}" end end end end class OpenDirectoryInExplorerCommand < OpenCommand LinuxApps = { 'Thunar' => '%s', 'nautilus' => '%s', 'konqueror' => '%s', 'pcmanfm' => '%s', 'kfm' => '%s' } def explorer_osx ['open -a Finder', path] end def explorer_windows ['explorer.exe', path.gsub("/", "\\")] end def explorer_linux preferred =['preferred_file_browser'] run = preferred if LinuxApps[preferred] and find(preferred) LinuxApps.keys.detect {|a| run = @command.find(a) } unless run['preferred_file_browser'] = run unless preferred [run, LinuxApps[File.basename(run)] % path ] if run end def execute(options = nil) @path ||= options[:value] @command = self cmd = send(:"explorer_#{Redcar.platform}") if cmd run_application(*cmd) else Application::Dialog.message_box("Sorry, we couldn't start your file manager. Please let us know what file manager you use, so we can fix this!") end end end class OpenDirectoryInCommandLineCommand < OpenCommand LinuxApps = { 'xfce4-terminal' => "--working-directory=%s", 'gnome-terminal' => "--working-directory=%s", 'lxterminal' => "--working-directory=%s", 'konsole' => "--workdir %s" } def osx_terminal_script(preferred) if preferred.start_with? "iTerm" <<-OSASCRIPT tell the first terminal launch session "Default Session" tell the last session write text "cd \\\"#{path}\\\"" end tell end tell OSASCRIPT else %{ do script "cd \\\"#{path}\\\"" } end end def commandline_osx preferred = (['preferred_command_line'] ||= "Terminal") <<-BASH.gsub(/^\s*/, '') osascript <