module ComponentHelper # rendering link for sortable column that used by rich table component def sort_link(column = {}, options = {}) new_params = new_params.merge! params case column when Hash new_params.merge!(column[:params]) if column[:params].present? options[:title] ||= column[:title].to_s if column[:value].present? options[:title] = column[:label] column = column[:value] else column = column[:column] end when Array options[:title] = column[1].presence || column.first.to_s.split('.').last(2).join('_') column = column.first end options[:title] = options[:title].presence || column.to_s.split('.').last(2).join('_') options[:controller] ||= controller_name options[:params][:rtc_controller_name] = options[:rtc_controller_name].presence || controller_name options[:params][:rtc_partial] = options[:rtc_partial] if options[:rtc_partial].present? css_class = (column == sort_column) ? "current #{sort_direction}" : nil direction = (column == sort_column && sort_direction == "asc") ? "desc" : "asc" options[:params].stringify_keys! new_params.merge!(options[:params]) if !action_name.eql? 'index' new_params.merge!({pgos: true}) end new_params.merge!({controller: options[:controller], sort: column, direction: direction, page: params[:page]}.stringify_keys!) #new_params.merge!({controller: options[:controller], sort: column, direction: direction, page: params[:page]}) link_to t("#{options[:title]}"), new_params, {class: css_class, remote: true, title: t("#{options[:title]}")} end # Return part div def part(opts = {}) content_tag :div, class: "part #{opts[:class]}" do if opts[:label].present? content_tag(:span, opts[:label], class: "part_label") + content_tag(:span, opts[:value], class: "part_value", title: opts[:title], rel: 'tooltip') else content_tag(:span, opts[:value], class: "part_value", title: opts[:title], rel: 'tooltip') end end end def icon(ico, text = '', pos = 'left') if pos.eql? 'right' sanitize text + ' ' else sanitize ' ' + text end end def button_form_actions(fobj) result = '' # result << (fobj.error :base).presence || '' result << '
' result << (fobj.button :submit, 'Simpan', class: 'btn btn-large btn-primary btn_submit') result << '
' result.html_safe end def button_edit(obj, opts = {}) opts[:scope_params] ||= {} ( link_to icon('pencil'), {controller:, id: obj, action: :edit}.merge(opts[:scope_params]), remote: true, title: 'Ubah data', rel: 'tooltip', class: 'btn btn-mini edit' ).html_safe end def button_delete(obj, opts = {}) opts[:scope_params] ||= {} ( link_to icon('trash'), {controller:, id: obj, action: :destroy}.merge(opts[:scope_params]), confirm: 'Apa and yakin?', method: :delete, remote: true, title: 'Hapus data', rel: 'tooltip', class: 'btn btn-mini btn-danger delete' ).html_safe end def button_edit_delete(obj) [button_edit(obj), button_delete(obj)].join(' ').strip.html_safe end def button_edit_with_cancan(obj, opts = {}) can?(:edit, obj) ? button_edit(obj, opts).html_safe : '' end def button_delete_with_cancan(obj, opts = {}) can?(:delete, obj) ? button_delete(obj, opts).html_safe : '' end def button_edit_delete_with_cancan(obj, opts = {}) [button_edit_with_cancan(obj, opts), button_delete_with_cancan(obj, opts)].join(' ').strip.html_safe end def uneditable_input_control(value, label = ' ') content_tag :div, class: "control-group" do content_tag(:label, label, class: "control-label") + content_tag(:div, class: "controls") do content_tag(:div, value, class: "uneditable-input input-xlarge") end end end def uneditable_textarea_control(value, label = ' ') content_tag :div, class: "control-group" do content_tag(:label, label, class: "control-label") + content_tag(:div, class: "controls") do content_tag(:div, value, class: "uneditable-textarea input-xlarge") end end end def lvr_row_id(item) "#{}_list_view_row_#{}" end def lvr_row_class(item) "#{controller_name}_#{}_list_view_row" end def component_by_page slug comp_page = Page.find_by_slug slug result = '' if comp_page result = "
" + "
" + "

#{}" + "

" + "
" + "
#{truncate_html(comp_page.description, 300)}" + "
" + "
" end result.html_safe end def with_html_title text "#{text}".html_safe if text.present? end def time_period(sdate, edate) strsdate = sdate.present? ? (mdate sdate) : "-" stredate = edate.present? ? (mdate edate) : "-" "#{strsdate} #{t('to')} #{stredate}" end # Needed for constructing dot format in recapitulation matrix def mapping_label(arr) [['mapping'] + arr].flatten.join('.') end def render_rtc(options) render partial: 'rich_table_component/rtc/component', locals: options end def render_rich_table_component(options) render partial: 'rich_table_component/rtc/component', locals: options end def render_recapitulation(options) render partial: 'rich_table_component/rtc/recapitulation_matrix', locals: options end end