module ActionView module Helpers module FormHelper def wrapped_inputs object_name, object = nil, options = {}, wrapper, &block builder = instantiate_builder(object_name, object, options, &block) fields = capture(builder, &block) end end end end module BootstrapsBootstraps # # This class started out as a gist somewhere but I can't seem to find the # original. At any rate its been modified over time to make it not break # and to update it to make it compatible with Bootstrap2. # # If I'm being brutally honest its a bit of a cluster of metaprogramming # and it can be pretty difficult to understand. BUT it does seem to work # so far. # class BootstrapFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder delegate :capture, :content_tag, :tag, to: :@template def initialize(object_name, object, template, options, block) super(object_name, object, template, options, block) @form_mode = :vertical #default value @form_mode = :horizontal if options[:horizontal] || detect_html_class(options, 'form-horizontal') @form_mode = :search if options[:search] || detect_html_class(options, 'form-search') @form_mode = :inline if options[:inline] || detect_html_class(options, 'form-inline') @action_wrapped = options[:action_wrapped] end #the main method constructor which takes care of most of the use cases %w[text_field text_area password_field number_field telephone_field url_field email_field range_field file_field].each do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do |name, *args| options = args.extract_options! #abort and just let the rails formbuilder do its thing if options[:vanilla] return super(name, *(args.push(options))) end errors, error_msg = render_errors name label_options = options.clone label_options[:class] = options[:label_class] unless options[:label_class].nil? guarantee_html_class label_options, 'control-label' label = options[:label] == false ? ''.html_safe : field_label(name, label_options) guarantee_html_class options options[:class].push 'input-xlarge' if options[:large] || method_name == 'text_area' options[:class].push 'inline' if @form_mode == :inline options.delete :label args.push(options).unshift(name) field = super(*args) + ' ' + error_msg #wrap it in div.controls field = div_with_class(['controls',errors], :content => field) if @form_mode == :horizontal #tack on the label field = label + field unless @form_mode == :inline #wrap it in div.control-group field = div_with_class(['control-group',errors], :content => field) if @form_mode == :horizontal field end end def check_box method, options = {}, checked_value = 1, unchecked_value = 0 if options[:vanilla] return super end guarantee_html_class options, :checkbox options[:class].push 'inline' if @form_mode == :inline text = options[:label] || '' options.delete :label field_label(method, options) do super(method,options,checked_value,unchecked_value) + text end end def collection_select method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = {}, html_options = {} #abort and just let the rails formbuilder do its thing if options[:vanilla] return super end errors, error_msg = render_errors method label_options = html_options.clone guarantee_html_class label_options, 'control-label' name = options[:label] || method label = options[:label] == false ? ''.html_safe : field_label(options[:label], label_options) guarantee_html_class options options[:class].push 'input-xlarge' if options[:large] options[:class].push 'inline' if @form_mode == :inline options.delete :label field = super(method,collection,value_method,text_method,options,html_options) + ' ' + error_msg #wrap it in div.controls field = div_with_class(['controls',errors], :content => field) if @form_mode == :horizontal #tack on the label field = label + field unless @form_mode == :inline #wrap it in div.control-group field = div_with_class(['control-group',errors], :content => field) if @form_mode == :horizontal field end def date_select method, options = {}, html_options = {} field = super return field if options[:vanilla] errors, error_msg = render_errors method #hmm, apparently TODO help_text options label_options = html_options.clone label_options[:class] = ['control-label'] #guarantee_html_class label_options, 'control-label' label = options[:label] == false ? ''.html_safe : field_label(method, label_options) guarantee_html_class html_options, 'inline' field += ' '.html_safe + error_msg field = div_with_class(['controls',errors], :content => field) if @form_mode == :horizontal field = label + field field = div_with_class(['control-group',errors], :content => field) if @form_mode == :horizontal field end def radio_button method, value, options = {} guarantee_html_class options, 'radio' error_class, error_message = render_errors method text = options[:label] || '' options.delete :label content_tag(:label, class: options[:class]) do super(method,value,options) + text end end def submit method, options = {} # options block gets stringify_keys called on it in the first super, no :keys exist after that field = super return field if options['vanilla'] field = div_with_class('form-actions', content: field) unless options['no_action_block'] || @action_wrapped || [:inline, :search].include?(@form_mode) puts @action_wrapped field end #input groups def inline_inputs field_options = {}, &block field_options[:inline] = true wrapper = lambda { |content| field_group = div_with_class('controls', content: content) field_group = label( field_options[:label], field_options[:label], class: 'control-label' ) + field_group field_group = div_with_class('control-group', content: field_group) } @template.wrapped_inputs(@object_name, @object, @options.merge(field_options), wrapper, &block) end def grouped_inputs field_options = {}, &block wrapper = lambda do |content| field_group = div_with_class('controls', content:content) if field_options[:label] field_group = label( field_options[:label], field_options[:label], class: 'control-label') + field_group end field_group = div_with_class('control-group', content:field_group) end @template.wrapped_inputs(@object_name, @object, @options, wrapper, &block) end def form_actions field_options = {}, &block field_options[:action_wrapped] = true wrapper = lambda { |content| field_group = div_with_class('form-actions', content: content) } @template.wrapped_inputs(@object_name, @object, @options.merge(field_options), wrapper, &block) end private def field_label(name, options = {}, &block) guarantee_html_class options clss = options[:class] clss.push 'required' if object.class.validators_on(name).any? { |v| v.kind_of? ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator} label(name, options[:label], class: clss, &block) end def objectify_options(options) super.except(:label) end def detect_html_class options_hash, css_class if options[:html] && options[:html][:class] if options[:html][:class].kind_of? Array options[:html][:class].include css_class elsif options[:html][:class].kind_of? String options[:html][:class] == css_class else false end else false end end def guarantee_html_class options_hash, *new_classes if options_hash[:class].nil? options_hash[:class] = [] elsif options_hash[:class].kind_of?(Symbol)|| options_hash[:class].kind_of?(String) options_hash[:class] = [ options_hash[:class] ] end unless new_classes.empty? new_classes.each do |clss| options_hash[:class].push clss end end options_hash end def div_with_class clss, options = {}, &block options[:class] = [options[:class]] || [] options[:class].push clss classes = options[:class].join(' ').strip if block_given? content_tag :div, :class => classes, &block elsif options[:content] content_tag :div, :class => classes do options[:content] end else content_tag :div, :class => classes do end end end def render_errors method if object.nil? return ['',''] end errors = object.errors[method].any? ? 'error' : '' error_msg = object.errors[method].any? ? content_tag(:span, object.errors[method].join(","), class: 'help-inline') : '' [errors, error_msg] end def help_text options options[:help_text].blank? ? '' : content_tag(:span,options[:help_text], class: 'help-block') end end end